
Chapter 26

[extra CHAPTER : patreon.com/Amarhazlin]

Chapter 26


As both weapon was about to clash they suddenly turn their face to the side to see a tall man that dwarf both of them with X-shaped scar centered on the left side of his forehead that stretches over both eyes, one of the line cross his left eye while the other only slicing his eyebrows a little bit. He has short dark hair, a mustache, a beard. His only functioning eye switching back and forth between Tommy and Rayleigh




Before both of them can do anything, it's already too late. They both felt a tap on their chest and saw how the man unsheathing his Shikomizue [ Sword cane], touching Rayleigh chest with the Hilt and Tommy chest with the Scabbard point before sheathing it back in place with a click

But they are too unprepared to do anything and the sudden increase of gravity didn't help either. They only manage to cover the part that was being aim with their haki.

That's all happen in less than second

The person that was responsible to all of that was none other than the man that Mikoto order earlier to separate both of them

He is wearing a black unbutton Single Breasted Suit with a purple turtleneck shirt underneath. He also has a purple marine style coat drape over his shoulder with a word "FAITH" written on it

[Fujitora got some drips]



They can't complete their sentence as multiple round shape purple energy start to form behind their back pulling them hard toward it's directions



Without giving any chance to resist, they immediately got flown away from the ship and crash far away onto some unknown part of the sea.

Mikoto not reacting to the scene earlier just walk upstair to the nearby coffee table and a set of comfy sofa under a huge umbrella and sit down crossing his leg, continue sipping on is coffee calmly. The croissant from earlier gone inside his stomach

"How far did you throw them?" Mikoto said closing his eye as he lean back resting his head on the comfy sofa. He tap his finger on the coffee table and suddenly a huge transmutation circle appear on the deck.

As of time was rewind, the damage to the ship that was done by both of them earlier slowly start to repair itself. But it's only the thing that connected to the ship, as for the furniture and other things, they stay the same

"…. I don't keep track, do you?" Issho said as he make his way upstairs and sit down across Mikoto

"Nah, I don't keep tracks on grown ups" he offer Issho a cigarette that he kindly reject as he took out a gourd similar to Garp, he pour it contents on a tea cup and drink it slowly

"They should be on their way by now"





" I've been here more time than I visit my wife, can't I get at least a proper welcome for once? And this time I even got thrown to sea" Rayleigh said in exasperate tone while wiping his glasses before putting on. He didn't even bother to dry himself

" And what happen every single time you come here? Right, one or two ship will sinks and the 'poor' Tommy has to get his salary cut" Mikoto look at Rayleigh weirdly when he just use a weird metaphor

" As he suppose!! He was the one who can't let go of the past over a fucking bet" Rayleigh said as he point his finger at Tommy who is beside him

"*Scoff* A bet that cost me over 10 billion bellies, yeah I can't wait to cut your head off and take my money back"

" You made over 100 million a month dammit!! What's a 10 Billion for you"

"I have my pride as a man"

"Yeah, a 'man' that can't keep their bet. Pu**y" Rayleigh just give Tommy a side eye as he said that. Tommy instantly got up from his seat and appear in front of Rayleigh, put a gun on his forehead

"Say that again, I Fookin' dare you"


"BAST-" he was just about to lash out when Mikoto decide to stop them

"Okay okay, enough for now" he put down the coffee cup in his hand

"Tch" Tommy just glare at Rayleigh and goes back to his seat

" So?" Mikoto lit up a cigarette and cross his leg as he ask " You don't come here just because you miss Tommy didn't you?"

"….." Rayleigh decide to ignore the last part as his behavior turn serious, he lean forward and put his hand together under his chin

"I'm here for a delivery"

"…." Mikoto look at Rayleigh in the eyes for a moment before he also lean forward and putting his hand on Rayleigh shoulder " Rayleigh…. We've known each other for years now, if you need a job just tell me."

A tick mark appear on his forehead as he heard what's coming out of Mikoto mouth. But he didn't broke his seriousness since the topic he's about to brought is something extremely important to Mikoto

Seeing that Rayleigh is genuinely serious right now Mikoto drop his act and also turn serious. Tommy and Issho on the side just wait curiously about what Rayleigh about to say

" What's the package?" Mikoto ask leaning back to his chair

" The cure" Rayleigh said simply but with tone of seriousness " I just got back from visiting Hiruzen and happen to meet Acier, the scientist that Yuuto brought back before. And he complete it, with the help of the alchemist, he found the last 'ingredient' for the 'Cure'"

Mikoto froze the more he heard what Rayleigh said, the cigarette that is hanging on his mouth fall to the ground but he didn't even bother to pick it up. His eye start to pool up in tears as he lower his head and cover his face with his hand

Rayleigh seeing this didn't say anything since he know that this man has been holding his emotion for the past 10 years now, since the day his 'recruit' the little red head to the crew. He pull out a tiny shinning golden vials and put it on the table as he continue speaking

"They already test it on all the patients of 'the incidents', and they all woke up the next days without any major issues and their body is as good as the day they're active" Rayleigh pause for a moment letting the information sinks in. Tommy and Issho look surprise at the information they just receive, it's already been 10 years already and they all has search every possible way to cure the Illness but nothing work.

" And this concoction…" Rayleigh point at the shining vial on the table and smile " This one is personally made by the old man for HER. Hahahaha he said something about this thing can change the construct of human body and can hold/expel outside source of energy, I don't remember the rest, I'm not that good at his part of subject HAHAH-UGH"

Rayleigh was suddenly was embrace into a tight hug that borderline crushing his bones. But he just calmly pat the man back to calm him down or this might be his last day breathing

Mikoto release his hug sat back down, for the first time in 10 years….. he smile, a genuine smile his gracing his face.

" It's been 10 tough years…. And finally it coming to an end" Mikoto pick up the vial gently and holding it in his hand as if it was the most important treasure ever. He then look back at Rayleigh " What about my son? Will –" he want to ask about his son, but Rayleigh quickly interrupt

" Don't worry, the moment your wife wake up the seal on your son will be lift. He will remember everything again" Rayleigh said but suddenly his voice turn gloomy " But there is one MAJOR side effect"

Mikoto who is about to let out sigh of relief, stop and steel himself before asking

"What is it? As long it didn't involve my wife and son" Mikoto already assuming the worst

"….. The moment she wake up" he look at each person directly in the eyes making them nervous a little " She will be several time stronger than before" he finish seriously





"OI!!! What was that for?" Rayleigh yell at Tommy who just suddenly shot at him

"Don't made it sound like a bad things You Fucktards"

As they both continue their 'little' fight , Issho calmly sipping his drink and ignore them. Mikoto has a small smile as he look at the distant sea

"Kushina….." he mutter slowly. He was daze for a moment before a sudden laughter startled him from behind him.

"YOHOHOHOHO, I'm so happy for you Boss-san. Ahh~ I'm in tear..... but I don't have eyes Yohohohoho"







[extra CHAPTER : patreon.com/Amarhazlin]

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