
The zZombie Evolution System

Unluckily for Ayden Cadell he gets transported into a world of war, sword, and sorcery after being hit by a truck on his way to the bank. As he got transported he was given a useful but one of the weirdest and cliche gifts...A system He is welcomed by a disturbing mettalic sound: [Host Recognized As Ayden Cadell] [System Preparation Initializing] [Preparation 40%] [Preparation: 60] [Preparation 90%] [Preparation Completed, Host Authorized] ... ... ... After Some Seconds og simence and feat he finds himself in a dark cave staring at the ceiling, will he survive or will his second chance cease to vain. [Zombie System Unlocked]

ShocKxRocK · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
3 Chs


"Where Is This Place," Ayden thought, panicked and confused. He wasn't used to such darkness and silence unless he was asleep dreaming. His senses gone, but his consciousness was still there.

Darkness. complete, utter darkness. Ayden was floating, hovering in a field of reflectionless darkness. There was nothing else, his five senses completely gone—no sound, taste, smell, touch...

He felt as if a skeleton hand could grab him and drag him down to hell. "I'm dead," Ayden muttered mentally. Grim and scary wild thoughts filled his head "This Is Death"

"My Judgement Will Soon Begin, I wish I never kicked the neighbor's dog for fun everyday til now. And not to forget scamming that guy," Ayden thought, shivering. He tried moving his arms and legs, but as he tried, he noticed he couldn't feel his body. Almost as if he never had a body.

"26 years old, money greedy"

"Scammer, that increases price sales for simpleton and idiotic looking customers"

"Clutz and a minor sociopath against dogs and animals"

Mentally uncomfortable voices filled his head "I'm sure going to hell" Ayden said. Ayden wanted to burst into tears and cry to his heart's content, but his body wouldn't respond to his mind. Almost as if the nervous signals had been cut, moments went by and Ayden saw ghostly images of his little sister, mom, and dad.

"How long does it take for the judgment time to start," Ayden thought, confused as it felt like hours had passed "Maybe I'm not dead? Is this how it feels to be in a coma. But that YouTube video said that it felt completely different from this. Maybe you forget ones you've woken up"

(Just Saying This Is Inspired By Another Novel, later Will Be Different)

Ayden was currently listing up his wicked deeds and how his place was certain. He felt like bawling his eyes out. He tried closing his non-existing eyes to sleep but to no vain "How can you sleep in a sleep you idiot" Ayden cursed. Before he could start mocking and cursing himself for.

how pathetic and a heartless person he was, a metallic voice interrupted him.

[System Preparation initializing]

[System Preparing For Startup Download]

[Preparation Percentage: 40%]

[Preparation Percentage: 90%]

[Preparation complete]

[Starting The Download]

"Can You Stop, And How Is This Happening" Ayden said, amused and stunned by what he was hearing and how disturbing it sounded "Can't you even have some peace while in a coma, leaving aside dead. All that ""R.I.P"" sh*t in gravestones isn't worth it if this happens"

Without listening to Ayden's curses and complaints, the voice started again:


[Downlaoding: 10%]

[Downloading: 20%]

"Please shut up, if not just hur-" Ayden said, stopping mid-sentence, "Something might happen if I tell it to hurry. Maybe just waiting for works, I have to say this voice really is annoying"

Ayden wandered off to other thoughts as he didn't want to make a wrong decision, he wanted to see where this went toward:





[Download Successfully complete]

[The zZombie System Is Unlocked, Welcome To The World Of Kitov, Host: Ayden]

"Nothing Happened, And I'm Still In This Seemingly Endless Coma Void"

[Host: Ayden is not In a coma, Host is currently dead. Transporting Will Soon Start]

the voice said again, There was a moment of silence and those moments Ayden felt as he wanted to cry but soon shrugged it off and started blaming the system"This voice really is annoying and stupid, maybe it's the reason I am here" Ayden said through gritted teeth

"Can you change your tone," he then blurted.

[What will Host: Ayden like?] the voice asked in its mechanical voice. Ayden thought back to all the anime and novels he had read from Mushoku Tensei to Shitara Slime, And I Am A Spider So What. Their systems and voices had the same female voice that sounded good and modern at the same time.

"Change it to Japanese female voice," Ayden commanded

[Voice has changed to female Japanese voice] a feminine female voice said "Yeah that's more like it" Ayden sighed in relief.

[30 Seconds Til Transporting] The system sounded again







Ayden finds himself in a dark cave

[Transporting Complete]