
The Young Lannister (Game Of Thrones Fanfic)

Adam an impulsive boy was transported into the world of Game of Thrones. Not only that he was also reborn in the most cunning house of all the cause of the events that happened in Game of Thrones, The Lannisters. Will he survive? (this is just a hobby of mine there are still no regular schedule when i will upload a chapter. I will just upload when I am free and when I have ideas. Thank you for reading.)

Ryomd · TV
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Chapter 4

(Adam POV)

The day finally arrive, and my hands are shaking at the thought of my mother going into labor. My father Tywin arrived in Casterly Rock with his men from King's Landing a few weeks ago and me and him has been preparing the best environment and brought another maester at my behest to ensure the delivery have no complications. Although I am confident that I can help in the delivery and ensure my mother survival should it come to it, it doesn't hurt to have another person with medical knowledge.

I have been training my power and I can safely say that I am unbeatable in Westeros and might be the most knowledgeable person in the Westerland. When my mother's water broke and she goes into labor I rush towards the birthing room ignoring the stern voice of my father and the cries of my siblings. Once inside I explain that I can help with anything and I just need to be with my mother all the time. It sounded childish and unbecoming of the heir of Tywin Lannister.

My father comes into the room to take me out of it by force, but he stops when my mother yell in pain to let me stay. Shocked he scrutinized me and my mother who is in pain and slowly got near my ears and whispers "Don't do anything stupid boy. Should anything happen you will lose what you have and will be discarded." Once he is done I look directly into his eyes with no fear, to which he slightly nod and left the room. I can tell he is nervous and the threat is empty, he said it as a way to keep me in line and not interrupt with the birthing process.

I look on at my mother who is screaming like a banshee, my heart is gripped with fear but I quickly dispel it and concentrate on the maesters and an old handmaiden. When I saw that they are doing well I got close to my mother and hold her hand. She didn't notice it but a handmaiden notice and tried to tell me that it will break my hand if I hold my mother's hand because a woman in labor is unnaturally strong. However, I ignore it and continued holding as I know that it won't hurt me and proven correct when my mother push she got my hand in an iron grip but I only felt itchy at best. I keep telling my mother to breathe to which she only could only muster up an ugly smile as she follows and breath following me. Not long after my father comes into the room highly distraught even though his face is still stoic but his eyes are looking around. I beckon him over and told him to help mother with her breathing and hold her hand. When he did, he was shocked because he felt the grip and pressure which would normally breaks a child a bone. He looks at me for a second then continued doing what I told him to do which is great because I thought he wouldn't, but I guess love is truly a mysterious thing.

For the first time I see him gentle and I smile as I move closer to the maesters and the old handmaiden and gives my input on how to slow down the bleeding and ensure that the delivery will go smoothly. The older maester seems skeptical but decide to follow through, once it works and the bleeding is slowed down the maester seems relief and gratefully nod his head towards me. The old handmaiden guided my mother and finally I saw the head of my new brother and with one last push he is finally out with a loud cry. When that happens, I can finally let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding. My mother is in bad shape but not to the point that it affects her overall health. I was glad that I don't need to step in because I might have the knowledge and a lot of practice in my head it still concerns my mother and what if something went wrong.

I dispel the thought as the old handmaiden wipe the small baby with a cloth and wrap him up and announce a baby boy. She then looks at me with great distress and I know why, after all a dwarf or physically deform baby might not live long. Instead I just smiles and said to the old handmaiden that its fine as I cradle the baby into my arms and brought him beside my parents. At the time both of my siblings come running into the room crying, well Cersei is but Jaime is still holding in his tears with an ugly face. Once I brought the newborn baby to my mother, she picks him up and cradle him lovingly as she named him Tyrion Lannister. My father is a bit angry at Tyrion due to the pain he brought to mother and also being a physically deform baby. However, I tell my father that the baby is a Lannister reminding him that no matter how he doesn't like the baby it still is his flesh and blood.

My mother then put the baby beside her and slept. I walk out of the room with the Maesters waiting, he told me that he is grateful on my input and that I am very smart for knowing how to slow down the bleeding. I just replied perfunctorily with that I read books, which is why I know what to do. Afterwards, my father come out of the room and invited me to his work room. Once in the workplace he tells me that he appreciate what I did and he was surprise by how much knowledge I have considering that as a heir I don't require to learn medical knowledge and other books that doesn't befitting a lord. He tells me that he is proud and he knows that I am more mature than Jaime and he tells me to keep learning all I can, which lead to him saying that I need more experience to go with those things I learned. He decide to let me go to Lannisport and see what is wrong and come up with ideas to make Lannisport better. To which I gladly accept, after that I walk out of the room and went to visit my mother to help her should she need it. While walking I feel restless at the thought of finally going out of Casterly Rock. Most of the houses knows about me but never really saw me because I spend most of my time in Casterly Rock and rarely go out for a long period of time. This is because I want to keep my abilities and excellence hidden from the Mad King just in case I am use as a way to get to my father or my family. Hence, when finally I am confident enough and strong enough the chance to get out is exciting. As if something out there is waiting for me.

Another chapter is up thank you for those who supports me. I wish everyone who supports me good luck and thank you again for motivating me to write. I am not that good at writing a story so I apologize to those who may think it is a bit slow I will try to speed things up in future chapters .

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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