
The world of Dungeons

An assassin was betrayed by the ones he called friends and was reincarnated into a body of someone with no mana. Read how he overcomes his obstacles when his memories are unsealed, how he starts an adventure, makes a team and gains more power using his knowledge has a cheat as he travels through different worlds. Welcome to the world of dungeons

Kabir_Egube · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

The Reunion

"Layla?!" Ethan exclaimed losing the cold demeanor he had seconds ago

"Why are you so surprised to see me, aren't you supposed to be happy"

The lady named Layla said, she had missed her darling more than anything in the world.

"But, how?!" Ethan asked

"How what, you aren't making yourself clear you know?"

"How did you find me"

When she heard the question she sat down on her knees and took a serious expression.

"Shadow, when you were reincarnated into this world, there was a message which came through that oracle lady

She called everyone telling them you were now born on this world we are now, which caused pandemonium amongst your enemies"

Ethan listened to everything she said attentively and when he heard they knew his location he gritted his teeth.

"So what you're trying to say is..."

"Yes shadow, your enemies are also in this world now, it is also the reason I brought you here, so you can gain more power faster and be able to defend yourself against them.

Ethan sighed hearing that, he didn't know how to feel hearing his enemies had found him before he found them, but one thing he knew was he needed to unblock his meridians as fast as possible.

"Shadow, I know that you feel restless right now, but I promise I'll protect you from all of those wolves who live in sheep clothing"

"Thanks Layla" Ethan smiled at her genuinely, which brought a huge smile in her face too.

She had finally finished conversing with him about their training schedule and had now gone to take a shower.

Ethan just laid on the bed helplessly thinking about all those people and how they tortured him after sealing his qi circulation away from his whole body.

He looked up to the ceiling stretching his hand as if to get something then he closed it tightly showing a look of determination, he thought.

'I will overcome those obstacles and use them to improve myself because that is my only way of becoming stronger '

Layla had now finished with her shower and now wore a casual dress which had a flowery pattern on it

"Are you ready?" she asked him after coming out of her dressing room

"Ready for what?" he replied her with a question of his own still laying on the bed.

"We have to buy those ingredients silly" she giggled after answering

"Oh right, just give me a few minutes, I also need to take a shower"

With that said he also entered the bathroom.

Some minutes passed and he was now out of the bathroom, he wore some clothes she gave him, they were exactly his size for a matter a fact.

It was a t-shirt and sweatpants with a sneaker to complete the look.

They walked out of the inn looking like a normal couple who had picked clothes to rival others with their looks.

They both went to a shop named 'Alchemies ingredients'.

When they got into the shop Layla brought out Ethan's list which she had taken when she kidnapped Ethan.

Ethan didn't say a word, he already knew the argument was not going to go in his favour.

"Good day, please how can we help you today" the receptionist at the front of the counter said, she wore a professional outfit and wore a smile on her face while she talked.

"Um, we would like to buy these herbs please" she handed the list to the woman.

When the receptionist saw the herbs on the list, shock was visible in her eyes before she turned to Layla and said hesitantly.

"I'm sorry, but every herb on this list is priced 1M and above, they are all to expensive, I don't thi..."

Layla's expression had now changed looking down at the receptionist.

"I thought I told you I want to buy those herbs on the list, I don't remember telling you to judge my financial status"

The receptionist now had a an expression of fear plastered on her face as Layla's words had sent chills down her spine.

"Please forgive me for my incompetence, all the herbs will be on the counter in just some minutes"

The woman said and hurried to do her job before the woman before her disposed of her.

Seeing the woman had gone to do her job, she turned to Ethan and smiled.

Ethan also had a smile of his own but his thoughts were different

'Scary' the only thought which came to his head after seeing her display, he shivered slightly after those words.

All the herbs now laid on a table and the receptionist now checked the price of every single one.

When she was through she looked back at the lady who had almost scared her soul out of her body.

"y-your p-p-price is 14 million" she stuttered

Layla didn't even blink and just put a spacial ring on the table paying the whole money and dragged Ethan out of there.

Ethan looked at the lady sympathetically, he knew this was something she wouldn't forget for a long time and it might even give her nightmares too.

They had finally reached the inn after a long walk and Ethan was about to open the door to the room when she held his hand to stop him.

"There are three people inside the room, so immediately I open the door I will get the one closest to the door and leave the remaining two to you okay"

she spoke slowly and quietly for only the both of them to hear, then held the door knob slowly.

She firmed her grip on it and immediately opened the door, entering the room and positioning a knife at the neck of the one who was closest to the door.

Ethan was about to attack the other two, she had already given him their positions but before he attacked one of the intruders he was shocked to see who the two were.

"Matthew?!, Leo?!" he exclaimed

"Ethan?!" the both of them also exclaimed at the same time, they were just about to attack who they were supposed to save.

Then the three turned to Layla's position and saw her still holding none other than Amelia captive.

"Let me go Layla, or Ill blast your face away when I get out of your grip"

Amelia struggled to get away from Layla but all her struggle was to no avail as she couldn't get herself free of Layla's grasp.

"Layla, free her" Ethan said to Layla.

When she heard his words she freed Amelia in a heartbeat.

Amelia dropped to the ground and gave Layla a glare, Layla also did the same.

Amelia and Layla had never been friends since the day they both found out they loved Shadow.

To make matters worse Shadow accepted the both of them and since that day there was always a competition between the both.

Leo and Matthew were confused obviously to find out Amelia and Ethan's kidnapper knew each other.

Ethan had to explain everything to them before they understood he also told them about his enemies which put them in another state of confusion.

Then he told them the 'I will explain later' phrase which just left them in their state of confusion and obviously the girls weren't planning on explaining anything to them as they had their own 'matters' to deal with.

"So what are we going to do about this" Leo asked, he couldn't be left out of an important conversation like this.

Everyone had now settled down and decided to talk about the problem at hand.

"Well, you two need to get stronger so you won't be dead weight to my darling"

Layla said to the two boys, she had been felling a sense of familiarity when she looked at both of them but didn't know why.

"I think we have to start our dungeon raids again in order to get stronger?"

Matthew suggested to the group which everyone replied with a nod except for Layla

"Forget about that for now, you two have to focus on your cultivation for now and also learn mana control"

She told the boys, they wanted to object but her face told them there was no room for objections so they both kept quiet.

Amelia also knew what Layla said was true but wouldn't admit it, so did not say single word.

"I will be in charge of your training schedules so you two should be ready for a world of pain.

Her words sent a chill down their spine, they had realized this lady was crazy so they felt she meant every word she said.

Bead of sweats drenched their whole body when they thought about how she was going to train them.

Amelia and Ethan just watched the two knowing they wouldn't be coming out of her training without having been traumatized.

Layla then turned to Ethan with a creepy smile and said.

"Why are you smiling honey, are you forgetting you will also be training with me"

Upon hearing that Ethan thought about how he wouldn't be coming out of that training alive and just looked at her with pleading eyes.

She then turned to Amelia and looked at her, her face finally back to normal

" Amelia I need you for something"

"And what is that?"

"To unblock Shadow's meridians"

"Oh okay, whe..."

She paused, the words having finally processed in her head

"Wait what?!"