
The World Of Blue Lock

In the thrilling finals of the academy competition, Mateo Alejandra's exceptional skills led Barcelona to a 4-3 victory over Real Madrid. The narrative unfolds as Mateo navigates the complexities of post-match celebration, family moments, and the anticipation of a well-deserved vacation. The story takes an unexpected turn as Mateo awakens in a hospital, realizing he has been transmigrated into the body of a baby in a new world. Wrestling with confusion and emotions, Mateo experiences the challenges and wonders of this unforeseen existence. The tale weaves football triumphs, family bonds, and an otherworldly twist into a captivating journey of self-discovery.

zero_smiles · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

CH-3 beginning

As the days unfolded, my joy in showcasing my newfound football prowess to my parents increased. Our living room ceased to be just a space; it became a tiny stadium, echoing with the sounds of laughter and the rhythmic tap of a little football against the floor. This enchanting game I played secretly was a secret delight, shared only with the echoes of my past.

Yet, the desire to spread beyond the familiar confines of home grew stronger. The craving to test my skills against others, especially kids my age, became an irresistible pull. One sunny afternoon, my parents, Emiko and Hiroshi, encouraged by the enthusiasm bubbling within me, took me to the neighborhood park.

Arriving at the park, my eyes widened with anticipation as I observed a group of children engaged in an innocent game of football. The pitch, a canvas of dreams and ambitions, beckoned me. Excitement and nerves intertwined as I quickly joined the group, my tiny footsteps echoing my anticipation. The ball, an extension of my dreams, obediently responded to my every order.

As the game progressed, I moved with a finesse that seemed to defy my years. The control I displayed over the ball, a seamless dance between foot and leather, left the other kids in awe. Each dribble, every pass, and the precision of my shots bore witness to a skill that appeared to blossom overnight.

Whispers among the youngsters hinted at the extraordinary skills of the new kid on the block. I seized every chance to make myself stand out, propelled by a clear goal – to draw attention, perhaps even catch the eye of scouts from football academies. However, a harsh reality loomed; there were no academies in our immediate area, and those available had age standards that my tender age couldn't meet.

Aware of my mother's worries about sending me away at such a young age, I found myself in a dilemma. The potential within me yearned for a stage beyond the local park, a platform that could recognize and develop my exceptional talent. Yet, the protective embrace of my mother held me back, shielding me from a world that, despite its promises, carried the weight of doubts.

My internal conflict mirrored the dance of my feet on the football field – a delicate balance between the ambition to soar and the tethering roots of familial warmth. As the sun dipped below the horizon, creating long shadows on the park, my heart echoed with the dual rhythm of dreams and responsibilities, caught between the pull of a greater destiny and the embrace of a mother's love.

The sun-kissed afternoon at the park marked a turning point for me. The parents of the children I played with showered me with praise, causing a buzz that echoed through the local football enthusiasts. The effect of this recognition wasn't lost on my father, Hiroshi. His eyes gleamed with pride, sparking a talk with my mother about the potential within me.

The discourse around the chance of joining a football academy hung in the air, not as an immediate choice but as a future aspiration. Hiroshi delicately broached the subject, emphasizing the value of waiting until I was a bit older, perhaps a year or a year and a half more.

This discourse set me on a mission – a goal to achieve before the potential journey to the academy. I was determined to engrain the basic skills of football into my muscle memory swiftly and efficiently. Every dribble, pass, and shot became a conscious act of practice, an investment in my future as a budding football star.

My daily routine changed into a regimen of focused drills and exercises. Our living room, once a playground for spontaneous play, now served as a focused training ground. The little football, an extension of my dreams, became a steady companion in my quest for mastery.

My parents, watching the newfound dedication in their son, offered unwavering support. They accepted the dream, understanding that my journey was not only a pursuit of personal achievement but a manifestation of the unspoken aspirations of a family woven together by the threads of love and shared ambitions.

As I started on this transformative journey, our living room echoed not only with the rhythmic thuds of the ball but also with the heartbeat of a young soul, driven by passion and a vision of a future adorned with success. The countdown to joining the school began, and my every skillful move was a step closer to realizing a dream that, until recently, was a whisper in the wind, slowly gaining strength with each passing day.

Every day, I made sure to practice passes, dribbling, and shooting in our living room. The thuds of the ball echoed my commitment. My parents, Emiko and Hiroshi, were happy to see me turning into a passionate little athlete.

I made sure to do my drills every day, knowing that practice makes perfect. My small hands guided the ball with care, getting better with each try. The simple ball turned into a symbol of my dreams.

Besides the physical work, I also watched football matches on TV. I paid attention to how the professionals played, trying to learn their moves. Sometimes, my parents joined me, making it into a fun family time.

Our living room became a lively place, filled with the excitement of chasing dreams. My routine of practice and watching matches produced a balanced approach. The air was full of the promise of a future where my hard work and my family's support would lead to success on the football field.

And so, with each passing day, my passion for football burned brighter, casting its warm glow on the trip that lay ahead.

Upon watching the world of football on this planet, I must admit that it possesses a level of intensity and fervor that exceeds my initial assumptions. The sheer dedication and athleticism displayed by top players is nothing short of extraordinary.

Nevertheless, I am determined to rise above all obstacles and emerge as the epitome of excellence in the world of football. With unwavering determination, I aim to conquer all hurdles on my road and rise to become the finest football player worldwide. In this quest, I fervently hope that the academy lives up to its promises and provides me with a nurturing setting that fosters my growth and development as an athlete. i just have to work harder.