
The Young Heroes from Herculean

Vin Alamba was born with telekinesis. One day his younger sister, Vera Alamba, is attacked by a paid criminal. Vin must use his powers to help Vera but instead gets the criminal killed.

ikunaku · Fantasy
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15 Chs

11 Different Destiny

TYH2 11


"Before everything becomes a misunderstanding, I will explain one thing, namely after Vera lives in the Public Dormitory, you will not be able to meet freely. You have to make a letter of permission for me to be able to meet with Vin. Do you understand?" in the end Hojo had to explain everything at the beginning.

Because the education that Vera will go through is the only medicine in general, Vin will be a hero in the future. Fact that the safety of the hero's family could be threatened at any time then the easiest way would be to hide their family's whereabouts.

Even though Vera couldn't accept it at first, with Vin's consoling words, Vera could be more accepting. While thinking about the possibility of being away from Vin is already very scary, Vera must be able to overcome it for the sake of Vin's future.

So far, Vera has been a burden to Vin. Vin had to leave many things to maintain and meet Vera's needs. Even though Vin's age is only two years from Vera's. Even Vin has quit school for Vera.

With a sad look, Vera let Vin go and Hojo left himself in the General Dormitory. The place where Vera will spend until her dream of becoming a doctor comes true. Although Vera is afraid that she will no longer be able to meet her sister at will, Vera must strengthen herself for their future.

In the end, Vera and Vin's destiny was at a crossroads. Vera could only stare at Vin's thin back with tears that couldn't be prevented. All this time Vera could not see how thin and unkempt her sister's body was for Vera's sake.

Vera feels guilty for Vin.

"Vin, you don't have to worry about me from now on. With everything Hojo gave me or this unfamiliar academy, I will endure no matter what. To be able to see my future Vin with pride, it was my turn to sacrifice. It is not like that?" Vera whispered to herself.

Vera has made up her mind to stand tall with her abilities from that day on and will no longer look back where depending on Vin was Vera's way of survival. Vera must be able to let go of her life support for Vin's future.

And Vin also had to give up his only sister to live independently and away from his eyes. Because Vin had made up his mind and could no longer ask Hojo for more leniency than he should have.

"Vin, do you know Bono Hanzo?" asked Hojo in a low voice.

Vin's body immediately shook violently when he heard the name Bono Hanzo spoken by Hojo. For some reason, Vin's emotions suddenly overflowed with just a name. But strangely, Vin can't move a small object nearby in anger.

Usually, only with a slight change in Vin's emotions, the objects around Vin will float by themselves. Vin's emotional changes are like a magnetic field that will instantly attract iron.

"Why?" Vin hissed feeling his body become strange.

Vin's body suddenly felt weak for no reason. What Vin can be sure of is that the strength that Vin usually feels running through his veins is not felt at all. On the one hand, Vin felt very happy and relieved at the same time. But on the other hand, Vin also felt restless. What if Hojo threw it away?

"Can't you feel your power just because of a name?" Hojo asked calmly as if he knew what was going on.

"No. Not really, Mr. Hojo. Since a while ago I felt powerless and I only realized this when Bono Hanzo's name was mentioned. I'm afraid Mr. Hojo will just throw it away if he tells the truth." replied Vin scared.

Hojo laughed loudly. This is the first time there is a unique child like Vin. All his life, Hojo had only faced an innocent young man like Vin.

"You don't have to worry. I can still feel your power in your body. What you are experiencing right now is more like a rest or hibernation phase which may be very long. Your strength won't recover anytime soon because the usage you did a while ago was extremely out of bounds. All of that happened just because you couldn't control it yet." Hojo's explanation couldn't make Vin's heart calmer at all.

Still, Vin was worried.

"So all this time Mr. Hojo already knows my condition?" Vin swallowed hard after swallowing his saliva.

Not because he was afraid of the reality that Vin might face but more like Vin couldn't express how scared Vin was right now. Vin is afraid of being dumped by Hojo. Leaving Vera alone at the academy was not a good idea.

What's more, Vin has promised to protect Vera no matter what.

"What you've experienced isn't anything out of the ordinary. Most children after doing the 'Massive Release of Power' will experience what is called stagnation. The condition called power does not want to appear until the smallest symptom.

In your case, your subconscious has suppressed your strength to an intolerable limit. In a common sense what you experience is impossible. But I believe that with a little patience and hard work your strength will soon recover." continued Hojo explaining in the same calm tone.

Even though Vin wanted to believe Hojo's words, still what Vin was doing right now was the complete opposite. The next day Vin was forced by Hojo to clean the front yard of Hojo's house which was very large.

The yard with a size of no more than the size of a football field must be cleaned of leaf litter in half a day. Despite the impression of unfair punishment, Vin goes through it with enthusiasm even though he can't understand what it has to do with the return of his powers.

Then another day, Vin was asked to clean the chimney in the reading room which had not been cleaned for a year. Vin had to wallow in smoke and dust that stifled his chest until his whole body was covered in black soot that made him look like a human from the 'Dark Ages.

"You are indeed suitable to be my servant. It turns out that my estimates never go wrong." Hojo chuckled when he saw Vin's face, which was as black as a starless night.

"Thank you for the compliment, Mr. Hojo," growled Vin annoyed, not unwilling to help Vin who was having trouble cleaning the end of the chimney with a long wooden pole.

"You have to be patient with your powerless self. One more thing you should know is that I will not stop treating you like a servant until your strength is restored." Hojo chuckled and left the room.

Vin sighed in annoyance. What Hojo expected from Vin might not happen anytime soon. Because no matter how hard Vin tries, his strength doesn't come back.

"Maybe I'll be a servant forever." Vin sighed, complaining to himself.