
The World Of Belau

{ Welcome to the world of Belau! A world of wonder where man and beast face life and death together!! Follow along as our MC travels the world with his beast in order to achieve eternal life!!! } [ Warning! I don’t have a fixed direction for this story. If you see any major problems with this story feel free to lay them on me I will try to fix the problem ]

Grey_Mortem · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 1. Meeting God

{ You are probably wondering who I am. so let's do a little introduction shall we first my name is Jake Drako and I'm sixteen as of today! I'm originally not from this world I came here from a place called earth. I was heading home from school when all of a sudden I was struck by lightning After that everything went white and I appeared in a white room with a middle aged man across from me after sitting there trying to put my thoughts together for a few minutes the middle aged man spoke }

[ I must apologize you are dead ]

(Yeah I kinda figured with all the white and stuff so what happens now do I reincarnate as a dog or something?)

[ no none of that you can go to another world or you can go Into the cycle of reincarnation to be reborn back on earth]

( If I go to another world what type of world would it be? )

[ Haha glad you asked you see there is all kinds of worlds there are worlds just like earth and some with swords and magic even some with advanced technology just tell me what kind of world you want and I'll create a list for you that matches your preference!!!]

( Ok well I definitely want a world with magic but I don't want to sacrifice my comfort so it's best to have around the same technological level as earth. I also want to have a partner with me on my path to power because i always like being summoners and tamers when I played video games )

[ Well you are just in luck because I have three worlds that fit your preference! 1. Spisorrd The World of spirits!!! It's a world where Humans and Demi-Humans summon spirits and borrow their power to do battle the technology is just a little behind earth in some aspects since they are in a state of constant conflict. 2. Dragonaila The Land of Dragon's!!!

It's a world of war where Humans can bond with one Dragon in there lifetime the technology is crude to say the least since most of the inventor's are making new and more deadly weapons but if you fancy yourself a hero I recommend there now the last one!! 3. The world of Belau!!! It is a world where Humans and beast grow together the world is pretty peaceful but in order to continue to further it's self the habitants of this world invade other planets for Resources. The technology is quite advanced compared to earth so you shouldn't have a problem with that! Well the choice is yours! ]

( Well the first one is a no it just sounds like a one sided deal with spirits I'm looking for more of a connection the second is a no too because I don't fancy myself a hero and it sounds like danger is around every corner so that just leaves the last one it's sounds perfect it sounds like it's got a deep connection with their partners and it's peaceful so no hero Business unless I want to plus the technology is more advanced than earth so I think this is the perfect one for me!!! )

[ Well then that leaves just one thing do you want to reincarnate as a baby or as a person the same age as you ]

( I don't really want to go through being a baby again so i think I'd rather be someone the same age as me but how would that work would I just take over someone else's body?)

[ Kinda just a little bit different you'll take over someone's body who just died of course I'll make sure your chances of survival go up with two cheats of your own but first let's choose who's body you're going to take over I have three choices here

1. A boy who is from a lower class family it's a good family who takes care of each other The boy died while out playing with friends in the woods in a beast attack

2. A girl who is from a high end family the relationship between family members is basically nonexistent the siblings are in constant conflict over the family head position which resulted in the death of her

3. A boy from a fallen upper middle class family the family had fallen victim to a rogue beast master attack the boy was the only survivor of the family but committed suicide from depression ]

( hmm what was the state of the family financial situation on option 3 )

[ The financial state is fine since the money wasn't from any outside source but was from a large Fortune left behind by the grandfather ]

( I'm gonna go with option 3 it seems like the most solid foundation I can build off of )

[ good choice now on to your two cheats I'll give you five options

1. Lvl.1 identification

2. Soul strength x3 {determines how many beast can be contracted at once}

3. Shop Exchange { can exchange kill points aka kp for equipment, skills, evolution material etc.}

4. Doubles stat points earned

5. 5x damage increase ]

( options 1 and 3 seem more useful for me in the long term so I'll go with those also can you set those up in a system like games from earth )

[ I was going to do that anyway I figured it would be easier to use that way and I'll even do you a favor and add a character status page since the world has something similar anyway I think it's about time you start your adventure and your in luck because your at just the right age to get your first partner]