
The Worst Marine

The story of how the worst marine became feared throughout the entire world.

DaoistJIIvmp · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Chapter 4: Port


In the middle of the ocean, a small vessel could be seen rocking back and forth, as a gentle breeze coasted the ship forward, standing on the ship, a child could be seen, staring out into the ocean with a blank look on his face. He leaned on the wooden rails, as the breeze went through his hair, making it flow wildly in the wind. 

He watched the waves slam into the ship, before a voice behind him spoke, making him look back. " What are you doing, Bridget? " Said Emily who was holding onto a mop, Bridget just shrugged his shoulders. Emily let out a scoff before she spoke. " Don't just stare into the ocean, go talk to the crew. You're lucky, you could be mopping the deck like me. " 

Bridget nodded before he walked past Emily, who started to mop the deck once more. Bridget's eyes darted around before he locked onto a crowd of marines standing several feet away from a single log with a piece of paper on it. He started to walk towards the crowd, as several marines chucked knives into the log, playing a game similar to darts.

Bridget stopped next to a man, before he watched a woman fling a knife at the log, barely hitting the edge of the log, the woman smacked her lips before she spoke in an annoyed voice. " Tsk, you're lucky, that the ship leaned when I threw that. " The woman walked past Hedrick, as he spread apart his feet while holding onto a small knife. Hedrick eyes locked onto the log, getting ready to throw the knife, before in the corner of his eye, he saw Bridget staring at him. 

Hedrick glanced down towards him before he spoke in a cheery voice. " Hey! Kid, watch this. " As soon as Hedrick said this, he chucked the knife. The knife sailed through the air, effortlessly slicing, until it pierced directly in the middle of the paper, making a thud noise ripple out. The other crew members groaned annoyed, as Hedrick spoke with a grin on his face. 

" Looks like I won again, someone replace the paper. I'll go first next time. " Bridget watched as a marine walked towards the log, before ripping off the piece of paper, that was loosely nailed onto the wooden log. As the man replaced the paper, Hedrick spoke to Bridget. " Are you done looking aimlessly into the ocean? " 

Bridget nodded before responding. " Yeah, Emily said I should talk to the crew, but what are you doing? " 

" We're placing a game called Logging, you just chuck a knife at the log and try to strike directly in the middle, usually this would be easy, but due to the ship swaying it makes it quite difficult. But hey, I'm about to go first, do you want my turn? " Bridget instantly smiled at the question, before he walked past Hedrick, grabbing onto the knife, he was holding. 

Bridget quickly walked into the middle of the crowd, waiting for the paper to be replaced. The crowd stared at Bridget before they started to chatter among each other, " You better back up, this kid is going throw this knife into the crowd. " Said a marine, right when the final nail was placed on the paper. 

The man replacing the paper stepped back, as Bridget glared at the paper, his eyes completely focused on the log. Bridget felt his body swaying left to right with the ship. He tightly held the knife, before in one single swift motion, he threw the knife. The blade gracefully twirled through the air. The crew eyes tracked the thrown knife before it struck... Directly in the middle of the paper. 

The crew stared at the log stunned, a single breeze blew, before Hedrick spoke. " Haha, not bad kid. You seem pretty comfortable holding onto a knife, did you practice using knives at your island or something? " Bridget just shook his head. Before he responded. 

" No, I just cut fish. " Even though Bridget was completely serious about his answer, the marines surrounding him couldn't help but laugh. Bridget stared at the laughing marines confused, before a bald elderly man spoke while holding onto his stomach dying from laughter. 

" Us marines. Really lost to a kid, that cut fish for a living. " Bridget looked at the elderly man even more confused, to Bridget, what he said, wasn't funny in the slightest. But to the average marine who is constantly bored, something even slightly amusing is ten times funnier...

Stick Stick Stick

The sound of knives sticking rippled out repeatedly, several hours have passed since Bridget hit the middle of the paper, and yet. The marines were still playing loggings, but unbeknownst to the crew, the pilot of the ship, could be seen watching the crew playing with a grin on his face. He was standing behind the helm. Listening to the laughter of his crew. Until the sound of footsteps caught his attention and he looked to his left and saw Emily walking towards him with sweat dripping down her face. 

" I-I finished mopping the deck, David. " David locked eyes with her before he spoke. " Good job, but. It looks like the crew is already fond of Bridget, aren't they? " Emily nodded, agreeing with the statement. David watched as a knife struck the log before he chuckled and spoke. "It's a good thing, looks like our morale is back. I was quite nervous that the graphic scene of that massacre would break our spirits. " 

Emily nodded once again, as sweat kept pouring down her face. David laughed at her sorry state before he spoke with a grin on his face. "You're dismissed. " Instantly, Emily turned around and walked away, with unsteady steps. David watched her walk away, before suddenly a ringing sound rippled through the air, and he reached into his white coat, grabbing onto a snail. David clicked a button on the snail and an unknown voice spoke. 

" You want to dock at our port correct? " 

" That's right. We'll be there in around two or three days. " Responded David, the voice behind the snail went quiet, and only the sound of a pencil writing could be heard through the snail. The voice remained silent for several seconds before it finally spoke. 

" Alright, dock at the right side of the port. You'll only be allowed to stay at the port for three hours before another ship is scheduled to dock. But Pilot David, please stay safe. The number of pirates is increasing, looks like the government isn't lying. This is the great age of pirates. CLICK

David quickly looked up into the sky, before he let out a sigh and spoke. " Indeed, it's been 15 years since Gol D Roger was executed and the pirate activity has only been increasing. " David kept staring into the blue sky before a sudden voice caught him off guard. 

" So what? Who cares if there are more pirates? We'll just capture them too. " David looked to his left and saw Hedrick staring at him. Before David could ask, what he wanted, Hedrick spoke with a grin on his face. 

" That kid is a damn prodigy. " A confused look crept onto David's face before Hedrick spoke again with his grin widening. " He's nearly perfect with those knives, I think he's only missed the middle of paper once or twice. He's almost better than me, but if Bridget does become a marine, let me be the one who trains him. Don't send him off to a base, I'll teach him the rules. " David scoffed at the comment before he spoke.

" I don't know, letting you train him, might be a bad idea. Besides if the government finds out, we have a child that's barely twelve years old on board, they might disband our crew. " As soon as Hedrick heard this, an irritated look appeared on his face, before he abruptly shouted out at the pilot. " Tsk, he's too damn talented to let those old bastards at the bases ruin him with pointless lectures about the Navy rules. I'll teach him how to fight, and the best way to save lives. What will those old geezers do? Tell him how to do something, instead of actually letting him do it. "

David just shook his head at Hedrick before he responded. " You misunderstood me, Hedrick. I'm going to let you train him that was never a question. I was just worried, he was going to pick up the same attitude problem you have and the fact, that the government might disband us, is worrying."...

Two days have passed since Hedrick argued with David, and the ship has finally reached the edges of a small navy port, located on a rocky island. Several other ships could be seen restocking on food, cannonballs, and other needs. The crew looked at the port with cheerful eyes, they were all gathered at the edges of the ship. Patiently waiting to dock at the port. 

Standing directly behind the crew was Bridget peeking around the crow, staring at the port in awe, but he couldn't stare for long, as a sudden voice spoke to him, asking him a single question. 

" So? Are you going to stay with us or not, Bridget?" This question stemmed from David who unbeknownst to Bridget was standing directly behind him, this question also caught the attention of the other crewmates who all in unison glanced back. Bridget locked eyes with David before he smiled and spoke. 

" Of course? Why wouldn't I? They're still out there aren't they? " This single answer, made the crowd of marines standing directly in front of Bridget loudly cheer, as they all started to repeatedly chant a single phrase.

" Welcome Aboard Bridget! You Are Now One Of Us! "