
The World of Ruins

January 26 20XX, the city of Athm is on the lookout because of their populations' sudden decrease, and the one who is responsible for its decrial, is just one man who is an anonymous serial killer; later named as ZERO Without violence, there's no peace, without peace there'd be no slaughter. I will wear this mask without ever taking it off, the blood on my hands will never fade, angry souls kept haunting me…..even so…..I'm doing this for them...I saved them from suffering in this cruel world, even the Gods may forgive me but I could not. **Disclaimer: I do not own the cover photo**

Yuji_Sakamoto24 · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Birth of the Hero [4]

"Adam, it's time for dinner" mother puts the food on the table and everyone else sat there, I went downstairs from my room and rubbed my eyes, "Mom, what happened yesterday? I can't remember anything what happened even what I ate" I sat on the dining chair and asked mom, she looks at me with confusion written all over her face, "You came back home at night and a lady escorted you here, but you were already asleep." she replied.

"Eh? A lady took me home?" I asked her once again and she looks at father, "You should eat Adam, I think you're just freaking out." father puts food on my plate and handed me the water, I nodded and decided to eat, "Now that I'm fully recovered, is it okay for me to go to school now?" I looked at mom and drifted back to dad's, mom just nods and sighed.

The next day, I went to school and decided to head over Drake's place and he was there, he waved me hello and I waved back, "Adam, I was worried, you didn't go to school for 4 days now, did something happen?" he looked at me while holding his bag.

"Oh it's nothing really...." I replied while scratching my neck

"So you just wanted to skip school?!" he shouted and glared at me

"Take it easy, I have some problems you know, it's not like I don't want to go to school or anything!" I replied

He busted into laughter, and began to walk faster pace than mine, I smiled and followed him. We arrived at the school safely without encountering Luke and his friends, "Say, did Luke stop bullying you or something?" I looked at Drake and he replied, "He stopped after the day we met Prince James"

"Prince James? Who is that?" I looked at him with confusion then he began to freak out

"Didn't you remember? We met Luke's father and Prince James on our way home" he replied while shaking his hands on my eyes

"I can't remember....." I frowned, I really can't remember meeting James and Luke's father, I can't even remember Luke's face, "Whatever, for now let's just study hard!" I sighed hard and looked at the building, Drake nods and followed me towards the classroom.

We sat on our chairs and the Professor went in the room, the room was silent as he passed towards the door and sat on his chair tapping some folders on his table.

"Adam Grey, why were you absent for the past four days?" he looked at me with his cold dark eyes, I suddenly stood up and spoke, "I wasn't been able to wake up for three days straight sir!"

"I already knew, what I mean is that, why weren't you able to open your eyes--the reason of it?" he budged in and took one paper out of the folder. "I honestly don't know sir." I bowed down to show some apology, "I see, it's okay, now sit down" he cleared his throat and I sat down.

"Since, Adam was absent four days ago, I'll explain things slowly, everyone can ask me questions. So, the human body is a veil of your own soul, if your soul leaves your human body it will trigger the muscles and flesh causing it to deform now labelled as: the cocoon stride. Your soul is the only thing of you that connects any dimensions, but if you won't be able to control your soul masterly it will lead your soul astray and will cause the deforming of your human body, without your soul the human body will try to act on it's own and many people will see you as a monster."

"If you were able to control your soul masterly then you'll be able to control the shape of your body, putting your soul consciousness anywhere on your body leading it to the fact that you can deform your body's shape as you please. So that means, your soul is the only main core energy for your body. So if you are ever killed by someone, the only damage that will give you is only for the human body and not your soul causing you to be immortal in anyways--if you were able to control it."

"Practicing the cocoon stride is a bit difficult and dangerous for someone like you, you are still young...." Professor crosses his arms and sighed, I raised my hand, "Yes Adam?" he pointed at me, "If we were able to practice the cocoon stride at this age then, that means that we will be able to master it on the next years." I explained, the professor nods and smiled, "Dangerous is not in your vocabulary huh, Adam?" he took a book and flips pages, "Good, now turn your book to page 63, read that and after 20 minutes, I will give your a quiz, good luck everyone." He bid goodbye as he left the room.

All students were facing down looking at their books moving their lips to be able to answer on the quiz later, I looked at Drake and he was also focused on the book, I took my bag and checked if my book is in here, and so there is, I took it out and began to read.

[Page 63: The adaptation of the soul to the soul society....

The soul society is the dimension that only your soul can get across from the human realm, but what you will see on the soul society is the inside of your soul as well, it also engages the fear of your soul which are randomly strong or weak. Passing across the soul society is a dangerous journey, if your soul is not strong enough to handle the basic traps and lies about your human mind.

However, your human body doesn't survive if you didn't manage to go back from the soul society, time works slower on the soul society, so that means if you still stayed in the soul society, your body will slowly deform.] I stopped reading as I was curious why I managed to survive for three days, (Shade, I have a question....)

'What is it Adam?' he replied with the voice in my head, (Why did I manage to survive for three whole days on the human realm?)

'To keep it short, your human body has two souls: Yours and mine, it was you who were at the soul society, I only took my avatar on the soul society to talk to you, that's why I disappeared after a few seconds, I stayed in your body just in case you never go back.' he replied, (It almost seems like if I never came back, you will own my body....) I frowned

'Didn't we make a deal? You managed to get out and gave me a name, I promised to aid you after that happened and it did.' I bit my lip and sighed, (Thanks Shade, I will continue to read the book) I smiled, 'Very well, Adam.' he replied politely.

[Your soul is the only weapon that uses your body's flesh in order deform them at your will, doing this is difficult to amateurs and is incredibly dangerous. There is no need to become strong using the cocoon stride, becoming strong as a mage is a much difficult but safe path. Control your soul or else it will end your life beyond your will.

.....End of page 63]

I was curious of what danger comes when using the cocoon stride so I flipped another page in order to obtain the knowledge I need when it comes to power and survival. 'Adam, that's not what your professor ordered you to do' Shade stopped me while saying those words into my head, (The professors in this school doesn't teach students from the book and they skip pages from it) I replied while beginning to read another paragraph.

[Page 65: The sorcery of basic elements.....

Using elemental magic is a bit difficult to amateurs but, as you learn from practicing, you will be able use elemental magic as a master. There are a total of five elements: Lightning/Thunder{The strongest}, Fire{2nd strongest}, Water{3rd strongest}, Air{4th strongest}, and last, Earth{5th strongest}.

To be able to use elemental magic, you need to be with the nature itself, relaxing your mind and exercise your soul energy, one easy way to be with the nature is to be kind towards it, kind towards the animals or plants, but using elemental magic possesses something for other people--bad people, the necromancy is banned to elemental magic itself causing more people to go bad because of it.

Necromancy is also known as black magic to people these days, but it's too dangerous for someone to use or master it as a major elemental power, it is now banned to any countries.

Lightning/thunder power: It is a secondary element, and it is the strongest element ever created by combining two basic elements together, using fire and air. You have to adapt the storms or even lightning strikes in order to use this element, but that method is no longer used due to dangerous outcomes, a new method has proposed in order to use the element it is called: the glint of Zeus, the words below are the method requirements for the use of the element:

>The glint of Zeus: In order to achieve your goal on using the element, you have to surpass time, or be able to counter a lightning strike using only your soul, but I recommend you to use the glint of Zeus by surpassing time with speed, it may seem impossible but it is not.

Fire: This is a basic element and it is the second strongest element. It is also a rare element for a normal person, but in order to acquire this element you have to face the anger of the nether world, the rage of Hades, the heat of anger. You'll have to face the underworld itself. No other methods was proposed, this was the only way to obtain the fire power.

Water: It is a basic element and the third strongest element. It is a common element to any person with a total percentage of 9/10 people. To obtain the water element you need to have one of your parents to have this element, it passes from generations to generations, if none of your parent have it, there's no chance of it for you to obtain the elemental power.

Air: It is a basic element and is the fourth strongest element. It is actually stronger when the person has mastered the element ultimately, it may be equal to the fire element if mastered correctly, but in order to obtain the element, you have to strengthen your respiratory system in your human body, exercising the lungs is what to do.

Earth: It is a basic element and is the fifth strongest element. This element is often used as a decoy or a way to make a wall, but it is also rare among people. In order to obtain this elemental power, you have to overcome the nature energy with your soul energy.

....End of page 65]

(Shade, don't you think it's a bit difficult to be strong at this age?--)

"I'm back everyone, since I met someone on the way, I decided to introduce her to you, this is Madam Kath Bernavouse, she is the head chief of the Giere main base here on Gilnshe." professor shoved his hand towards Madam Kath, she then looked at the room and smiled.

"Good day everyone, I am Madam Kath Bernavouse, the head chief of the main base of Giere here on Gilnshe, I have come to check if there are children one of you who has special abilities and knowledge, well Mr. Froune?" she looked back at professor and the professor nods, "I believe I can acknowledge Adam Grey, Benedict Clut, and Hannah Greide, that's all." he bows and three of us came down from our seats.

"Hmm, I see that's perfect! Adam, Benedict, and Hannah, follow me" she heads out of the room while professor and the three of us followed her, she was silent as we walked towards the garden, then she finally stops, "We can sit here" she pointed at the table and she sat.

if she's the head chief of the main base of Giere then I can ask her about the guy with the mask, I approached her and asked, "I've been looking for a guy with a mask ma'am, and he's also a criminal, is there someone who matches with this identity?" she looked at me and shrugs, "There's no such man I met in my entire life" she smiled and clears her throat.

Devastated from her answer, I sit back and tried to calm down, "So, you three are the best in your class?" she asked politely and we nodded, "I've been wanting to recruit you as a student in Huete University, it has a different school learning system than here in Gilnshe, and Adam your father has gave me the reason so no need to pressure yourself for making a decision" she looked at me and smiled.

(Shade, is it just me or is she just giving a creepy aura?) I asked Shade in my head, 'It's not just you, all four of you does.' Shade replied, I looked on the others at my side and they were trembling in fear too, "Well, since Adam's father has already enrolled you, I am waiting for your answers, Benedict and Hannah. Mr. Froune, you can assist the children back to class." she pointed at us and professor bows, "Adam, see you." I looked back at her while walking towards the room and she was smiling.

It was time for lunch suddenly, Benedict approaches me with his hands on his pockets and his eyes narrowed, I looked at him and asked, "What?" he just stood there before me and sighed, "You already knew Madam Bernavouse before this do you?" he asked while touching his forehead, "I don't agree in the slightest." I replied, "Very well." he walked away and sat on his seat, Drake looked at me as if he was confused, "What just happened?" he asked, "Ah, maybe he's just jealous?" I replied while scratching my neck.

Afternoon came, and another professor entered the room holding a book and some papers, "Today I won't be teaching you some basic learning for the Giere officers, I will teach you the whole thing about the organization itself." he took a seat and clears his throat, "Nothing." as he spoke that word, the students looked at each other--confused, that was just one single word, and all the people were raising their brow and narrowed their eyes.

"I won't teach you anything about those guys, be who you want to be, don't force yourself to be like them, it'll kill you." he said those words cold and calmly, his eyes were a bit angry, (Why? What's wrong? I wanted to be a Giere officer to catch those filthy bad guys, is there something wrong with that?!) I clenched my fist and bit my lip as I was full of hatred because of what he said, 'Calm down Adam, he is also a mighty sorcerer, don't trigger him!' Shade warned me and tried to calm me down.

I looked at the professor once again and he looked empty. Class ended earlier than normal, and as usual, Drake and I would walk home together. During our walk, we encountered someone who is a royal Prince himself, "Good afternoon Adam, how are your studies?" the prince looked at me and smiled, "Who is this guy?" I whispered to Drake, "What, didn't we met him before? He is Prince James Kallior!" he whispered back, "Um, yeah I'm doing good." I replied back to show some signs of obeys.

"Perhaps you need someone to tell you about the masked man right?" Prince James looked at me and smiled once again, I widened my eyes as a result, "Did you found him?" I asked quickly, the Prince looked back at the Duke and nods, "Would you like to discuss this somewhere else?" he pointed at the chariot and smiled, I looked at Drake and he just shrugs.

We went in his fancy chariot and he escorted us during our small travel towards his palace, "I suspected that you already know him, Adam." the Prince took some papers out of his vest and gave it to me, it was a picture of the man with mask found dead, "When did this happen?" I asked while raising my eyebrows convincing myself that he's dead. Why do I feel heavy about his death? Why do I even think of him as someone good?

"I'll explain later at the palace" the Prince replied while closing his eyes, finally we arrived at the palace grounds, and the Duke carefully escorted us inside, we talked in the gazebo, "That picture was taken one day ago, he was found dead at his hideout, the time was 1:47 am." he showed me some more pictures and papers about the man with the mask.

"How did he die?" I looked at him and held the paper, "He was shot on the head, Adam." he replied while pointing his head, "And I suspected that you also knew about this, so I came here to also ask about you." he continued, "But, I don't know what you're talking about, I don't even knew that he died yesterday." I replied while looking through the papers.

"I see, we are still investigating about this case, oh and the man's name was also [Adam]." he stood up while brushing his coat, I widened my eyes, his name was also Adam?! I didn't know anything about him back then, "I also discovered that [Adam] kills people who has a history about murder in this city, like that time he killed Albert Fred: a wanted murder and a suspect of rape from the town of Athm" he took his coat and wore it, I looked away, I was ashamed for what I haven't done back then, I should've ran and tell the Giere officers.

"Oh and when I took off his mask....he looked......." he looked at me while smiling, "He looked?" I asked, "Don't mind, I guess you're also too young for that to understand." he replied, "Too young? You're only three years older which means you're also a ten years old." I replied then I sighed, he escorted us towards the gate and brought us home.


"Your majesty, are you sure you won't tell him?" the Duke asked when Adam left

"Even I myself, is very confused on what happened, it was disgusting as hell." the Prince replied

"Very well your majesty, I won't tell Adam or anyone about this."


G.V. updates every Saturday and Sunday now!

The time depends.

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