
The Youngest President

Guard 1 : "How did we get here, to the point where we have to have guard a goddamn 16 year old!?" Guard 2: "Hey! Watch your mouth. That "goddamn" 16 year old your cursing is the President If he hears you he could have your whole family killed by the snap of his fingers!" The guard paled, his hands trembling, his body shaking. "Wait t-the p-president!?!?!???" Max The President: "Oh don't worry I've already heard loud and clear. Come here. Now. The guard now shaking in his shoes and almost shitting his pants walks to the President fearfully, and in the hopes of the having him spare him and his family he gets on his hands and knees and he kowtows to him apologizing in his loudest voice possible "I APOLOGIZE MISTER PRESIDENT FOR THE DISRESPECT, PLEASE FORGIVE ME". Although he wasn't letting off any pressure of a high ranking office leader the guard was still shaking in his shoes under the presidents watch.

OnceAMystery · Fantasy
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2 Chs

The Beginning

**Author's Note: This is my first time writing a novel so before you read I would greatly appreciate some feed back and if you find chapters repetitive or people keep underestimating the main character, I will end up changing the flow or anything along those lines if I get the appropriate feedback for changing anything. I'm still a new writer taking English classes within my High School Career so allow me to give you a heartfelt welcome to those reading the story. Thanks for your support!...

-----------Story Time-----------

Max was a peasant and an orphan that had just had his birthday, he was wearing ripped up clothes that were dirtied and he was starving but he continued to wobble to a watch store on his path with everyone that was on the street looking at him with disgust and moved out of the way as to not get their white clothes dirty, he stumbled into the store and everyone was turned to look at him and turned back in disgust because know one wants to look at a peasant for more than a few seconds just incase because they would always beg for money, he stumbled, went up to the counter and the owner of the store just looked at him blankly.

"What do you want kid? We don't have any food here this is a watch store!" The man said rudely.

"Well sir, I actually have money and I wanted to buy a watch." Said Max his voice sounding like silk, and was deep but raspy like he hadn't talked in a while and hadn't drunk water. One of the girls in the store even thought 'If he wasn't such a peasant and so poor I'd attempt to seduce him because of his voice it's just so nice but unfortunately...; as she sighed and continued looking around ignoring the boy.

You see Max was above average in the looks department and his voice was just like a man that had GERD and was a youtuber in a different world.

"Oh really kid? Pfft. Alright kid I'll give your poor ass a chance. Which watch do you want, we have ones ranging from 150$ to 1500$. Which one do you want?" Said the old man looking a bit smug at his high priced watches like a kid like Max could ever afford one of his expensive watches.

"Well sir" Max said a little bit venomously as he had been tired from walking all the way here just to get treated like trash...Again... but he fixed his voice immediately as he needed to buy from this man and this was already the third store he had gone to and he actually had a chance to talk to buy something and wasn't kicked out immediately. "I wanna buy...umm...that pocket watch right there the one that looks rusted."

This watch looked like it came out of a war that was many, many, many years ago and released a type of mysterious aura but was the cheapest one there.

"Huh? Alright kid, show me the money and you get the watch it's that simple if you didn't know." The man said a bit unbelieved that the kid could pay for the watch.

"Of course sir, here's the money...but you still have to give me the watch and can't cheat me out of my money alright?" Said Max a bit suspiciously as he took out the money of a torn up wallet and showed the owner the money while putting it back into his wallet.

"Tch. Fine kid, here the watch now pay up so you can get out already" said the man a bit surprised and very annoyed that the kid had the money to pay for the watch as he really wanted to make fun of the kid and kick him out of the store....literally.

Max smiled at the man with a bitter smile "Of course of sir, here you are." Max said as he snatched the watched from the man gave him the money and ran out of the store with the watch.

It was surprising that he saved up enough money from his various jobs that he always did within the city and got his first Vigilant Co. Watch. Its a type of pocket watch that was futuristic and measured various things like your how healthy you were or how strong you were and had a secret function that no one knew about but of course that's a secret no one besides you readers will be allowed to know, in the future of course, all in due time. Even though everyone had wrist watches he was someone without much money, -that lived in a church- that took children without parents and let them out into the world when they were 16 so they could go out and live their lives since they are old enough to work and make a living for themselves. See Maxes birthday is today he just turned 16 so he was just "kicked" out of the church so he could make a living for himself.

Now you maybe wondering; Why did he use all of his 150 dollars to buy a watch when he could have bought food, clothes, or even an apartment?: He could become someone important with this watch. You see the watch also measures everything in the body so even blood types. (No not how big his dong is you immature person.) Based on the blood type have it could have an effect on where you stand so O- being the most common blood type you would just be an average person who would work a labor job or B+ and above would be in a government like position like Labor, State, Homeland Security, etc.

The rarest blood type would have to AB+ as only 4% of the world has the blood type naturally that's still 312000000 people or converted into simpler terms; 312 million people but just because that many people have that blood type doesn't mean that they are fit for the position that they might or definitely might not get, the highest position within the state currently, The President.

Max was walking along the street going along to his next destination, the park, his favorite place to rest and favorite place to have a clear mind and think about his next move while sitting on a bench watching the people or the birds and squirrels. He opened and ended up turning on the watch to see everything about himself.


<Name: Max Arcana>

<Age: 16>

<Health: Healthy>

<Blood Type: AB+>

<Knowledge Level: Less than a literal child>

<Health Points: 50/50>

<Strength: 5>

<Agility: 5>

<Stamina: 5>

<Luck: 5>

Watch Evaluation: Weak as hell what even is this a baby?

Max looked at the watch confused as his watch had multiple things on it that nobody else had. Max thought to himself in confusion and hurt 'Huh what's this? <Agility>? <Stamina>? <Luck>? Knowledge less than a literal child!? And what's with this evaluation?!? Comparing me to a baby! That's...so mean!' Max thought to himself in distress.

"I guess my watch is different to others cause' I've only heard rumor's of other watches having strength, health and blood type. Wait... I have AB+ blood? Oh no this isn't good." Max thought to himself in a panic. If not explained before the reason he is panicking because he's in a position to be accepted as President. Now you maybe thinking, why panic your gonna be President!? Well because 97% of people that are within' the position get assassinated before they are even able to get chosen as a selective person to run. The numbers aren't hidden from the public as the people that are going to be chosen as a selective are to give a speech to the world as they are going to be selected to be accepted to be president beside a dozen other potential candidates.

Max thought to himself and chuckled as he sat down and took in the peaceful air.


He looked up into the clear blue sky and the 2 moons hidden within the calming blue sky.

"Looks like my life might be a bit more eventful than I thought for the last 16 years."