
The Young Lannister (Game Of Thrones Fanfic)

Adam an impulsive boy was transported into the world of Game of Thrones. Not only that he was also reborn in the most cunning house of all the cause of the events that happened in Game of Thrones, The Lannisters. Will he survive? (this is just a hobby of mine there are still no regular schedule when i will upload a chapter. I will just upload when I am free and when I have ideas. Thank you for reading.)

Ryomd · TV
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Chapter 3

While Adam was pondering what he should do to help his mother survive childbirth, unbeknownst to him, his mother Joanna walked up to him slowly due to her being close to labor which might happen in the coming moon.

(Joanna POV)

"Good morning my sweet boy, what is bothering you? You do know you can converse with me about anything. You are still young, my young lion I know that the it is stressful trying to run a house, I know I see it in your father how he tries his hardest to ensure that our family is still the a strong house. But that doesn't mean you should concern about it too much, well not yet that is." I said as I look at my eldest and the most mature one of my children. The pressure of being heir can be concerning, to make matters troublesome that oaf Tywin still pressure the Maester and Master-At-Arms to push my young lion to the limit. It really disheartening knowing as a mother I can't help him, only hoping to cheer him up by talking to him and spending time with him.

(Adam POV)

"Oh mother, it's a surprise to see you here but you really should not come here and try not to walk too much you are with a child after all" I said which she replied with "Oh look at you so concern of my wellbeing, you should not worry, I know my body best. So don't worry alright.". As I look at her smiling face I couldn't help but smile along. "I guess you are right. But mother you still need to take care of yourself better" I said. To which she only smiles as she walks pass me as she beckons me to follow her.

I follow her as we walk down a hall in the castle with handmaidens and guards nearby following. "Do you know, you really are special Adam when I first held you in my hand when I gave birth to you, I felt fulfilled you complete our family Adam. Not only are you mature but you inherit your father's cunning and thinking however you also inherit some of your father's father Tytos Lannister kindness. Of course not to the degree of being blinded by it. You are someone whom I know will achieve greatness and addition to that you are my son, my first child that not only show compassion but also ruthless in your own right" She said to me. I was shocked, but kept quiet as we walk towards the garden where my mother sat down on a chair with great difficulty due to the baby bump. I see that and quickly pull the chair out further so that my mother can sit comfortably.

My mother then continue to tell me how I was different from my siblings because my eyes are different from that of a normal Lannister. She tells me that my eyes are like stars with these glowing green orbs so deep and so mysterious. Once she told me that I look at her attentively as she smiles and laugh as she recounts what happen when I was a baby after I went to sleep each time. "Your father may not be here all the time and when he is, he is not with you to personally teach you what you should know what you want to learn. But that does not mean he did not love you, no far from it he loves you so much that he is trying his best to ensure your future is as easy as possible and also to prepare you for the real word. When you were but a mere babe in my arms your father would look into your eyes every time he is stress because it helps calm him. He always says to me that you are going to be that will bring house Lannister to great heights.

To say I am shock is an understatement, I didn't Tywin Lannister the most ruthless, cruel and cunning man in GOT have a soft heart… I guess my appearance changed him. My mother who look at my shock appearance chuckle to her own amusement. However the next sentence my mother said is what make me truly speechless. "Do you know when he says that to me I agree with him, but our conviction that you are our family star got stronger when you were 5 namedays old, where you were bath in golden light and we knew that the Seven has blessed our family especially you my child. You are special remember that." She said. I could only muster an "Okay" as my brain short circuited, then I remember ROB said something about a gift on my 5th birthday. I started laughing in joy as maybe the gift might help my mother survive her coming labor. When I come to, I hug my mother as I promise her to make the Lannisters the greatest house in Westeros and make her proud.

Afterwards, I and a few handmaidens slowly guide mother back to her room to rest. Once that was done, I rush back to my room ignoring my little brother Jaime yells as I pass him in the corridor going to the quarters. Once inside my room, I try to actively use my powers which is harder than I thought. Considering I usually use my eyes most of the time in a passive sort of way I never tried to focus and strain my eyes or my body. Finally, I got the hang of it as around my eyes my veins started to pop out and as I look into the mirror in my room I see my eyes are blue and my body is bigger and vascular than before. I took off my top as I saw my reflection with a more defined body and vascularity that I have not seen before. But what caught my eye is around my knuckles there is golden light which seems to form a knuckle duster like shape. I then thought to myself, is this my gift?

I then thought to try this newfound powers of mine on a flock of ravens outside my window. As if on instinct I thrust my fist forward at the direction of the ravens and some of them exploded and the rest injured by the wind pressure. I look wide eyed as I see the rest of the ravens and look back at my hand. Although this is worthy of celebration because I am stronger but this power is not what I need for the current situation. Hence, I am bumped out but I quickly shook of the thought and just be grateful. Knowing that my power may not be able to heal to extend my mother lifespan or life force I decided to visit the library to find some books about childbirth and medical information. As I walk towards the library I see my brother Jaime training with Ser Benedict, I watch the both of them fight well more like a one sided beating from Ser Benedict himself.

I then thought that I can use my powers to see instead of just passively looking using my godlike eyes. I look around and see that no one is paying attention I focus and my eyes turn blue, when that happens I can see the movement of Ser Benedict and Jaime even more clearly but what really shock me is that I can see mirage or shadow of Ser Benedict which looks to be a in a position of thrusting a sword forward. The next thing that happens is that Ser Benedict seems to merge with the shadow as he thrust forward at Jaime necks and caught him off guard. Not only that I can also seem to hear better even the animals that is in a forest a day away from Casterly Rock which is new it as if it all comes naturally, considering, I can't hear the ravens when I killed some of them I am pretty sure it is because I wanted to hear what Ser Benedict was saying hence, instinctively focus and controls my power with more strength and precision.

To know that I possess the ability to see what my opponent will do is amazing and the fact that I can even hear animals and things from far away makes me smile goofily. I conclude that when I focus even more I enhance everything about me it is as if I'm slowly gaining a bit of Adam RoR powers the more I focus and train with my powers. I am excited because Adam RoR is after all have the perfect copy of god. With the knowledge that I may achieve the full strength of Adam from RoR makes me happy. I continue to the library and quickly look through the books that I need to ensure my mother survive I am glad to know that not only I can remember but also have an image in my head on what to do, with this I am more confident in saving my mother. I can finally sleep peacefully tonight.

Here you go another chapter. I just want to say that I may take a while to update more chapters although I hope not too long. Right now I'm nearing my college finals and writing this is a way to relieve some stress. If some of the sentence may be hard to read or understand and I am sorry. I will try to write better. Thank you to those who support me I really appreciate it :D

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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