
The world of American TV series: Starting with the L.A. Patrol

The stitched world of united American dramas allows us to step into the protagonist's perspective and save those characters who are randomly handed lunch boxes, which reasonably makes up for the nonsense plot created by the screenwriter's blind imagination. Including but not limited to "Rookie", "Jack Reacher", "Hunter", "Person of Interest", "Knight Rider", "Bones", etc. may be added in the future, and there may even be some police games. Gangster movies. Except for the protagonist Goldfinger, there are no extraordinary elements. All cases and plots serve the plot of the novel. There will be some magical changes, so readers are not allowed to take it seriously. [Chapter Schedule: 1or2/Day] This is a translation of the fanfic

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57 Chs

Chapter 49: Laying the Trap

 "Superintendent Anderson, I'm ready." John, who was worried, lowered his head and didn't seem to notice that there was a stranger beside the female superintendent.

 Zoe's pretty face turned red, and she raised her hand and introduced: "This is the new Superintendent Ginny Anderson. She will accompany you on patrol and protect your safety."

 John then raised his head, and then he looked shocked. , it seems that the three views have been seriously impacted.

 The new beautiful police inspector Ginny snorted with some dissatisfaction. The expression on her face was as cold as ice. She only stretched out her right hand and uttered one word: "Key."

 John, who was in a state of shock, took a long time to return to his soul and hurriedly took out the key. Put the police car keys in the opponent's hand.

 The beautiful police inspector straightened her tall buttocks, twisted her slender waist, and walked towards the garage. She attracted many looks of surprise or surprise along the way, and many busy police officers began to whisper to each other.

 "7-A-15 police car, please mark my car for dispatch."

 John put down the walkie-talkie, but his eyes kept wandering as if he had nowhere to go.

 "Uh, Jay"

 "Call me Superintendent Anderson from now on." The voice from the driver's seat on the left was low and slightly magnetic, and his tone was as cold as ever.

 "Yes, Superintendent Anderson." John, who was a little at a loss, finally regained his composure and lifted his chin with his hand, feeling a little lost.

 The police car drove aimlessly on the streets of Los Angeles for half an hour when the voice of Superintendent Ben Sikora of the Anti-Crime and Narcotics Division came from the headphones of the two men.

 "Attention, they are coming."

 The two people in the car looked at the rear mirror at the same time. A small van covered with black reflective film turned the intersection and followed closely behind the police car.

 The beautiful police officer driving the car gently stepped on the accelerator, but the accelerating police car did not get away from the other party.

 She and John looked at each other. Three minutes later, the police car turned into an uninhabited alley, and the minivan followed.

 Suddenly there was a loud sound of gunfire, and then a strong white man with tattoos all over his body ran out of the alley covering his bleeding arm. After turning around, he disappeared at the end of the street.

 Not long after, John's panicked voice came from all the LAPD channels at the same time: "Officer fell to the ground, repeat, officer fell to the ground, damn, they killed Inspector Anderson."

 A few minutes later, a large number of police cars surrounded After living in an uninhabited alley, an ambulance arrived immediately. When the stretcher rolled out of the alley, Zoe Anderson was lying on it covered in blood.

 A little earlier, in one of the highest-level prisons in Los Angeles, the door of a single cell was suddenly opened, and Superintendent Gray, with a dark face as usual, walked into it.

 The prisoner lying on the single bed turned over and sat up. He was the leader of the [Southern Front] [King Midas].

 "Someone told me today that a policeman wanted to talk to me. Who did I think he was? Ten years later, are you still just a little superintendent?"

 Superintendent Gray seemed to be hurt by the poke, and his face twitched. , said impatiently: "Stop talking nonsense, I'm here for the fatwa."

 "I watched the body video of my men. The girl was murdered with a knife in front of him, and he was just performing his duties. There was no intrusion. Your idiot son overreacted. This is not the first time."

 "Now, in just half a day, we destroyed 7 of your dens and arrested more than 100 people, causing you to lose money. At least a million, think about your possible losses tomorrow."

 [King Midas], who still had a mohawk, grinned widely, showing his yellow teeth, and seemed to find the other party's threat a bit childish and ridiculous. 

 "We have been friends for nearly 20 years, right? Captain Gray, if I remember correctly, it was your credit for capturing me back then that put you in your current position."

 "You should be very clear about this fatwa. It was sent by Cole. Although he is indeed stupid, my men don't respect him as much as they do me."

 Superintendent Gray interrupted him rudely: "Next, we will treat you in San Diego, San Jose, and Vic. I can continue to do this until your son ruins your inheritance because of his stupidity."

 [King Midas] pretended not to care.

 "If you can do it, feel free to do it. I can't cancel the fatwa. This is Cole's honor. Without honor, these foundations are worthless to him."

 "No, You don't know anything." Superintendent Gray roared, then looked back, signaled the prison guard behind him to leave, closed the cell door, and tried to keep his voice soft.

 "My arrogant female chief insisted on personally protecting the rookie who caused trouble. Think about the consequences. If your men opened fire on that police car, the entire LAPD would go crazy. Do you want to declare war on all police officers in California? "

 [King Midas]'s expression was a little uncertain, and he looked at the black-faced superintendent with some suspicion, as if he was judging whether the other party was bluffing him.

 The atmosphere in the single cell was somewhat frozen, as if half a century had passed until the silence on both sides was broken by the rapid ringtone of a mobile phone.

 "It's me, what happened? What? Dead?" After hanging up the phone, Superintendent Gray's face suddenly became as wonderful as a kaleidoscope.

 Surprise, anger, nervousness, sadness, and even a faint hint of joy, all kinds of expressions disappeared and appeared in turn on that dark face.

 "Now, nothing is needed."

 After saying this, Superintendent Gray turned around and prepared to leave the cell.

 [King Midas] suddenly became a little nervous, as if he was confused by this sudden call.

 "Hey, Captain, what do you mean by speaking clearly before leaving?"

 Superintendent Gray did not turn around, but stood at the door of the cell, turning his head sideways, with a sense of relief in his tone.

 "Two of your men attacked the rookie's police car and escaped. The rookie was unharmed, but they killed Inspector Anderson."

 "Cole is dead, absolutely dead. Any police officer who finds him will They will empty the magazine without hesitation, your [Southern Front] is also finished, the FBI will be dispatched immediately, and now it is too late."

 After saying that, he closed the cell door and walked out quickly.

 [King Midas]'s face instantly turned pale, and he quickly rushed to the small barred window and asked loudly.

 "You are bluffing me, right? It must be, it's impossible."

 Superintendent Gray's voice came from far away from the corridor: "Confirm with your subordinates, this kind of news usually spreads very quickly, you are no longer of use, I have more important things waiting for me now."

 An hour later, the cell door was opened again, and an impatient Superintendent Gray stood at the door, frowning and looking at the panicked [Mida King Si].

 (End of chapter)