
The World Of The Unknown

In a world full with hate and division a couple who were of different origins in race came together to form the first half human offspring since generations. A stigma that would warrant death. His birth shifted the course of the planet. Not only that but a goal stemming from the love of his parents, to unite the world. Ivanian Gale, is a boy that grew up in a common land with loving family and with no challenges in his life until that was taken. His home, his friends, his family all stripped from him forcing him to walk a lonely path As years go by his tasks becomes more difficult and people around him begins dissipating after receiving a prophecy by a being of divine power that he may cause the end to his world Is it true or Is it a simple trick??

LegendaryKing13 · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Mission Complete

Kensei, one of the four great martial arts created by the Sages. It is a style that concentrates all the Mana in one's body solely into their legs so one can deliver powerful blows.

The mana of Mira collided with the side of Ron's head. The pure strength of the kick broke his jaw and sent him through several trees before his momentum ended upon hitting a large boulder. His cheek was completely scorched and the literal wind knocked out of his body. Mira stood in front of the trail he left upon being hit with her left fist clenched.

While Mira had just finished dealing with Ron, Ivan still continued running through the forest as the royal knights continued running after him. It was the darkest of nights and he was barely outrunning them. The knights taunted him as they closely lingered behind with their swords of steel. Ivan was too focused at the direction he was going he ended up tripping over a rock and rolling down the hillside beside him. With each roll his body clashed against the grass filled ground before his back slammed against the trunk of a large tree. His spine snapped before his body ragdolled off it and landed on a wet, muddy surface.

The knights proceeded to follow him down the hill by sliding down. Ivan attempted to get up from the ground but his spine was badly injured. He began shivering in fear as they closer. Suddenly a bright light emitting from the trinket Arthur gave him. In that moment he remembered his mothers instructions and quickly spun the top of it as the knights were only completely a couple of feet away with their longswords raised in the air. The second instruction given to him was to think of a safe place but he couldn't, he was too frightened to even think a single thought, all that he wanted was to get away from there.

Suddenly the sparks of lightning flickered from the trinket as the knights were mere inches away, prepared to swing their swords. In the blink of an eye a beam of blue came from the sky and struck down upon Ivan and whisked him away before the swords could even graze him.

Back up at the house Mira stood over Ron's immovable body with her fists clenched. She turned to the direction of the forest and wondered if Ivan was ok. The worried mother prepared to leave but Ron suddenly started laughing. What is wrong with him, has he truly lost it?

Ron pointed at him with blood running from his head and his finger shaking aggressively. ``You think the king would send me alone on a mission like this``; Ron said with a smirk on his face. The air felt like it was slit in half before a chain with a spiked ball wrapped around Mira's left foot. The chain yanked her back and swung her through the wooden cabin which had now completely engulfed in flames.

Her entire body slammed against the countless burning wooden pieces that made up the cabin before being slammed into the trunk of a tree. The chain released from her leg before a large, black man in a white oni mask, thick black dreads, a white robe and several katanas around his waist.

``Well look at what i've caught here``

The large man nicknamed"THE ONI '' due to the mask he wore held the position of 2nd general of the royal knight . Due to his large physique he would crush his opponents limbs before destroying them completely. This gained him title of the most brutal of the three.

The Oni turned to Ron while standing over Mira while laughing. ``This is the monster you were having trouble with``; He asked while continuously laughing. Ron shouted at him to not underestimate her before a tentacle made of blood, shot right at THE ONI. It seemed the air slit in half as the tentacle burst forward when suddenly the tentacle was cut in half before it could even graze his mask. ``I'm not finished talking, demon``; The Oni said before gripping her neck. Though Mira was strong due to the blood within her it felt like her head was about to be separated from her body by the fist of a human. The large man flung through a trail of trees before appearing behind her and gripping her unique white hair. A strong downforce pushed her down into the soil below her which took her ability to move.

``What the hell is happening to my body, is he using gravity magic``; Mira commented as she felt her body continuously sink into the soil.

She dug her nails into the ground and began attempting to crawl before a shadow of a person appeared in front of her. A hood covered their head and dark clothing encapsulated their body, it was truly like they were the physical embodiment of a shadow. The shadow of being looked down at Mira before scoffing.

``2nd, stop toying with it and end the fight``; said the being in their strong, deep voice. A dark blade rose up into the air and pierced through her flesh and stabbed her heart. Blood flew out her mouth before she writhed in pain. Her vision went blurry before in the corner of her eye she saw a bright beam of light ascend to the sky. Upon seeing such a sight, a smile came upon her face.

``Thank god Ivan's safe``; Mira said before a sudden bubble of blood formed where she was stabbed before it started to ascend up the blade.

The shadow being looked down at their blade confused before shock arose on his face.

As the blood bubbles began forming all around her body Mira began speaking to herself as her body began bulging with blood.

``I'm glad to know he's going somewhere safe but I wish I could have seen him grow up. I wonder what he would have looked like, the person he would marry, how my grandkids would have looked``

Suddenly tears ran down her cold cheeks as her thoughts came upon her mind. ``Damn it, damn it, damn it!!``; she shouted out in her mind, the pain of not seeing her child grow hurt her harder than the blade in her heart. The bubbles of blood spread far and encapsulated the blade. At that very moment a single thought rushed in the masked person's mind, Run.

He voiced this thought and commanded everyone to run before the bubbles of blood exploded. Like a chain reaction all the bubbles burst and began melting and destroying everything it touched. Soon the entire area including the cabin was covered in this toxic goop that ate away at anything that was caught in it.

On the top of a tree stood the no. 2 ranked general and the shadow that was called no.1 who had narrowly escaped the attack. ``The damn ghoul exploded and took out most of the knights``; The Oni commented as the two looked down at the pool of decaying flesh.

``And Ron??``; No.1 asked, still eyeing the destruction. A grin appeared on the no.2 generals face behind the mask after being asked that question.

``Looks like the cocky bastard couldn't avoid the attack``

No.1 placed their hands behind their back and sighed.

``I guess that was for the best. The idiot was getting on my nerves anyway``

He turned and told the remaining knights to head back to the capital before peeking at the destruction one last time. His eyes then peered forward before he left as ominous as he arrived.

After they had left slight groans were heard in the puddle of blood before a hand suddenly emerged.

The beam that struck Ivans body and took him away burst through the sky. Though teleportation is instantaneous to the naked eye it felt like minutes - hours to the person in the beam of light. The beam also had insane pressure that Ivan could not handle and knocked him out within a minute of staying in there. As it continued to ascend the light blue beam changed it to a purplish color that was wrapped in stars. It then changed directions and went east, over many rocky mountains and several acres of trees before fading while airborne.

It vanished like it was never present to begin with, not an ounce of lingering mana present in the air.

The astral beam reappeared and delivered Ivan against rocky grounds before scattering.

Ivans body curled up as slowly bursts of cold air brushed his skin. From the shadows behind him a figure emerged lurking over his body.

End of chapter