
The Wrath of an Alpha

Theo always had his plan for life figured out. As the Alpha’s son, he’s going to be the next leader of the Shadow Pack when his father eventually retires. However, things take an interesting turn with the arrival of a certain someone. Sophie has no recollection of who she is, where she’s from, or how she ended up here. All she remembers was one thing— her name. So, when the future Alpha finds her on his territory, she’s inevitably taken as a prisoner for trespassing. When two strangers are forced together, there is bound to be a lack of trust between them. At first, the two keep their distance, unsure of each other. However, when a spark is ignited and circumstances push them closer, will Sophie and Theo be able to open their hearts to one another?

Artxstic1 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
20 Chs

CHAPTER 08: As Cold As Ice

“Alpha,” a man Theo had never seen before greeted him. “I wondered when you’d show up. I’ve been expecting you.”

Theo scowled. “What do you mean you’ve been expecting me?”

“Well, I wouldn’t expect a good leader to stay away from his people for too long whilst they are hurt. No matter the contradicting circumstances.”

“Oh.” Theo dropped his accusatory tone once the man explained.

“You can go in whenever you’re ready. Someone will be there to assist.”

Theo nodded his head in acknowledgment before the unknown man walked away. He hadn’t seen him around before, which was a little suspicious. But then again, Theo never frequented the infirmary until now.

He forced a loud sigh before taking a deep breath in.

‘You can do this,’ he thought to himself. ‘It’s your responsibility.’

Theo put one foot in front of the other and headed through the front entrance. He knew that this was the part of the building where people who were recovering were placed. He avoided the back rooms at all costs knowing what lay there.

At the front desk stood a healer who acknowledged him as soon as he walked up.

“Alpha.” They both nodded before the healer spoke again.

“For the Beta, I presume?”


The man led Theo to a bed and there he saw Cane sound asleep. Theo reached for Cane’s hand and his fingers chilled. His body was as cold as ice.

“What’s wrong with him? Why is he so cold?”

“His body was just depleted of all its energy so I put him in a coma. He could’ve died but now all he needs is rest to get better.”

Theo’s frown slightly lessened. “So he’ll be okay.”

“Yes.” The healer nodded. “If there isn’t anything else, Alpha, please excuse me.”

The healer started to walk away but Theo stopped him.

“What if I want to talk to him?”

“I-I’m not so sure about that right now.”

“It’s important.”

Theo stressed the words and the healer understood. He nodded before approaching Cane’s body.

“The coma was induced so that he and his wolf could heal. If I wake him, he’ll be weak and there’s only so much time before he’s in pain again.”

Theo tore his eyes away from the healer to examine Cane. “We’ll stop before then.”

“Very well.”

The healer placed his fingers on the Beta’s forehead, humming quietly. Theo couldn’t make out the words he was whispering but before he knew it Cane awoke. The Beta gasped for air quickly as his lungs struggled from being pulled forcefully into consciousness.

“Hey, hey it’s me. Calm down, you’re fine.”


“Yeah, it’s me. You’re safe.”

Cane’s eyes swiveled over to Theo before a brief moment of relief passed through his expression. “What happened?”

“I should be the one asking you that,” replied Theo.

Cane caught his breath before relaxing back into the bed.

“I feel so weak.”

“That’s because you almost died. What happened out there?”

Cane squeezed his eyes close tightly and released a small sigh.

“I had never seen anything so brutal in my life.”

Just the thought of the events made him shudder.

Cane had remembered running through the woods with his pack. They were dead on the scent of the intruders on their territory. The scent though was different. He had never smelt anything like it before.

They had gotten to the edge of the border where they saw a small group of the men. They approached them slowly, wanting to wait as long as possible before they gave up their element of surprise.

All at once they stepped out of the protection of the thick forest. The wolves came face to face with the unknown creatures and Cane spoke up first. The thoughts that were running through his head were menacing to say the least but he kept calm.

“You’re outnumbered and at a disadvantage in our territory. You have nowhere to go so surrender now before we have to kill you.”

Cane knew he had to bring them back alive because that was the only way to get the information they needed.

The plan however was short-lived as the men started whispering incoherently. Cane knew then that it was most likely an attempt to defend themselves, even if he didn’t understand to any extent what they were saying.

“I don’t want to hurt you but I will if I have to. Believe me, I will, and you do not want that.” Cane had growled.

“We would rather die than go back there!”

“Well maybe I’ll grant you your wish.”

Cane had begun to tire of them but when the strangers spoke up again, he knew it was time for action.

“It doesn’t matter, we’re dead either way.”

Cane gave a silent order after and the pack had attacked. One of the unknown men immediately stepped forward and welcomed the onslaught. The wolves were almost close enough to rip them to shreds when suddenly the man shouted a quick spell.

What happened after was unthinkable. Even now, safely in a familiar room in his pack’s territory, Cane still felt shivers down his spine.

All the intruders started choking on their own blood as their bodies shook violently. They fell to the floor screaming in pain as they convulsed.

Cane squeezed his eyes shut, forcing the negative feelings that the memory brought away.

Theo frowned. “What happened after?”

“We all watched as they killed themselves. And it was too late when we all realized that they were serious. They would rather die than come back with us and compromise the identity of who they work for.”

Cane blinked quickly as he finished recalling the events, as if wanting to remove the images from his head.

Theo let out a sigh as he placed a comforting hand on Cane’s shoulder.

“I know we’ve seen a lot of battles before but that sounds absolutely horrible, Cane.”

“It was.”

“But how did you end up here?”

The older man shook his head. “I think we all passed out after a while. Somehow the spell affected us too. If it wasn’t for our fast healing and our wolves, I think we might all be dead right now.”

“Well, I’m glad you’re all still alive. I don’t think I can lose anyone else right now.”

“Yeah, me either.”

They both let out hard sighs and Cane groaned in pain.

“I think it’s time for you to go back under. You need to get some more rest.”

The healer returned and tried to put his fingers on Cane’s forehead but before he could, the Beta stopped him and turned to Theo.

“I know that you’re your father’s son and so you feel the need to take on everything by yourself. I was his Beta and even then he still wanted to carry the world on his shoulders. Don’t do that, Theo. Don’t isolate yourself from the people who love you because now is the time you need them the most.”

Theo rose to his feet before addressing Cane.

“I am my father’s son, Cane, which means I’m strong. I can take care of myself and I think I just need some time alone to process all of this.”

“I understand that but I also think that you should be with someone who understands what you’re going through,” clarified Cane.

Something in Theo snapped. “I don’t think anyone understands what I’m going through.”

“Your mother does.”

Theo sighed in guilt for not immediately thinking of her. Cane gave him a stern look before he settled back into bed and welcomed sleep. The healer placed his fingers on Cane’s forehead as he whispered him effortlessly back into his coma.

“Thank you for your help.”

“It’s only my duty,” answered the healer. “Forgive me for saying this, Alpha, but he’s right, you know.”

“I do. I’m going to see her right now.”

“You should go see her but I also think you should get some sleep.”

Theo shook his head. “I’m fine.”

“I hope I’m not overstepping, Alpha, but healing is my specialty and I achieve most of it through sleep. And I can tell when someone isn’t having their most restful night.”

“Thank you for the offer but my day has just begun. My people need me so I think I'll sleep at night.”

Seeing the Alpha’s stubbornness, the healer only sighed and smiled softly. “Whatever works for you. Just know that I’m here if you ever need my help.”

“Thank you.”

Theo nodded and exited the infirmary. He headed directly for his mother’s quarters, accompanied by the thoughts of his selfishness. He should’ve checked on her first but instead, he had gone to the cells.

It was only the two of them left now and they’d need each other more than ever.

Suddenly, a sharp pain rushed through Theo's chest and he clawed at it desperately. He gasped for air as his lungs betrayed him and his throat began to close.

Theo shook slightly as he tried to call for help but it was too late. Unconsciousness quickly devoured him and he was now a part of the world unknown.