
The World Of The Unknown

In a world full with hate and division a couple who were of different origins in race came together to form the first half human offspring since generations. A stigma that would warrant death. His birth shifted the course of the planet. Not only that but a goal stemming from the love of his parents, to unite the world. Ivanian Gale, is a boy that grew up in a common land with loving family and with no challenges in his life until that was taken. His home, his friends, his family all stripped from him forcing him to walk a lonely path As years go by his tasks becomes more difficult and people around him begins dissipating after receiving a prophecy by a being of divine power that he may cause the end to his world Is it true or Is it a simple trick??

LegendaryKing13 · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Unwelcomed (2)

With each step the enemy got closer and closer sending slight shocks of fear into Ivan's heart yet still he would not back down.

How could he back down?

The blood pumping within his veins were that of warriors, warriors that would rather fight than to run.

Lifting his blood covered hand off his shoulder, Ivan retrieved his broken down dagger and clenched it before his enemy.

The boy said nothing but a simple provoking smirk erected on his face. His opponent who once moved slowly towards him suddenly rushed forth with great speed.

Their crescent blade spun within their palms like the blades of a fan that tore through the air before its speed was replaced with brutish strength as it came down upon Ivans body.

Ivan swiftly parried the attack, deflecting the blow with his weathered dagger. The clash of the contrasting blades reverberated through the air, sending tense shocks rippling through his muscles and his weapon alike.

The hooded attacker proceeded to boot Ivan, the strength of the blow sending him backwards into the trunk of a tree.

It was instantly followed by a slash aiming for his abdomen which was once again parried, each block slowly cracking the blade.

The assailant withdrew their blade from Ivan's, then lunged forward, aiming a swift slash at his neck.

Ivan swiftly ducked, the blade missing him by a hair's breadth as it cleaved off a chunk of the nearby tree trunk.

Ivan dived forth then descending into a roll that irritated his injured shoulder even more. Ivan swiftly got up on his two by pushing himself up after the roll, now assuming a defensive battle stance.

Each attack made it clearer to the child his assailant was a seasoned warrior, not just some mere common beast.

Ivan was prepared for a next attack but none came, the attacker simply stood still silent. The clutch on their blade became tighter and an aggressive presence resonated from their body.

`You foul bastard`` ; The attacker whispered to themselves before shouting out at Ivan whilst making a turn.

A/N: These words are not actually in english or the language Ivan speaks i'm just doing this for the readers point of view.

These words of unfamiliarity proclaimed at Ivan confused the shaken up child. What did they say, these were not spoken words of Nibia.

Was this the monstrous tongue that some humanoid beasts spoke?

Every second on this battlefield arose a new question within the child's mind, ones that needed explaining.

Ivans mystery assailant rushed towards Ivan, the pattern in their steps shifting.

Right to left, Left to right, the pattern was ever changing adding a plate of more confusion to the already toppling tower.

Not to mention the fact that the speed of such steps had drastically increased from before which allowed them to leave faint afterimages in the spots they once stood.

The aim of Ivan's gaze shifted every second in anticipation of where they would strike.

Right, Left or maybe…

Behind him his opponent striked, a massive amount of killing intent put behind their precise yet brutish swing. As the blade glided through the air on its way to deliver a fierce slash to the boy's neck an uncalculated matter arose, a factor that did not cross his assailant's mind.

A large amount of mana escaped the sealed confines of Ivan's body in a large burst. This sudden burst stunned the assailant for a moment for this was too much mana for a boy of Ivans stature.

This singular moment of shock was all Ivan needed.

As the assailant's blade's momentum slowed by its wielder's shortcoming, Ivan instinctively took this moment to counter.

He channeled the remainder of his mana, feeling it surge through his veins like a torrent of energy. Despite the searing pain in his injured shoulder, he focuses his will, directing the mana to envelop his body and weapon.

With a burst of strength, Ivan deflecteds the incoming strike with his reinforced weapon, the clash of blades echoing through the air.

The assailant, taken aback by Ivan's sudden resilience, hesitated for a split second, giving Ivan the opening he needed to deliver a blow of his own.

Implanting his left leg directly behind their heel and adding a great amount of force to their hand, the dagger eased off their neck.

Like a tilted tower the assainlant came toppling down, their hood being blown off as they crashed against the ground.

Ivan wasted no time after the previous attack, swiftly immobilizing them. Slipping his legs through their outstretched arms, he positioned his heels on the nape of their neck and secured his grip with speed.

Relying solely on his raw strength, Ivan intensified his hold, executing a technique favored by top-tier martial artists.

A hold that is proved to trap anyone in its grasp if done correctly.

"The Snakes Grip"

Ivan raised his dagger in the air and prepared to pierce their jugular well that was before his gaze finally landed on their face.

They had very masculine features that would put any model to shame.

Their jawline sharply defined looking like that of one mewed for years. Thin arched eyebrows that brought out their ferocity directed towards Ivan.

Yet amidst the intensity their aqua blue eyes gleamed in the light of day personifying their fear.

Their light brown skin portrayed several trials and tribulations, marked with a scar made from a burn on their forehead and a blade-like horizontal scar etched on their nose.

What caught Ivans attention was not their looks but a feature he had never seen before, something that could be deemed as monstrous.

Their ears, remarkably acute and extending outward, defied the conventional oval shape of human features. Adorned with two piercings stacked vertically, they added an edgy allure to their unique appearance.

``What are you``; Ivan thought to himself, sitting above their neck while locking them in his hold.

Was this all some deformity caused by the environment around them, who knew but what was certain was that in an environment unknown to him he had to follow a law transiting through continents.


A law he had to follow to stay alive this long.

Ivan pressed on with his assault, poised to strike with lethal precision at their jugular. His assailant braced for the impending final blow, eyes tightly shut in anticipation of their demise. Yet, the anticipated end never came to fruition.

Just before the tip of his dagger struck down upon them Ivan received a blow unable to pick up by his senses.

A force crafted from the very essence of the air slammed into Ivan's chest with such ferocity that it shattered his grip, propelling him mercilessly into a nearby tree trunk.

The impact sent the back of his head and torso crashing against the tree, before gravity claimed him and he landed face-first upon the ground below.


Ivans eyes slowly shut, unconsciousness kicking in due to the blow received. His vision was heavily blurred but the image of five figures could be seen clearly, emerging from behind his assailant wearing similar attire, one assisting their stunned comrade up.

``What are you``; Ivan silently muttered, a question asked once more before his eyes finally clamped shut