
The World Of Blue Lock

In the thrilling finals of the academy competition, Mateo Alejandra's exceptional skills led Barcelona to a 4-3 victory over Real Madrid. The narrative unfolds as Mateo navigates the complexities of post-match celebration, family moments, and the anticipation of a well-deserved vacation. The story takes an unexpected turn as Mateo awakens in a hospital, realizing he has been transmigrated into the body of a baby in a new world. Wrestling with confusion and emotions, Mateo experiences the challenges and wonders of this unforeseen existence. The tale weaves football triumphs, family bonds, and an otherworldly twist into a captivating journey of self-discovery.

zero_smiles · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

CH-2 Echoes of a Football Dream

The sun painted a warm glow in Takimichi's room the next morning, surrounded by toys. His small hands extended out eagerly, striving to grab the vibrant shapes that had captured his attention. As he watched the world unfold in front of him, he gurgled and cooed from his crib. His eyes were fixed on the scene.

As his parents, Emiko and Hiroshi, entered the room, Taki's exuberant laughter greeted them. Emiko grabbed him up, showering him with kisses, while Hiroshi playfully tickled his tiny toes, contributing to the cheerful atmosphere.

The way that Takimichi saw things was like a maelstrom of colors, shapes, and sounds around him. In the terrain of his developing awareness, he viewed his parents with wide-eyed awe, their faces becoming familiar landmarks in the geography of his maturing knowledge.

"Good morning, my little sunshine. Have you been having pleasant dreams?" Emiko inquired, her voice expressing a mother's love.

Takimichi responded with a gurgle, a language only he understood, echoing with the ecstasy of being held in his mother's arms.

"It looks like someone is ready for another day of adventure. What do you think, Taki? Shall we have some more adventures?" Hiroshi jokingly suggested, causing twinkles in Takimichi's eyes as his tiny fingers reached out to touch his father's face.

"Hmm, Taki, did you dream of being a little explorer?" Emiko teased, gently bouncing him in her arms.

Takimichi responded with a giggle, his eyes reflecting a sense of playful mischief.

"Or maybe he dreamt of scoring goals in a big stadium," Hiroshi added, mimicking a goal celebration, much to Takimichi's delight.

The day progressed, with Takimichi finding himself once again on the living room floor, surrounded by cherished picture books. The images of footballs and players beckoned to him, and with concentrated focus, he reached out to touch the pages. His relationship with the game grew stronger with each passing day.

Emiko, viewing her son with a mixture of pride and affection, couldn't help but share her sentiments with Hiroshi.

"Hiroshi, look at Taki. It's like he's pulled to these football images. Maybe there's a young athlete in the making," she observed, her eyes expressing a mother's curiosity.

Kneeling near Taki, Hiroshi smirked. "Our son is starting to have his own hobbies, Emiko. Who knows, maybe he'll be the next football star."

"Or maybe he'll be a football-loving artist. The options are boundless, aren't they?" Emiko mused, providing depth to her character's dreams for her son.

Meanwhile, from his vantage point on the floor, Takimichi babbled eagerly, contributing to the discourse in his own way. His perspective of the world was a mosaic of shapes, sounds, and the soothing presence of his parents.

The evening brought another peaceful hour in the kitchen as Emiko and Hiroshi engaged in a familiar routine of introspection.

"I can't help but wonder, Hiroshi, what goes on in Taki's thoughts. His fascination with football, his laughter—it's like he's telling us his own story," Emiko thought, her curiosity adding complexity to the parental narrative.

Drying a plate, Hiroshi looked toward the living room where Taki played. "Maybe he is, Emiko. Maybe every babbling and every giggle is his way of sharing the excitement of exploring the world around him."

"Do you believe he understands more than we give him credit for? Sometimes, it feels like he's trying to tell us something," Emiko shared, expressing a mother's intuition.

"Babies are remarkable, Emiko. They have their own language, and Taki seems to be grasping the art of expressing himself," Hiroshi agreed, enhancing the link between the parents and their child.

Back in the living room, surrounded by his toys and books, Takimichi began to investigate his surroundings with an eager curiosity. His perspective, a kaleidoscope of senses, was a monument to the enchantment of infancy and the unlimited possibility that lay ahead.

As the day drew to a close, Takimichi, held in his mother's arms, felt the comfortable embrace of bedtime. The moon provided a lovely glow through the window, and as he closed his eyes, his dreams resonated with the laughter of his parents, the pictures of footballs, and the promise of a world waiting to be found.

In the midst of their tiny living room, Takimichi, now a vibrant five-year-old, found himself intrigued by a little football. The little ball, seemingly commonplace to others, carried a peculiar magic for him. As he dribbled and kicked it with surprising coordination, an unspoken affinity for the sport rose within him.

In the calm sanctuary of his thoughts, a monologue formed, a meditation on the uncanny familiarity he felt with the game:

"This football... it's more than simply a toy. It's like an echo from a distant past, as if I've danced over fields and heard the thunder of the audience before. Was I once a football player in another life? Every contact with the ball seems like a memory rising."

His play became an expression of this newfound connection, a dance that transcended the living room's bounds. Meanwhile, Emiko, his mother, viewed the spectacle with a warm grin, not completely realizing the depth of her son's odd affection for football.

"(calling out) Taki, you're having so much fun! Look at you go, my little football star," Emiko cheered, witnessing her son's excitement.

Takimichi, lost in the beauty of his act, responded with a delighted grin.

"Mom sees it too. She shouts for me, but does she feel what I feel? She doesn't know anything about football, but maybe one day she'll comprehend this odd link."

As the imaginary plaudits of a crowd resonated in his thoughts, his father, Hiroshi, joined the scenario, amazed at the extraordinary skill his son demonstrated.

"Look at those moves, Emiko! Our little footballer is something else," Hiroshi said, enjoying the athletic prowess of his youngster.

Emiko, despite being unable to completely appreciate the subtleties of the sport, nodded in accord.

"He's really enjoying himself. But Hiroshi, you know I'm not that familiar with football. How can he know all these moves?"

"It's a mystery, Emiko, but I think there's something special about Taki and football. Maybe he's taking a piece of his past into this life. I can't wait to see how it unfolds," Hiroshi said, hinting at the deeper connection between Takimichi and the sport.

Takimichi, unconscious of his parents' talk, continued his football play, his thoughts building a tale of dreams and an unseen voyage from a distant past.

In the quiet recesses of his mind, Takimichi Reo, now fully aware of his Japanese identity, engaged in a silent monologue. "I am Takemichi Reo, and this is my family – Emiko and Hiroshi. Japanese, that's what I am. A revelation as unexpected as the twists of a football match. They shouldn't know, my parents. My love for the game, my connection to it, it's mine alone.

 It's strange, isn't it? Knowing more about myself than they do. I'll keep this secret tucked away, like a cherished ball hidden in the corner of the room. They see me as their little footballer, a joyous child finding delight in the game. Little do they know, I'm more than that. I'm a player with a past, with memories etched in the stitches of this ball. It's a secret dance, a private game. And as I kick this ball, I kick away the shadows of forgotten yesterdays, embracing the light of a newfound identity. My love for football is a bridge to a world they can't see. A world where I was Takemichi Reo, maybe a player in a different time. A world that's only mine to remember."