
The World Of Divinity

Alex Miller was a regular teen distort by the loss of his closes people, his parents. With nothing else in his life, he found relief spending 10 years of his life paving his path of victory in the world's popular game 'The World Of Divinity'. Creating a legend in the form of his character 'Zero'. Alex experienced high's and lows but ultimately conquered all. That was until he was betrayed. Following his death to his best friend, Alex is sent back to the release date of 'The World Of Divinity' through means he is yet to understand. Follow Alex's journey as he does things differently now he's back for round two! *************** This is my first big project. So let me know what you all think. The cover art isn't my work. If someone wants me to remove it let me know! 1 chapter per day! Extra chapter every 50 power stones.

FletcherTheMod · Games
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92 Chs

Chapter 79 - Fighting Ivy [3]

"What is this, is he teleporting?" Ivy whispered to himself in confusion as Alex once more continued hounding him with Void Step after Void Step.

"No that can't be, he would have to take time to activate the skill and before that could happen I would attack him and he'd be dead. This must be a PvP skill." Ivy's thought quickly as he remained alert to the vanishing Alex.

"A movement skill!" Ivy shouted out as realisation dawned upon him.

"So you finally realised huh? It was quicker than expected but you are talented I suppose and you do have a truckload of fighting experience already." Alex spoke as he took a slight pause in his attacks to catch his breath and exchange words.

Right now they had been fighting at full pace for over a minute. And although that doesn't sound long when it's only 60 seconds. In a head to head fight at full intensity, that is a time span that caused Alex to feel like he had just experienced a bloody war.