
The Worst Marine

The story of how the worst marine became feared throughout the entire world.

DaoistJIIvmp · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Chapter 3: New Life

" What?! " 

This single word was inaudibly murmured by every single marine, who quickly rushed towards the house, Emily looked back forward at Bridget. Who was staring at her confused, seeing that the child was confused, she quickly spoke explaining who she was. 

" I'm sorry for not introducing myself, my name is Emily. I'm a part of the Navy, so don't worry." Emily extended out her hand trying to give Bridget a handshake. However, Bridget just glared at her hand before speaking. 

" Ah, what is a Navy? Are you some more pirates? " A confused look appeared on Emily's face before she spoke again. 

" Not at all, the navy defends people from the Pirates, stopping them before they can attack innocent inhabitants of an island. " Bridget locked eyes with Emily before speaking in an annoyed, slightly angry voice. 

" Really? Then where were you, when the pirates attacked my island? " As soon as Emily heard this, a wave of bloodlust swept through her body, catching her off guard. Emily stared at Bridget surprised by his killing intent, before she answered his question, right when the other marines arrived behind her. 

" Just because it's our job, doesn't mean, we can be everywhere at once. This world is quite massive, and guarding every island is impossible. But meet the people behind me, these are my crewmates, and the pale one is the pilot of the ship, we are on. " Right when Emily mentioned him, the pilot quickly walked towards Bridget while asking a question. 

" Who did it? Obviously, pirates attacked the island, but do you know who did it? " Bridget just shook his head, while speaking in a cold voice. 

" I don't know... But there is a pirate dead in that house, the one I killed. He's the one with the stab wounds in him, the other bodies are my parents. " This sudden sentence made the pilot's eyes widen before he quickly pointed towards the house and yelled out to his crew. 

" Go check the house, while I talk to the kid. " The crew nodded before they headed towards the house grouped together, the pilot watched the crew enter the house before looking down at Bridget and speaking again.

" My name is David, and what do you mean, by you're the one that killed the pirate? " Bridget turned his head confused, before he spoke. 

" When the pirate shot my parents, I stabbed him in the legs, making him trip in a pool of blood, and when he fell, I stabbed him in the neck... his body twitched rapidly, as he clung to life, but he died... After a little while. " David stared at Bridget in shock, before he grinned and asked Bridget a question. 

" Really? Then I'm guessing you want to get revenge on the pirates that killed your parents correct? " Bridget nodded at the question before David kept on speaking. " So, how about this, you should become a marine. Join the Navy, besides you'll have to set sail on my ship for a few days before we reach the nearest port. During that time, think about my offer. " 

David kept staring at Bridget, as Bridget's mind raced, thinking about the offer. Suddenly, a voice spoke coming from a man who was leaning out of the doorway leading into the house. 

" We don't know, what pirate group did this, the pirate corpse is too impaired to make out any details, but judging from his clothing, it was mostly likely a low-level pirate group chasing fame. It's just a shame it had to be such a faraway island, we probably could defeat them, if we arrived in time. "

David nodded before speaking giving his crew another order. " Gather up the corpses of the residents and bury them. Since we don't know them, we'll bury all of them together, except this child's parents we will bury them separately since we know their names. " Right when, David said this, Bridget suddenly spoke.

" No. Bury them together, they would prefer that. " David glanced back at him before he nodded and yelled out. 

" You heard the kid, bury his parents with them. Also, one of y'all take him to the ship and show him around, he's coming with us until we reach a port"...

After several hours, the darkness of night had covered the island, marking the time for the marines to leave the island. The marines had dug a massive hole and buried the few corpses they could find together. As the Marines did this, Bridget was taken to the ship and given a tour. 

The tour didn't last long, after all the ship is quite small. Bridget could be seen, standing next to an oil lantern with a tired look on his face. He was staring into the dark abyss, trying to see his home for the final time, before setting sail. He kept staring until it was interrupted by a deep voice, speaking towards him.

" Are you tired kid? " Said a tall burly man with long dark hair, his skin was like leather, showcasing his experience in the Navy. Bridget glanced up at the man, before speaking in an exhausted voice. 

" I am, but who are you? And what do you want?" The man just grinned at Bridget before speaking while crossing his arms. " David wasn't lying, you do have some powerful eyes, but the name is Hedrick, I know it's quite an odd one. And Emily asked for me to check up on you. I guess she's worried about you. But in my opinion, I think you will be perfectly fine." 

" What do you mean? " Asked Bridget staring at Hedrick, Hedrick quickly picked up the oil lantern and stared into the flame while speaking. " Since you are so young, you don't know this, but you can tell a lot in someone's eyes. For example, when you stare at a warlord, you can instantly feel the strength behind their gaze. And for some reason, you give a familiar feeling. " 

" I guess thank you. Even though, I don't have a clue what a warlord is. " Hedrick just let out a chuckle before speaking. " Don't worry about it, you'll learn about them tomorrow, for now, pick a place to sleep. It's going to be a long journey until we reach another port. "...