
Weapon Specialist

In the afternoon, Ouyang Shuo took the time to make a trip.

He wanted to visit a person that was super important for the future development of his territory.

He took a trip to an old neighbourhood in Jiao State suburbs. This kind of neighbourhood was considered a forgotten area, similar to the shantytowns 200 years ago.

Because of the massive drop in population and also the excellent welfare packages, this old neighbourhood was like a ghost town. Those who lived here were usually those who couldn't mix well into society.

When he got out of the car, he followed the memory in his last life and walked the streets of the neighborhood. On each side were old shops that were dilapidated and long closed.

When he saw a weird advertisement sign, he was sure that the guy from the last life didn't lie. Ouyang Shuo walked into another alley and onto the muddy and dirty surface. Both sides had high walls and on them were creepers and other vegetation.