

Delilah could only chuckle as she arrived at her uncles house. His home was an old victorian covered in ivy growing from a nearby wild garden. several toys littered the unkempt yard and outside a few boys stood watching with curious eyes. married to his high school sweetheart uncle tobias had 5 children but all of them were boys.

"Aunt Gina must be starved for a girl to talk to" delilah thought to herself. In her memory Gina was a pretty little woman with a round face and a freckled nose. As a child delilah adored her kind nature. every year on delilahs birthday she had always baked her cake and bought her several princess like dresses.

lost in thought delilah almost didn't notice the good looking guy across the street staring at her with curiosity.

with a polite smile delilah turned away and began chatting with her young cousins. all under 15 the boys were rather wild but she could tell they meant well. just like Gina and Tobias they were good people. What if they had been her parents? smiling at the thought delilah headed back inside.