
The world of American TV series: Starting with the L.A. Patrol

The stitched world of united American dramas allows us to step into the protagonist's perspective and save those characters who are randomly handed lunch boxes, which reasonably makes up for the nonsense plot created by the screenwriter's blind imagination. Including but not limited to "Rookie", "Jack Reacher", "Hunter", "Person of Interest", "Knight Rider", "Bones", etc. may be added in the future, and there may even be some police games. Gangster movies. Except for the protagonist Goldfinger, there are no extraordinary elements. All cases and plots serve the plot of the novel. There will be some magical changes, so readers are not allowed to take it seriously. [Chapter Schedule: 1or2/Day] This is a translation of the fanfic

azzari · TV
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57 Chs

Chapter 8 The protagonist is somewhat sick

Just when Jack leaned over and was about to continue, Zoe gently pushed him away and asked doubtfully: "Are you really sure you are fine? Today is the first time you have shot a suspect. But now you are caring about John."

  "My heart and my actions are as clear as a mirror, and everything I do is righteous."

  Zoe couldn't understand Chinese, and she suppressed the numbness in her body and asked: "What are you talking about?"

  Jack Sighing, he propped up his head with one hand and looked at Zoe: "Don't worry, except for the disgusting scene after the shooting that made me very uncomfortable, my belief in being a police officer has not wavered at all. If the same thing happens again, situation, I will only be more decisive when I pull the trigger." "

  God just used my fingers to execute justice. It was that bastard named Selby who forced himself to die."

  Zoe stroked her forehead: " Don't say that when you talk to your psychiatrist about this topic tomorrow. I'm worried that he will write comments on your file that may be suspected of abuse of lynching. Every year, there are many police officers who believe in their own justice and act unscrupulously. Fired."

  Jack nodded, but he didn't agree with it in his heart. He had watched a lot of American TV series, and "Blood Forensic" had a large audience. If he had the chance, he really wanted to go to the Miami Police Department to see if there was a man named Dex. Morgan's medical examiner.

  The real uneasiness in his heart was the bullet that missed him today. The moment the adrenaline broke out, he didn't feel a trace of fear or panic. Instead, an uncontrollable excitement spread throughout his body.

  He could clearly recall the scene at that time. He calmly fought back when he pulled the M16 in the car, got out of the car to pursue, sneaked behind a tree, and steadily pulled the trigger after getting Angela's permission.

  The moment blood mist burst out of the criminal's head, every cell in his body seemed to be cheering, and the pleasure of venting his anger lasted until he broke the agreement and came to Zoe's house.

  It wasn't until the two were fighting to the death that this restlessness slowly calmed down. Perhaps Zoe thought that Jack was just seeking comfort from her because he shot and killed for the first time. Only Jack knew clearly that if he didn't come to Zoe, he would You may be so impulsive that you secretly go to the streets at night to hunt down gang members and kill them.

  I am afraid that the original owner of this body does not have any serious illness. This is some kind of emotional reaction of anti-social personality. Normal people should not have narrowed vision, shortness of breath, two tremors, and hands shaking like a handkerchief when they are stimulated by adrenaline. A Kinson patient?

  Is it possible that every time I experience danger in the future, I have to find a girl to vent my feelings to? Wouldn't it be terrible if there were men around me? I don't know if a psychiatrist can cure this problem.



  Psychiatrist Maureen Cahill has long black hair and a pair of black eyes. She has thin lips that are completely opposite to the European and American public aesthetics, and coupled with thin cheekbones, she has a unique look. Intellectual charm.

  Jack couldn't remember which American TV series this psychiatrist appeared in, but he was impressed by the actor with this appearance. Jordana Brewster played the bald sister Mia in the "Fast and Furious" series.

  I have the impression that after giving birth to two children, this actor lost her shape and was completely unsightly. But now the Maureen Cahill in front of me looks like she has just turned 30, and her face is still full of collagen. It's so beautiful that you can't take your eyes away.

  As if he noticed someone's gaze, Dr. Cahill, who was flipping through the files, looked up at him doubtfully. Jack looked away guiltily and looked at the layout of the room.

  The room is not big, and the layout is very simple. There is a desk with its back against the huge floor-to-ceiling window, and a sofa facing Jack. There is a large coffee table in front of the sofa, and two abstract paintings by unknown authors hang on the wall on the left. , on the other side is a glass cabinet, which contains several sets of glass and ceramic tea sets.

  There was a vase on the desk with several bouquets of roses of different varieties. It seemed that this beautiful psychiatrist had more than one suitor.    

  After the killing of Selby yesterday, the police union demanded compulsory psychological intervention for rookie police officers. So early this morning, he came to the EAP Counseling Center. Although he felt that there was nothing wrong with him, he did not want to appear to be independent or independent. I unexpectedly saw a familiar face.

  "Can I call you Jack? Of course, you can also call me Maureen. I prefer a more casual atmosphere." After flipping through Jack's thin file, Dr. Cahill raised his gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose. Intellectual and elegant.

  It's started, it's started, alarm bells rang in Jack's mind. Psychology in his previous life was not as magical as shown in movies and TV shows, but who knows in this world? After all, the LAPD in his previous life had never heard of a rookie police officer going to work on the second day. The suspect holding a gun shot him in the head.

  "Hello, Maureen, please call me Jack. Please forgive me for being rude. This is the first time I have seen such a beautiful psychiatrist."

  Maureen covered her mouth and chuckled, and asked: "So you have seen a lot of psychiatrists. Doctor?"

  "Uh." Jack scratched his head awkwardly, like a shy big boy: "No, you are also the first psychiatrist I have ever seen. I mean, I didn't expect someone as beautiful as you. The lady will."

  Feeling that the more he explained, the worse he got, so Jack simply shut up.

  Fortunately, Maureen didn't care. Instead, she took out a tea set and asked, "Do you drink tea? I like green tea that's very Seris."

  Jack's eyes lit up, he took the tea can handed over by Maureen and opened it. Look, it turned out to be Biluochun produced in the south of the Seris River. Some memories in the body couldn't help but stir up.

  "Can you let me try it? This set of yours is used to make oolong tea. It is not very suitable for making this kind of green tea."

  Maureen was a little surprised. She stretched out her hand to signal Jack to help himself, pulled up a chair and sat in front of the coffee table. Watching him operate with interest.

  Jack was not polite. He opened the cabinet and took out two glasses and a cloisonné craft teapot. He first poured boiling water into the teapot, then skillfully heated the cup and put the tea leaves.

  When the water temperature in the teapot drops slightly, first pour a quarter of the water into the two cups to fully soak the tea leaves. Then raise the pot and pour it up and down several times. Use the momentum of the water to make the tea leaves move up and down in the cup. Flip and finally stop when the tea in the cup is close to about 70%.

  Maureen picked up the glass, and the dense water vapor carried the aroma of tea into her nose instantly, which made her feel refreshed. She couldn't help but let out a low sigh of admiration, and looked at Jack with a bit of surprise in her eyes.

  Looking at the spiral tea leaves sinking to the bottom of the cup, Jack took a sip and sighed, "Good tea." Some of Siris' high-end green tea can also be seen in Chinatown, but the price is much higher than gold of the same weight. , which deterred him from poverty.

  (End of chapter)