
The Zero Division Commander Manage The Whitebeard Pirates Temporarily

Goro Majima travels through the Pirate World, becomes the captain of the Zero Division of the Whitebeard Pirate Group, and activates the comic system. this is fanfic is not mine i just translated it so i can atleast try to make it readable the author of this fanfic: Ruiqi Xiangyun note: one piece is not mine, Eiichiro Oda is the creator of One Piece, a popular Japanese manga and anime series. He first started publishing One Piece in Weekly Shonen Jump magazine in 1997, and it has since become one of the best-selling manga series of all time. Oda is also known for his unique art style, creative character designs, and world-building skills, which have helped to make One Piece a beloved and enduring franchise. 2 chapters per day

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61 Chs

Chapter 45 Sasaki vs Gin

Sasaki drew his sword with a rhythmic clang, his Karakuri Rasento, a series of small blade flaps, perpendicularly set to the main blade, making it like a portable drill. He remarked how ironic it was that a strong man like Adolf was not being utilized and offered him a chance to join the Beasts Pirates.

He continued with a smirk, "It's ironic that such a powerful fighter like you is only being used as a patrol member. Old Whitebeard must be blind to not have noticed your potential."

Sasaki then turned to Adolf and offered, "Hey boy, you have some impressive strength. Why don't you ditch this patrol gig and join the Beasts Pirates instead? With your abilities, you can easily become a Shinuchi."

While the offer was meant to solicit, it was also meant to disturb Adolf's mood. However, Adolf and Gin found the suggestion hilarious, as they knew they owed everything to Captain Majima and would never betray the Whitebeard Pirates.

Sasaki's attention was solely on Adolf, given his reputation as a strong fighter. As for Gin, Sasaki didn't even acknowledge his existence.

Sasaki believed that it was highly unlikely for two hidden powerhouses to be present in such a small patrol unit.

Adolf chuckled as he responded, "Are you kidding me? Why would we join Beasts Pirates when we have a good home in Whitebeard Pirates? Sure, you're welcome to join us, but I doubt you'd be more than a lowly patrol member with your strength."

The two burst into laughter upon hearing Sasaki's words, causing him to furrow his brow in annoyance.

Sasaki's expression twisted with anger at Adolf's comment.

"You dare to suggest that I, Sasaki, am only fit for the lowly position of patrol member in the Whitebeard Pirates?" he seethed. "You are asking for a swift death!"

Sasaki's body underwent a transformation as his muscles swelled and his head transformed into a triceratops shape. Hard, bony plates also emerged on his neck, resembling armor. He had transformed into his human-animal form, the Triceratops.

Sasaki's expression tightened as he unleashed his Triceratops-human animal form and coated his arm with black Armament Haki. He swung it down with tremendous force, causing Adolf to sink down and his face to change.

Adolf realized the immense power of Sasaki's attack and how much stronger he was in his animal form. As Adolf had not yet passed the Jōnin exam, his strength was limited, and he struggled to counter Sasaki's attack, which was amplified by the power of the Dragon-Dragon Fruit, Triceratops Model.

Sasaki shook Adolf away and the bone disks on his neck started spinning rapidly. After a while, the spinning disks lifted Sasaki off the ground, like a helicopter's rotor, propelling him towards Adolf with immense force.

Sasaki called out his move, "Cannon Horned Dragon! I'll send you to your doom!"

Adolf's expression turned grave. He had experienced the might of Sasaki's attacks before and knew that this new technique was even more deadly. He realized that he was no match for Sasaki and looked over at Gin, who was standing beside him.

Gin calmly stated, "I'll handle this."

Upon hearing this, Adolf took a couple of steps back and positioned himself behind Gin.

Sasaki raised an eyebrow in confusion. He wondered why the strong man would hide behind someone who looked like a weakling. Was he planning to use the other guy as bait or cannon fodder?

However, the next moment, Sasaki's eyes widened in shock!

What's this?!

He saw black layer of Haki coating Gin's right hand,

Armament Haki!

The depth and quality of it was far superior to Adolf's Armament Haki!

What's going on? Is this patrolman also equipped with powerful Armament Haki?

But even if he has strong Armament Haki, can it really pose a threat to me, Sasaki?

As he was thinking this, Sasaki's eyes widened in disbelief once again.

What the hell is this now?!

He looked at Gin's right hand, and a terrifying lightning suddenly appeared!

"buzzttt buzztt buzzttt"

It was as if hundreds of thunderbolts had gathered in Gin's hand, the dazzling light turning white.

'Could it be...a Logia Devil Fruit power?' As soon as this idea came into being, Sasaki was taken aback by his own thoughts!

Realizing that Gin possesses the Logia Thunder Fruit, Sasaki is shocked by the Whitebeard Pirates' strength. Despite the disadvantage, Sasaki still uses his powerful Cannon Horned Dragon attack to take down Gin, but the latter easily dodges and counterattacks with his Raikiri.

As the two clashed, a burst of dark energy erupted, and Sasaki's massive form slammed onto the deck.

Gin leaped back to a safe distance and landed gracefully. He shook his head and let out a sigh, looking unimpressed with the fight. "Is this all you've got? How boring. This is hardly even a warm-up," he remarked.

He then dissipates the Raikiri in his hand and sighs in boredom.

Compared to the Jōnin's assessment, this battle was child's play for Gin. Though Sasaki, being an ancient Zoan user, was still very tough.

When Sasaki was hit by Raikiri, he survived but he was pouring blood from his mouth. However, hearing Gin's muttering made him even more enraged.

"What? I'm not even qualified to warm up for you? You arrogant asshole!"

With blood pouring out of his mouth, Sasaki couldn't withstand the blow and fainted as his vision went black.