
The Zodiac King

After a meteorite crashes into earth causing everything to mutate humans evolved to have powers in the form of animals that shapeshift into weapons. Beasts and plants are common foes They conquer the solar system but physics deny them any further, until… Youd get back in line after riding it once Note: This is my first novel, i dont have a masters in english Not to say i dont have flaws as you might have noticed perhaps some sentence structure or the wrong use of ending sentence structures falter. GIVE ME POWER STONES MORE POWER STONES=MORE VIEWS MORE VIEWS=MORE TRAFFIC MORE TRAFFIC=MORE GREAT IMMERSIVE EXPERIENCES

PeachKing · Fantasy
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19 Chs

The Homeless man with one tooth

While Phillip was ruminating on whom the final member of this group would be, he remembered Jonas telling him to get ready getting his socks to be knocked off because other squads or teams had way more depth. He prepared many ointments even hemorrhoid cream. But for now he had to get himself ready, he only had one more week to prepare.

The next day, he was off to school, and along his way he took his new route there since he moved. While he didn't pass by the homeless man on the beach, well, the man was homeless. He moved behind the shack of Skanty Joes, a bar for all intensive purposes way too close to the school, and got a job there as night watchmen in order to get what he called free housing. Since Phillip moved, he was able to get more free time on the way to school before he met up with James and Jordan, so he decided to drop by the homeless man from time to time.

The morning crisp in the beginning months of winter, the leaves had all but grown back. An orange hue from the horizon painted across a very light blue sky, and birds chirping.

"Good morning." Phillip called out as he screamed in front of the hut. Phillip became more comfortable talking to the man since he began giving him extra change since he was 9. "While hello there young feller," said the man who looked to be in his mid 60s. "You off to school again?" The man whose name he found out to be 'Wulfor' opened the door to his hut and sat on the chair next to him.

You see the more he talked with him the more he found out about him, for instance he participated in the huge beast tide that occurred around 14 years ago, right before Phillip was born, or conceived for that matter. He claimed to have no family and said he was seriously hurt in the battle, he didn't have any one to rely on. Phillip felt really bad about this, because he thought those of whom who fights nobly in a just cause should get rewarded for the efforts of their labor, but this man in front of him was the living juxtaposition, and closer to the truth.

"Yeah I only have one more week to prepare for the inner city winter bout so you may not see me for a little while." He replied as he was reaching for his pocket to give the homeless man a bigger than usual allowance. He had to clean an extra yard, but he didn't mind. "S- Inner city b-bout?" Clamored Wulfur as he hesitated, his expression more worried than usual. If it wasn't for having but one tooth you could hear his breath whistle. His shaggy gray hair exposing his previous proverbs. He jumped out his chair.

"Listen to me young feller, whence you feel like it's about to take over do not give in!" Wulfor grabbed the boys shoulders and shook him with wide eyes. It'd been the first time he had gotten this close to the man and saw his dull blue eyes. He had a sharp nose and an elongated jaw. Phillip was confused, "What do you mean by don't let it take over?" As he felt this was the most anyone was concerned about him in awhile. Wulfur stepping back with his usual jittery eyes grew silent for a moment, Phillip paused for the reply.

Wulfur realizing that he might have said too much grabbed the nearest bottle and started downing that mug. BELCH, a burp followed. "Ha,ha," he laughed. Phillip also seeing the depravity of the situation stepping back a step. "What I mean is that in some cases of awakened is if they have opposing spirit animals, be wary of the one trying to take control, that hadn't been awakened first. For it is trying to fight the innate conflict in the heart, and may cause you to lose control of yourself." BELCH. "There are legit repercussions when that happens." He plopped back on the chair beside him.

"But Mr. Wulfur, I don't have any reason to have more than one spirit animal. I'm an orphan and the region I'm from is best known for garden snake spirits that are peculiarly good at hiding. The fact that I've got my wolf pup in of itself is outstanding." Wulfur tilted his head down and looked up at Phillip whispering, "You have the wolf spirit first?" He stared out in space as If reminiscing. "You are true blood." Confused again Philip said "Huh?" This time he really thought it was strange. "Can you show me?"

Even though the man had strange behavior he obliged. Mist started to materializing after he lifted his hand up and with a grunted face, a shape was starting to form. Out of it a wolf pup about 1 foot tall started wagging its tail, running around here and there. Wulfur had gotten out of his seat again as he saw Goddard running around the back of Skanty Joes. "A water pup," said Wulfur disheveled as he moved his head where ever it went. "You can tell what type it is?" Asked Phillip. "At first I thought I was a light user since i seemed to be able to refract light, but then I thought I was a nature user since I seemed to control weather, but that makes more sense."

"Refract light?" Wulfur said tartly. "Let me see." Again Phillip paused. He was hesitant if to show this person, but he didn't seem to be maleficent so again he obliged. He made another face, and with the grabbing motion of his static hand he drew power in his hands once more, but this time he held it. And instead of letting it disperse he made it more and more contract until the end result was a 8 sided diamond like shard of glass that floated above his palm. The prism was clear, yet the sun was peeking above the trees, the event horizon letting everyone know that the day is about to begin.

The light from the sun had shown down in cascading beams of light through the trees and shown itself on the prism. As it did a white light flashed from the refraction, and it began to glow many colors not uniformed. Different than a regular prism. Mist spouting from the shard also changing it's cloudy colors. "Young feller," Wulfur paused. "I don't think you know how lucky you truly are."

"Lucky?" Phillip looked up at him from the shard. All I did was contract the mist particles until it became a solid shape. "I can do spheres too but they take way more concentration," he threw the mist shard in the air and while it was going back down he clasped his hand, and the mist shard exploded into millions of fragments spread out a gaseous and colorful sequence on the landscape in the air between the trees. Wulfur shook his head, and grabbed his shoulders more softly this time. "No I mean that what you have there is one of your most greatest weapons, use it to shield you." He said the last part more somberly. "How can a weapon be used as a shield?"

Wulfur looked at him again, and once more sat back down in his chair, this time doting on Goddard lovingly, scratching behind his ear. Goddard doesn't have that much interaction with other people yet, I should bring him out more often as he saw how comfortable he was with Wulfur, and laid down right next to him. "There are many ways a weapon can be a shield. For example, in the wild." Wulfur gave him a blank stare. "Huh?"

Wulfur continued, "Whenever you're in the wild all you have is your instincts, your wits, and whatever you brought with you. Of course having a weapon and aura known can make for a much better shield in of itself, as they would not want to fight someone projecting they are more powerful than them. Or they might challenge them, similar to humans. When you're traveling in a pac-group it's much easier since you might have someone to watch your back but once you go hunting by yourself, it becomes a totally different story."

He squinted his eyes. "When you're by yourself out there there are many things stronger than you, and many more than then you, so whatever aura you have dictates animals affliction toward you, they see if your aura has any amount of bad intention and in doing so may eat you off their property out of principle. This is a very pure aura, they should never be able to detect you and if they do, you give off a very comfortable feeling and I had only seen it once before myself."

"You've seen it before?" Phillip got excited. "Er well it was a wandering adventurer but they're not around here any more." He looked back out in space. Phillip looked out in the same direction. "Mister, what do you keep looking at?" Then he noticed the time, "Oh shit I gotta get going, I'll see you around." He waved. "Wait before you go," Wulfur reached deep into his pocket and pulled out a necklace with a similar shaped, 8 sided diamond as Phillips mist shard. He placed it gently in his hand. "Your greatest weapon is your best shield"

A little while later after Phillip had left Wulfur had brought out his phone, the other end was ringing. A woman picked up the phone. "Hello?" "Hi Gertrude," Wulfur stared out the cracks of his hut. "Wulfur, how much did you tell him?" Wulfur sighed,"Not everything, but I did give him your sisters necklace." On the other side Bella's was playing while she sat down to rest for a minute. "He deserves to know Gertrude, the truth, all of it. He needs to know what happened to his parents." She got defensive, "I'll decide to tell him the truth when I know he's ready for it!" She screamed and hung up. Bella stopped what she was doing and looked at Gertrude. On Wulfurs' side, a long sigh, "Brother."