
Life of a Spotter

On the vast ocean surface, waves rose up one after another, forming a beautiful ripple effect.

Two squadrons in around two hundred small-sized warships. They formed up into their battle formations, as they sailed forward. On the masts of each warship hung many flags, including a majestic golden dragon and a vast blue dragon.

The two dragons added to the radiance and beauty of one another.

Amongst the squadron, two huge five floor turreted ships were the most eye-catching.

These two ships were the flagship of each squadron. The flagship of the 1st division of the Beihai Bay Squadron was Flying Cloud, while the flagship of the 1st division of the Yashan Squadron was Gaihai.

Two ships, one on the left and one on the right. They were like two giants on the deep ocean, leading the other warships.

In their journey here, apart from a rare few pirates, they had faced no opponents. Even the large-scale pirate organizations nearby retreated upon seeing such a huge fleet.