
The world of Dungeons

An assassin was betrayed by the ones he called friends and was reincarnated into a body of someone with no mana. Read how he overcomes his obstacles when his memories are unsealed, how he starts an adventure, makes a team and gains more power using his knowledge has a cheat as he travels through different worlds. Welcome to the world of dungeons

Kabir_Egube · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Sealed Memories

"Who are you?" Ethan asked the Mysterious figure who sat on a throne looking at them with disdain.

"A friend of mine told me one of you was the reincarnation of the assassin, shadow, and I would like to know who"

This statement pushed them into more state of confusion as they never saw any of themselves being an assassin.

"What do you mean?" Leo was the one who asked the figure the question this time.

"I can only guess that your memory as been sealed, right shadow?"

The figure continued to ignore every question which was asked.

"Can you at least tell us who you really are?"

Matthew had started to understand what was going on and decided to ask a question which had been stuck in everyone's mind.

"I am not someone you need to know just someone you need to fear as I do not care about the lives of you three"

This figure answered them for the first time but this time making them all feel insignificant.

They had never felt such a feeling, a feeling of insignificance, a feeling that proved that they hadn't reached anywhere on their path to strength.

"I guess I will show myself, maybe shadow will remember me after seeing me?

After those words were said the mana which made the person manipulated to hide the face was cast away.

Behind the hidden face was a lady who looked to be in her twenties, her beauty could intoxicate any man who laid their eyes on her.

Her eyes were an ocean of wonder, her golden hair which fell down her back like trailing branches of a weeping willow and she had a glossy skin which glowed shouting beauty and radiance, and wore a kimono.

"You asked to see me" she smiled, her voice was alluring giving her a seductive charm all together.

The three boys were awed by her beauty, this was the first time they ever saw such a beautiful woman making them lose the imposing aura they tried to make.

The lady kept looking at all three of them still trying to figure out who had the personality close to shadow's.

Then she spotted him, pointing to him she said.

"You, I think you might be shadow, come up here" she said commanding him to come to her throne.

Ethan who was the one being pointed at pointed to himself making sure she hadn't called wrongly.

"Yes you, come here I need to check maybe any of your memories have been sealed"

Confirming he was the one who was called, Ethan started to walk up the stairs leading to the throne.

Leo and Matthew were jealous as they weren't the ones who got called.

Ethan finally standing in front of the throne, the lady stood up from it and placed her hand gently on his head, in a matter of seconds he was in a vast space.

"Where am I?" Ethan asked hearing his voice echo through this endless space.

"We are in your memory sea where all your memories are stored" some moments later Ethan got his answer as the one who brought him here had finally appeared.

"So what are we searching for?" Ethan asked another question as he was confused of what they will be searching for in such a place.

"To find out if you have any sealed memories" she answered all his questions patiently as she was sure he would be her lover who she had been searching for, crossing through different dimensions before reaching this one, she felt a connection to this one that she never felt in the other dimensions.

"Follow me" she said, this wasn't the first time she had entered a memory sea so she knew exactly what she was doing.

"Okay" he just obediently listened to...

"I'm sorry to be asking this question now but can I know your name"

"It's Amelia, the princess and future queen of the elven empire, not like you don't know that already" she murmured the last part to herself moving faster and leaving him behind.

"So are you one of those monsters who live in dungeons" Ethan asked Amelia

The humans had told every of their race, other races were monsters who lived in dungeons.

Even though some had explored dungeons where they met welcoming races they never explained the dungeons were the worlds which belonged to other races but merged with their own world always making people treat the dungeons as a place for them to gain power because of the greed they had.

"No we are not monsters, we are elves" the question which Ethan had asked her annoyed her as she would never had thought the one who she called shadow would discriminate against a race

Some time had passed without any one of them saying a single word.

"Finally we are here" immediately that was said a place which looked like a tower filled with orbs came into view

"Is this where the memories are kept?" Ethan never thought the place where his memories were kept would be a library if sorts.

"Yes, we have to go deep into the tower of memories to find what we are searching for, maybe they are some of your memories being sealed away"

They had been floating since so they landed on the ground of the tower where they found a lot of memories which were stored like orbs and could be watched.

They both kept going deep into the tower until they got to a cell and saw a giant orb with chains holding it down.

"We finally found it I was beginning to feel exhausted" Amelia said.

'She still looks like she can run a marathon while I am here trying to catch my breath' Ethan thought as he kept breathing heavily he had to tried to catch up to her by running but he was just too slow, she wouldn't stop running when she felt the presence of something being sealed.

"This is a sealed memory huh? so what are we going to do now"

"Just stand there while I examine this seal" when that was said she stood in front of the cell putting her hand on it and closing her eyes in her mind she searched through millions of seals trying to find the exact seal she was examining.

"I've found it" she said after some moments passed of trying to find the exact seal she was looking for.

Meanwhile in the throne room,

"So what is going on? they've been like that for thirty minutes should we call one of the guards or maids to tell us what is going on again"

Matthew asked, they had been sitting on the chair which had been placed for them before they got in waiting for their friend and the lady to come out of their daze.

"We have tried getting their attention but they are not willing to enter if their lady doesn't command them to"

While they were still talking they heard a voice.

"Amelia?! where are you hiding!?"

It sounded like an angered man who was looking for someone, close to the entrance of the throne room they heard the guards and maids trying to convince the man to not enter as their lady said she wouldn't be accepting guests as she was busy but he pushed them all aside entering the throne room.

"Amelia?! where....who are you peasants?!"

"Peasants?!" the way the man addressed the two angered them and they were not willing to take that insult sitting down

"Who are you calling peasants huh?!" Matthew was the first to retaliate the insult which was thrown at him and Leo.

"Well I thought I made it really clear when I looked at you both and said the word peasants, and how dare you raise your voice to Theoden Algar, the next in line to become king when I marry to the royal family.

Theoden introduced himself showing pride of not being in the same level as the two 'peasants'.

"I don't care who you are, and I'm going to make sure you regret calling us peasants"

"Can you guys calm dow..."

"Shut up!"

Before Leo could complete his sentence they both told him to shut up exchanging words with each other

Back in the tower of memories,

"So how are you unsealing the memories?" Ethan asked Amelia.

"Well it's simple really, but you must endure the pain that will come after your memories have been unsealed...." she paused slightly "are you ready to know what were sealed inside your memories"

When he heard this he got a little bit agitated but sighed strengthening his resolve and nodded firmly.

"Okay, but you can't change your mind after it has been unsealed... I'll be waiting for you... shadow"

After saying those words she started to unseal his memories and the next thing that hit him was extreme pain.

Falling on the ground and holding his head with both hands he screamed loudly, the pain was too much for him to bear.

Seconds felt like hours and minutes felt like days, this was the greatest pain he had ever felt and he wished he could just make all the pain go away by sleeping off, waking up when all the memories had been unsealed but that never happened and he had to go through all this pain trying to endure it all.

After two and a half hour all his memories had been unsealed and sweat was all over his body ,he was lying down as he was mentally exhausted it took him some time but he got up, Something felt different about him he didn't seem like the same Ethan.

After some time Amelia also stood up walking slowly to Ethan's direction she called out.


Hey everyone I hope I am getting better as I said before this is my first ever novel online

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