
The Zai Sisters

Three teenage orphan girls discover that they are not only half sisters but are descents of a fallen demon. As such, they each learn that they have all inherited demonic abilities from their late father and are soon hunted by the dean who wants to use them a human sacrifices to become an immortal sorcerer .

Boss_Kelly · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
24 Chs


The three girls nodded and began to move toward the crowd of students. They each took different directions, trying to blend in and avoid suspicion.

Madison walked through the crowded auditorium, her mind racing with thoughts about their newfound powers and the dangers they faced. She could feel the emotions of the students around her—fear, confusion, and curiosity. She did her best to stay calm and act naturally.

As she made her way through the throngs of students, Madison noticed a familiar face—Catalina, the girl who had been tormenting her earlier. Catalina was talking to a group of friends, but her eyes locked onto Madison as soon as she saw her.

"Hey, Chan," Catalina called out, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "Where have you been hiding? Too scared to face the bats?"

Madison forced a smile and walked over to Catalina. "I was just trying to stay safe, like everyone else," she said, keeping her tone neutral.

"Sure, you were," Catalina said, rolling her eyes. "You always seem to disappear when things get tough."

Madison clenched her fists, trying to keep her temper in check. She did not want to use her powers in front of everyone. "I'm just glad it's over," she said, trying to change the subject.

"Whatever," Catalina said, turning back to her friends. "Just stay out of our way, Chan."

Madison walked away, feeling a mix of anger and frustration. She could not wait to get out of this place and away from people like Catalina.

Meanwhile, April G and June were having their own encounters. April G managed to find a quiet corner where she could catch her breath. She felt a mix of guilt and sorrow over Jerome's death, but she knew she had to stay strong for her sisters.

June, on the other hand, was trying to avoid any confrontations. She kept her head down and tried to blend in with the other students. But her mind was racing with thoughts about their powers and what they could mean for their future.

As the students were escorted to their dorms, the girls managed to regroup in a secluded hallway.

"That was close," June said, leaning against the wall. "I thought for sure someone would notice us."

"We need to be more careful," April G said. "We can't afford to draw any more attention to ourselves."

"I agree," Madison said. "But we also need to figure out what's going on and why we have these powers."

"Let's head back to my dorm," Madison suggested. "We can talk there without anyone overhearing us."

The girls nodded and followed Madison to her dorm. Once inside, they locked the door and sat down on the bed.

"So, what do we do now?" June asked.

"We need to find out more about our powers and why we have them," Madison said. "And we need to figure out who or what is behind all of this."

"Hughley mentioned something about a nullifier blocking his magic," April G said. "Maybe if we can find it, we can help him regain his powers."

"That sounds like a plan," June said. "But how do we find this nullifier?"

"We'll have to search the school," Madison said. "But we need to be careful. If the nurse was working with someone, they might be watching us."

The girls nodded in agreement. They knew they had a long and dangerous journey ahead of them, but they were determined to uncover the truth and protect each other.

As they made their plans, the white cat, Hughley, appeared on the windowsill.

"I have some news," Hughley said. "I believe I have found the location of the nullifier. It's in the basement of the school."

"Great," Madison said. "Then that's where we'll go."

"Be careful," Hughley warned. "The basement is a dangerous place. But if we can disable the nullifier, I will be able to use my full powers to help you."

The girls nodded; their resolve strengthened by Hughley's words.

"Let's do this," Madison said, determination in her eyes.

The girls, guided by Hughley, made their way to the basement, ready to face whatever challenges awaited them. They knew they had to be brave and stay united if they were going to uncover the truth and escape the dangers of the orphanage.

As they descended into the darkness, they could not help but feel a sense of foreboding. But they also knew that together, they were stronger than any obstacle that stood in their way.

Chapter 12: Into the Darkness

The basement of the orphanage was a maze of dimly lit corridors and cluttered storage rooms. The air was damp and musty, and the girls could hear the distant sound of dripping water echoing through the halls.

"Stay close," Madison whispered as they moved cautiously through the labyrinth of passageways.

Hughley led the way, his keen senses guiding them toward the source of the nullifier's power. Despite the eerie surroundings, the girls felt a sense of determination and unity. They had faced dangerous situations before, and they were ready to confront whatever awaited them in the depths of the basement.

"How much further, Hughley?" June asked, her voice barely audible in the oppressive silence.

"Not far," Hughley replied. "I can sense the nullifier's magic growing stronger. It should be just ahead."

As they rounded a corner, they came upon a heavy metal door. Strange symbols were etched into its surface, pulsating with a faint, malevolent glow.

"This is it," Hughley said. "The nullifier is behind this door."

Madison stepped forward and placed her hand on the door, feeling the cold metal beneath her fingertips. "How do we get it open?"

April G examined the symbols closely. "These look like some kind of runes. Maybe we need to dispel the magic that's keeping the door locked."

June nodded. "If we work together, we might be able to break the enchantment."

The girls joined hands, their combined powers flowing through them as they focused on the runes. Madison's telekinesis, June's elemental control, and April G's temporal manipulation merged into a single, harmonious force. The runes glowed brighter for a moment, then flickered and faded away.

With a creaking groan, the door swung open, revealing a dark, cavernous room beyond.

Inside, the nullifier sat on a pedestal at the center of the room. It was a twisted, jagged crystal, radiating an aura of malevolence that made the girls' skin crawl.

"That's the nullifier," Hughley said. "We need to destroy it."

Madison stepped forward, her determination unwavering. "Let's do this."

As she reached for the nullifier, a figure emerged from the shadows. It was a tall, imposing man with piercing eyes and an air of authority.

"Who dares to enter my domain?" he demanded, his voice echoing through the chamber.

The girls froze, their eyes wide with fear and surprise.

"Who are you?" April G asked, her voice trembling.

"I am Seraphis, the guardian of the nullifier," the man replied. "And you have trespassed on sacred ground."

"We're here to destroy the nullifier," Madison said, her voice steady despite the fear gripping her heart. "It's blocking our friend's magic and putting us all in danger."

Seraphis laughed, a cold, mirthless sound. "You think you can simply destroy it? The nullifier is a powerful artifact, and I am its protector. You will not succeed."

"We have to try," June said, stepping forward to stand beside Madison. "We won't let you stop us."

Seraphis's eyes narrowed. "Very well. If you wish to challenge me, then prepare to face the consequences."

With a wave of his hand, Seraphis summoned a horde of shadowy creatures from the darkness. The room filled with the sounds of their snarls and growls as they advanced on the girls.

"Get ready," Madison said, her voice filled with determination.

The girls joined hands once more, their powers intertwining as they prepared to defend themselves. Hughley stood by their side, his eyes glowing with magical energy.

The battle that followed was intense and chaotic. The girls fought with everything they had, using their combined abilities to fend off the shadowy creatures. Madison's telekinesis hurled debris and projectiles at their enemies, June's elemental control created barriers of fire and ice, and April G's temporal manipulation slowed the creatures' movements, giving them the upper hand.

Despite their efforts, Seraphis proved to be a formidable opponent. He moved with supernatural speed and strength, countering their attacks with ease. The girls began to tire, their energy waning as the fight dragged on.

"We can't keep this up," Madison gasped, her breath coming in ragged gasps. "We need to destroy the nullifier now."

Hughley nodded. "I'll hold off Seraphis. You three focus on the nullifier."

With renewed determination, the girls turned their attention to the crystal. They channeled their combined powers, directing a concentrated beam of energy at the nullifier. The crystal began to crack, its malevolent glow dimming as their magic took effect.

Seraphis roared in fury, realizing what they were doing. He lunged at them, but Hughley intercepted him, using his own magic to hold the guardian at bay.

"Keep going!" Hughley shouted. "You're almost there!"

The girls poured every ounce of their strength into the attack. The nullifier cracked further, its power weakening with each passing second. Finally, with a resounding shatter, the crystal exploded into a thousand pieces, releasing a burst of energy that sent shockwaves through the room.

Seraphis screamed in agony as the nullifier's power was destroyed. The shadowy creatures vanished, leaving the chamber in silence.

"It's over," Madison said, her voice filled with relief.

Hughley nodded, his form shimmering with newfound strength. "The nullifier is no more. You've done it."

As they caught their breath, the girls knew that their journey was far from over. They had uncovered a dark secret about their origins and faced powerful enemies, but they had also discovered their own strength and resilience.

Together, they would continue to face whatever challenges lay ahead, determined to uncover the truth and protect each other from the dangers that awaited them.