
The World Of Belau

{ Welcome to the world of Belau! A world of wonder where man and beast face life and death together!! Follow along as our MC travels the world with his beast in order to achieve eternal life!!! } [ Warning! I don’t have a fixed direction for this story. If you see any major problems with this story feel free to lay them on me I will try to fix the problem ]

Grey_Mortem · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 2 choosing first partner

It's been a week since I've gotten here in this week I've been familiarizing myself with my surroundings I live on a small estate outside a small city alone with my butler and 10 maids

'Young master it's time to go to the beast center so you can pick your first partner '

'Coming Albert'

'Young master do you have any idea what type of partner you want'

'I've been thinking of something reptilian'

'That's quite the interesting choice young master is there any special reason behind it'

'Not really it's just in my opinion I think something Cold blooded with natural armor is more of a fighter than something that is soft fluffy and cute'

'I see young master so do you have any idea on what type of reptilian you want yet'

'Not really I'm going to wait and see if I feel a connection with any of them there at the Beast center'

'Well then shall we get going young master'

'Yes let's go can't wait to see my first partner!'


As we arrive I see a A buff guy around 6,4 feeding a berserker ape the buff guy turns around to see me and waves me over as I'm walking over I inspect The berserker ape


RACE : Berserker ape

SEX : male


GRADE : Low-3

STR : 65

DEF :40

AGI : 20

MP : 25

ABILITY : Smash, berserk

laws: 0

"Hey josh I see you already picked out your partner"

'Yep haha he's a stubborn one though I had to have a wrestling match with him before he would contract with me'

"Sounds like you guys are a match made in heaven haha"

"Yeah so what type of beast are you wanting to contract with?"

"A reptilian of some sort as for which one I'll just be looking for one that I feel a connection to"

"Well hurry up there's a tournament in three weeks for us new beast masters the reward for first place is a C level skill well anyway I'm gonna go and train with my partner"

"Alright I'll see you at the tournament"

"Young master are you ready to head inside"

"Yeah let's go"

Once inside we quickly head over to the reptilian section after walking around inspecting all the beast I finally found a beast that caught my interest it's a lizard six ft long and three ft tall with scales that have swirls of white,brown,blue and red constantly moving around it simply looks like it's one with the elements


RACE : elemental lizard

SEX : male

EVOLUTION PATHS : 5 (+) 1. Air elemental wyvern 2. Earth elemental wyvern 3. Fire elemental wyvern 4. Water elemental wyvern

5. Chaos elemental wyvern

GRADE : low-2

STR : 10

DEF :30

AGI :10

MP : 50

Abilities : low elemental manipulation, low elemental defense, low elemental synchronicity

"Albert this is the one"

"are you sure young master the elemental lizards are very limited in combat potential because of their strict evolution routes"

"yes I'm sure I have a feeling that there's more to the elemental lizard than we think"

"OK young then start the contracting process whenever you're ready"

with that said I pull out a knife and cut open my hand and let my blood fall onto the elemental lizards head while conveying my intentions to the best of my ability not long after me and the elemental lizard start to feel a connection with each other once as I look at the elemental lizard in front of me I feel that connection start to get stronger along with a sudden surge of power flowing through my body after a few seconds pass I know that the contract is complete

" I can't keep calling you elemental lizard now can I let's call you arch from now on how does that sound"

after I say that arch brushes up against my thigh and let's out pur like Sounds of comfort

"Albert let's go get some food for arch here also let's get the four attribute foundation building skill books along with the four basic elemental skill books "

"yes young master but what type of food do you want to get arch"

" let's get wind grass, earth root, fire fruit and water vine"

"Young master if I may say something typically people start to focus on one element so that they can control the evolution routes easier"

" let me ask you this Albert how many elements can arch control right now"

"four young master"

"that's right four elements if arch can control four now why can't he later to what I'm saying is there has to be a way for him to evolve a wyvern with all of his elements intact and I think I know how to do that"

"OK young master I'll do as you said"

"great now let's go"