

Looking up from her bandaged wrists Delilah flinched at the sight of her mothers impatient glare.

Dressed in a her work clothes, with her dark hair pulled back Marissa looked as cold and elegant as a diamond. This side of her mother was something delilah couldn't get used to no matter how much she tried.

Growing up with her gentle father, she never spent much time with the woman who gave birth to her. curt politeness was all each other recieved despite living in the same home for 15 years.

When she was a little girl this upset her greatly but after watching the movie Cinderella she was just grateful not to be treated as a servant. how did her father love this woman? sure she was beautiful but her personality was cold with little care for others.

"Pack your things, you will be living with your uncle from now on."

This was the first thing her mother said since she came back from the hospital. She didn't even wait for a reply to leave the room. Not that delilah was surprised. Honestly if anything she was shocked her mother hadn't got rid of her sooner. ever since her father died 5 months ago, it seemed like Marissa purposely searched for a reason to force her from the house.

Not bothering to say goodbye delilah quickly packed her things then helped her uncle load the truck with the few things she felt like taking. thankfully her uncle tobias was a very charming person much like her father. though being half brothers he looked nothing like him. her father was pale with auburn hair, warm brown eyes, and a small frame. uncle tobias was much taller with dark hair, tan skin, and gentle green eyes he was rather handsome in an older gentleman sort of way.

"it's crazy how much you look like dante" her uncle laughed shaking his head in amazement. Bringing another box to the tailgate delilah heard him and was touched. no one else wanted to talk about her father. feeling awkward others usually completely avoid bringing him up in a conversation.

sometimes she worried that she would one day forget him. Thankfully her uncle remembered him.

As her uncles truck began to pull out of the driveway delilah looked over to see her mothers back in the front doorway. watching her mothers slender figure walking away, always made her feel a little empty. regretting not saying farewell delilah held back the tears that threatened to fall and whispered

"I love you"

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