
The Wyvern That Hunts Dragons(DxD)

Talos has always been a odd individual. He was born exceptionally talented that it seemed he was choosen. However, Talos was incredibly lazy as he cared not for honor, reputation, women or pride. He went his own way until he met a odd angry goddess who sent him away from his world for some reason. Once he was reborn, he found his spark in his monster blood.

A_Real_Werewolf234 · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Ritual of Empowerment.

(I get DxD is famous for the harem, but I honestly don't find many interesting for Talos. I have a few ideas, but they are just ideas.)

While Talos began feasting on his prey and Scrat worked on the ritual, Nyssrassane was observing her brother. She was situated in her Divine Realm in a massive palace of Heart Gold, Soul Silver, and Spiritual Platinum. 

As she sat on a large silk couch watching how her brother tore into that vulture with relish. She did not seem disgusted in the slight as he was eating cooked food. She smiled a bit as she watched as his lack of effort seemed to have been cured. 

"He seems better as a monster than he ever did as a human. That squirrel is smart for such a weak world, but he is safe. However, my father will find him someday." 

Just then a pair of feminine arms wrapped around Nyssrassane. 

"I know, which is why I asked you to send him away." 

Nyssrassane looked a little sad as she turned behind her. Nyssrassane was a woman of exceptional beauty herself, but behind her was a woman who could rival or even exceed her own. 


Her mother Neasena, The Goddess of Peace and Truth smiled gently at her oldest child. She had long white hair, light blue eyes, irresistible curves, and full lips. Her own large breasts were larger than even her daughter's. 

(Image here)

Noticing her sad look Neasena had a bitter and regretful look. 

"It's not your fault, I was the one who broke my vow."

Nyssrassane looked down. 

"Father has done it all the time, he has countless Demigods and even gods which you never punished. You do it once and he banishes it as revenge. It's not fair." 

Neasena cut the hug short before she walked around to sit next to her daughter. She then turned to the magic gateway to observe her sole son who was also a product of her infidelity. As she looked at his form she shot a squinted glare at her daughter. 

"Did he pick this?" 

Her daughter shook her head with a bitter smile. 

"He refused to pick no matter how much I told him to. As a result, he got turned into this, but he got the Divine Rank Adaptive Evolution trait." 

Hearing that Neasena was surprised. 

"That is a rare innate skill. How has he been so far?" 

"He is happy, more happy than he ever was as a Demigod human. The seal you and your lover placed on his soul took much of his willpower away." 

A very painful look shot across her face as she looked down. 

"If not for that, your father would have discovered him and killed him already." 

Nyssrassane nodded. 

"It seems that his Demigod soul, his Monster body, and his Adaptive Evolution trait are working perfectly together. His soul has been warped to suit his new form so tracking him will take years at least." 

Neasena smiled. 

"Time that he needs, time for him to kill your father." 

Nyssrassane held no love for the bastard who made her mother suffer and made her childhood a nightmare. She gazed at her brother who consumed well over half of the dead vulture. 

"Do you think he has what it takes?" 

Neasena smiled in a way that warped her beautiful features. 

"His father was not just any common man, he was one of the most talented Cultivator Mages around. Why do you think your father banished me and locked himself away? My lover may be dead, but the wounds and curses he left behind will leave that bastard weak for decades." 

Now that he is gone, it is up to Talos to not suffer the same fate." 

Nyssrassane shot one last look at Talos before shutting off the mirror. As that happened Neasena smiled in a cute way. 

"SO, find his human body attractive?" 


"What? He is only your half brother and we are gods, a bit of incest never killed anyone. Look at Zeus and his pantheon." 

Nyssrasane scowled. 

"Remember all of the mental health issues the Greek gods suffer from?" 

Neasena went silent before looking away. 

"WELL, they are TOO inbred, but just a little is fine." 

"I think I am going to pass on that offer, Mom. I mean, think about him. Do you think he will be interested?" 

Neasena thought about it. 

"The seal we placed on his soul seems to be slowly being consumed by his soul. My Divine Energy, his father's Mana, and KI have been slowly nurturing his soul. The ritual the squirrel seems to be cooking up will boost his Beast Core, body, soul, and bloodline, so the more that seal is consumed the more of his desires will become released. Give him time." 

Nyssrassane did not check, but now she wanted to know. 

"How is the time Dilation mother?"

"15 years for him is 1 year for us." 

"Will that be enough to challenge father?" 

"It will have to be, otherwise his father's sacrifice will have been for nothing." 

She reached around her neck and held a small pendent her lover left her. He knew he would die, but he still went out fighting. The final gift for the son he held only once before being forced to leave. 


As Talos was still gorging himself, Scrat cleared away a large clearing on the floor. Using magic, he compressed the stone till it was smooth and dense like metal. With the floor ready, using his claws he dug rapidly a magic circle for Talos' blood to enter. 

As Talos was done eating, he laid down with several tons worth of food still remaining. He was absolutely stuffed and even his monstrous digestive tract was struggling to deal with the extremely dense flesh. 

He could feel the energy flowing throughout his body as he relaxed. 

"Seems the creatures of the Forbidden Regions are much better eating than outside." 

Scrat nodded. 

"Of course. Here they live among dence mana with Mana Veins of exceptional quality. They feed on each other for generations leading to energy-rich flesh." 

Scrat grabbed the bloodstone from Talos and began to channel his mana into it. His actions caused the blood to begin to pour down onto the grooves he had cut into the stone. Talos' lava-like blood flowed through the grooves at rapid speeds before the Ritual circle was full. 

Scrat then got the ingredients ready, he began to place several items down in the open circles. The Blood Stone of the Vulture, Beast Core, Soul Stone, it's three eggs and finally, he pulled something out of his Spatial Ring. 

(Image here)

He pulled out a nail-sized red amber which was overflowing with vast energy that Talos hungered for. Scrat organized them carefully before the 7 open circles had an item placed down. 

With that, Scrat turned to Talos. 

"You ready?" 

Talos stood up and walked over. 

"What do I do?" 

"Stand in the middle and don't step on any of the items." 

He did as he was told and stood above the 7 items and the Ritual. 

"Now, the ritual will do all the work, all you got to do is allow the energy to flow through you. It will be painful, but everything will receive an upgrade." 

"I am ready." 

Scrat cracked his fingers before he held his hand out. His species might not be very good at attack spells, but when one got as hold as Scrat, those weaknesses meant nothing. His mana began to flow through Talos' blood which made up the ritual. 

Even Scrat could not feel the Demigod blood in Talos' blood as it was very weak at the moment because of his seal. His Adaptive Evolution had been refining his bloodline every day so the concentration of Divine Blood in Talos was rather high. 

That caused his blood to begin to overflow with mana activating the ritual. The items to be sacrificed for power began to glow as Scrat's mana began to drain them dry. Each item had its purpose and what it would affect.

The Tempest Vulture's bloodstone would refine Talos' bloodline while the Beast Core would nurture his Beast Core. The Soul Stone would have its energy sacrificed for Talos', while eggs were there for their life force. However, the most important item of all was the shard of World Tree sap. 

It was acting as the core of the Ritual and that tiny shard had enough energy to blow up a large city. Talos relaxed his mind as the ritual was currently drawing out the energy from its sacrifices. 

Scrat had his eyes closed as he was acting as the kick starter for everything. 

"Do not move, and be prepared for pain." 

"I am fine." 

Talos closed his eyes and relaxed as the ritual flashed brightly. In the very center of the circle, a large orb of energy began to gather. A mixture of Life Force, Mana, Soul essence, Lightning, Fire, and even Wind Mana. Acting as the balance for all of them the World Tree sap caused all the colors to be purified into a dark blood-red glow. 

Eventually, all the items on the ritual crumbled to dust, before that trapped energy began to surge into Talos. When it entered his body, he felt several streams of energy flowing into him. 

His Soul began to receive a surge full of Soul Essence, his Beast Core received a baptism of Lightning and Fire mana while the wind was used to refine his lungs. Meanwhile, his Bloodline began to writhe as it received a massive surge of Life Essence from the Sap, eggs, and the Bloodstone. 

The amount of energy that was flooding into Talos from all directions caused his nerves to feel like they were tearing apart. He refused to move from his spot, but as soon as the energy flowed into him, his Adaptive Evolution Trait reacted. 

On all fronts, his body was being flooded by an ocean of energy which his trait relished. Under Scrat's shocked gaze, Talos did not so much struggle with the pain that was still there. His body was in agony, but the pain was temporary. 

Power was forever so he stayed still as the onslaught of energy began to be used by his body. Normally he slept to do this, but fully awake, he began to grow. It was visible to Scrat's eyes as Talos began to surge in size. 

On top of that, his Bloodline and Beast core both began to be flooded with energy causing slight mutation. His core grew larger as the mana within surged with energy. His concentration of Divine Blood grew larger which in turn had its own magical effects he would need to discover. 

As for his soul, just as his mother had said, the seal put in place was weakened ever so lightly which allowed more of his Demigod soul to be free. All of these separate upgrades came together in the perfect unit. A purified bloodline, refined Beast Core, and nurtured soul increased his strength rapidly. 

Scrat watched on as it seemed that Talos was a bottomless pit that had no end. Every bit of energy that went into his body was used to the last drop. When the ritual ran out of material to sacrifice along with the sap, Talos stayed still for several moments. 

Talos hung his head low as his body was still writhing with overflowing energy. Scrat began to back away before running away at full speed. His instincts told him something very, very bad was about to happen and it was not Talos going berserk. 

As he ran at top speed, Talos' body began to surge with energy before a massive explosion of energy blasted sky-high. Fire, lightning, mana, and even divine energy all in one. In the distance, Scrat looked at the giant mushroom cloud with worry. 

"Is he dead? Please tell me I did not kill him." 

He waited until the giant mushroom cloud dissipated before he rushed back in to check on Talos. 


When he entered the canyon, he was met with a shocking sight. Talos was standing and he was breathing in deep breaths. Scrat was almost shocked at what he was seeing. Talos, the entire body was burning with purple fire and red lightning. 

It seemed that the colors of his elements had mutated, but at the same time contained the traits of the other. If that was not enough, Talos was big before, but he was enormous now. 

From nose to tail, he was 40 meters long, he had grown 13 meters in seconds. The metal that made up his body seemed to be overflowing with live energy. The black and red color that made up the majority of his color seemed to have gone through a deepening in their color. 


Talos turned to look at Scrat with an exhausted look in his eyes. 

"Scrat, give me a se-" 

That was all he said as he collapsed exhausted. Scrat rushed over to make sure Talos was okay. Talos was deeply snoring as he rested in the ravaged canyon. The whole thing was torn wide open by the explosion of energy. 

Scrat swiped away his sweaty brow as he was worried he got his Talos killed. 

'By Ymir that was scary, but why did he react so much to it? And is it just me or is he still growing?' 

He needed to wait until Talos woke up which might be a while so he made himself comfortable.