
Mastering the brain

As Time passed slowly, I got the hang of controlling my eyesight. It was not that simple to see something but not focus on anything.

" Well done brian! now try to focus only a bit of your brain power o what you see, don't neglect everything but choose to focus on some things."

Well, this is a bit hard, if I remember correctly this is the same principle a camera focus worked, I just need to pick a part of what my eyes see and try to make it clearer in my mind, sort of like polishing only a part of a mirror and letting the other part unpolished and out of focus.

It was really hard to do just that, every time I started to focus on something, I heard doctor eric remind me that my brain activity just flared through the roof.

" Brian, what I mean by focusing on something doesn't mean dedicating all your brainpower to it, just the right amount like you did when sleeping, just the right amount of computing power needs to be active."

I thought for a moment and then said :

"If we do that I think It will be a bit hard to control, wait I think I know how to go about it, we got it wrong all along."

Doctor Eric looked at me inquiring " What are you thinking about? "

" For starters, we are trying to control 100% of my brain activity, for such a scale it will always be difficult to control. But what about controlling only 10% and deactivating the rest, I mean, I will deactivate 90% of my computing power, let it sleep always, and try living with only 10% all the time, after I get used to it I can increase it bit by bit till I get to control 100% in the future, my only concern is if I don't use the 90% for a long time will it be detrimental to me and I would not be able to use it at all in the future? "

" If you don't use it in the long run you will lose it in the end, of that, I am pretty sure"

After hearing the doctor's words, my mother became thoughtful and said to us :

"Wouldn't it be no problem if he just activated the 90% every day for an hour or so just to keep them available for use once his control progressed bit by bit? In the virtual world, we can control all surrounding variables so that his brain gets only the necessary information, and even if he used 100% of his brainpower, he could focus on something like learning books in a quiet environment?"

Doctor Eric sighed in relief and said with great confidence: " That's the way to do it and I am sure it will bring great benefit to him. Brian just make 90% of your brain sleep, tone down its performance so that it is 10% active all the time, this way we don't need to do anything else, just get used to it and after some time let's increase it bit by bit. "

I did as he said, it was easy now, my body started to function according to the active part of my brain, I started getting a feeling all over my body, I good vaguely feel that I can move my hand smoothly, I tried it and it worked, I am just a bit exhausted, but I could move.

" Doctor I am feeling my body better and I think I can start my rehabilitation sooner now."

Doctor Eric nodded and kept staring and the brain monitor for some time and then said

"Well I think this is the way to go forward, we will be doing regular brain monitoring every day from now on, and after rehabilitation, you will give us access to your capsule data so that when you try to activate all your brainpower, we will keep monitoring all your brain data, and you can come once a month for a whole-body scan so that we can keep a tab on your situation."

"Ok that's it, so can we start rehabilitation now I can keep my brain activity under control if it is just deactivating part of it without finer control over it?"

"Yes, first let's go to your room, wait for your father to bring you your nutrient liquid, and after taking it let's start your rehabilitation."

So they pushed me back to my room and after that, all the researchers and interns went away, only me my mother, and doctor eric stayed there.

"Son your father will come in 10 minutes and he will bring the governor people with him so that we get you access to virtual reality."

"Ok mom, Doctor Eric, can we start rehabilitation after finishing all the procedures with the governor people? "

"Of course, brian, just relax for a bit and don't think too much of it, I will go to finish writing my report and prepare the procedure for the rehabilitation capsule."

After Doctor Eric went out, my mother came to my side and told me in a soft voice.

" After you go into the rehabilitation capsule it will scan your body and give an estimate of how long it will take to repair every damage in your muscle tissue and activate all your muscles so that you can start to be independent and be active."

"Ok mom, I hope it will not take much time, I want to so the world outside."

At this moment my mother's phone rang.

"Oh, it is your father, Hi honey, Are you coming now, ok. did you prepare everything needed? Alright, we are waiting for you in the room."

"Your father is coming now with the governor's secretary, your nutrient liquid, and a set of VR equipment."

"Alright, I am looking forward to it."

I could hear people's steps outside of my room, and then 5 people came in, 3 of them are known to me but 2 are new faces.
