
The World Of Divinity

Alex Miller was a regular teen distort by the loss of his closes people, his parents. With nothing else in his life, he found relief spending 10 years of his life paving his path of victory in the world's popular game 'The World Of Divinity'. Creating a legend in the form of his character 'Zero'. Alex experienced high's and lows but ultimately conquered all. That was until he was betrayed. Following his death to his best friend, Alex is sent back to the release date of 'The World Of Divinity' through means he is yet to understand. Follow Alex's journey as he does things differently now he's back for round two! *************** This is my first big project. So let me know what you all think. The cover art isn't my work. If someone wants me to remove it let me know! 1 chapter per day! Extra chapter every 50 power stones.

FletcherTheMod · Games
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92 Chs

Chapter 78 - Fighting Ivy! [2]

[12 Swords Of The Pouncing Snake!]

As if Ivy had grown 12 arms himself, 12 swords came flying toward Alex with the swish of a blade. Aiming for his vital spots and openings in his defence. Alex was forced onto the backfoot.

Alex was consistently shifting his body into awkward positions, doing anything to not get caught. But on the sword strikes that forced him into blocking Alex had to raise both daggers into an 'X' to slow the speed behind the attack.

Sucking in a deep breath Alex barely managed to dodge and block the first round of attack, as he used [Parry] to hasten his momentum backwards evading the last four-blade attacks. "This speed, it's just... ridiculous!"

"[12 Swords Of The Pouncing Snake!]"

Again Ivy stepped forward, using this chance to corner Alex on the platform. His arm was moving so fast that Alex saw visible afterimages of swords resembling a slithering snake, 12 in total all moving outwards from his head.