
Chapter 9: Another test

Listening to the words of director my mind exploded with a plethora of ideas, from solving my current predicament to expanding the area of my brain use. As I get more and more excited about my future endeavors, I tone down a bit and set my priority straight.

" This is a brilliant idea! We can try testing it first before my father comes to the hospital."

My mom interrupts me:

" First thing first, eat something, you didn't eat anything yesterday since you are still hooked to all these machines all the time, but I think eating something will not endanger your body in any way. isn't that right director? "

"Well, I'll call the nurse to prepare something for him to eat, meanwhile, I'll go and prepare the laboratory and the neurosurgery team and researchers that are available now and have no surgery today, some intern and resident on top of that would be better, I hope you don't mind that, they can sign a non-disclosure agreement if you want to keep all the news about brian under wrap."

My mother looked at me and thought for a second then decided.

"Let the agreement be that they don't specify Brian's name in any way possible even if they want to publish some papers. You know the drill, we need some space to let brian live comfortably and conduct his rehabilitation with no issue, so no nurse gossip or media to cover the news, and since his case is extremely unique it may help in a way or another to further our understanding of the human brain through the tests, but bear in mind, he is after all the prince of a giant corporation, so let him decide what to do with his future."

I nodded my head in agreement, this is no small matter, I really don't wanna be a freak of nature in the eyes of others, even though I think I am a freak hehe.

The director agreed and went to prepare everything. Minutes later came the nurse with my breakfast: milk, croissant with strawberry jam. Since I can't move freely and fluidly, my mother helped me with it.

" That was an interesting taste".

Mother looked at me questionably " Did it not taste good?"

"That is not the point" I replied. " I seem to remember the taste of what I've eaten before, but the taste now is more enhanced, It is like an explosion of different tastes, with more depth to it. I can tell if the milk is watered or not, how much water in it, how fresh it is, I don't know how to describe the situation, maybe if you give me two different types of milk or more, I can give you more thorough feedback on it. Well, it is good to know that even my tastebuds have evolved further hihi."

"I'm happy that it did not taste funny for you, at least you can eat like normal people and don't need to force yourself to eat something you don't like."

Seconds later, my mother's phone rang.

" It is your dad." she picked the call " Good morning Emanuel... Yeah, we are awake... You can take your time, Brian has more test to do with the director. I'll take care of everything here and by the time you are here, we can see what to do... Let the management take care of everything, it is not like we are needed there all day long, you can deal with all your paperwork online from the hospital, just give them their task for the day or something... we don't need to make any adjustment for the moment, prepare every day's devices for brian, and his pass and ID for the time being. The governor will do us a favor and can send someone directly to the hospital to finish their paperwork, and maybe by tomorrow, he can get his access to everything ready... Yeah... And by the way, bring the nutrient liquid with you if they are finished, no need to prepare more of it just for a day or two since we might solve the problem of brian's brain hyperactivity today... Don't get overexcited, when you come here you will see everything, well here come the doctors, talk to you later."

The director entered the room with a group of doctors.

" We will take brian now to the neurology researcher lab, this is the team that worked with me on Brian case in the last 10 years, so they know the drill already."

" Good, they all signed confidentiality agreement prior to this, so it is still in effect."

Two nurses helped me out of the bad and into the wheelchair, then we went to the lab.

When we entered the lab, there were giant screens, machines everywhere, the brought me near a machine with helmet and cables all over it, they put it on my head and stared at the monitors all over the place, I could see a brain image with colors all over it. It was like a bulb of light.

"Ok," said the director, "now do the same thing you did when slept." I nodded my head, closed my eyes, tried shutting down all information going in and out of my brain, and the miracle happened: Director eric looked at the screen to see my brain activity toned down to a record low with only 5% activity. After a minute passed I heard him talking to me.

"Brian, That's terrific, now stay like that but try to open your eyes, don't focus on what you see just let the optical information pass by your brain without processing it."

As I opened my eyes, the occipital lobe flared in the screen, it was hard to not focus at first but I tried to relax my eyes and it happened then, the sight part of my brain began to tone down a bit.

I saw with my own eyes the changing color on the screen, I found it fascinating but I chose to ignore it since I am trying to control my brain now.