
The world of American TV series: Starting with the L.A. Patrol

The stitched world of united American dramas allows us to step into the protagonist's perspective and save those characters who are randomly handed lunch boxes, which reasonably makes up for the nonsense plot created by the screenwriter's blind imagination. Including but not limited to "Rookie", "Jack Reacher", "Hunter", "Person of Interest", "Knight Rider", "Bones", etc. may be added in the future, and there may even be some police games. Gangster movies. Except for the protagonist Goldfinger, there are no extraordinary elements. All cases and plots serve the plot of the novel. There will be some magical changes, so readers are not allowed to take it seriously. [Chapter Schedule: 1or2/Day] This is a translation of the fanfic

azzari · TV
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57 Chs

Chapter 46 Attack

According to this poll, most of the people voted for quantity Therefore, after this, we will continue the same process and every day between two and five chapters will be updated, unless I have a personal problem.


But all joking aside, Jack still dislikes Angela and Wesley. Although they were noisy, their relationship has been good since then.

  It can even be said that the self-acting of the Hunter couple does not count. This couple is probably one of the few positive couples in almost all American dramas. They work together to survive the crisis of life and death, and experience various trials and tribulations in daily life together. In the end, Also has two children.

  It would be nice to live a life of ordinary love like them, Jack thought, and walked to the parking lot with John. Hannah had already sent the unconscious Angela home first.

  Because it has a temperate Mediterranean climate, Los Angeles has a mild climate all year round. Even though it is already December, the temperature at night is still over ten degrees. The cool night breeze blows through, which makes the slightly tipsy duo feel refreshed.

  John's old Ford pickup parked a little closer and walked to his car. Jack was about to wave goodbye to him when suddenly a harsh sound of burning tires sounded behind him.

  A creepy chill ran from Jack's tailbone down his spine to the back of his head, and the original hint of alcohol disappeared without a trace in an instant.

  He pushed John down to the right side of the front of the pickup truck, and then he hid in it. Almost the next second, accompanied by a short brake sound, fierce gunshots rang out, and bullets struck around the two people like hailstones.

  Jack pressed John's head and tried his best to hide their bodies behind the front wheels. The thin steel plates of civilian cars could not block automatic rifle fire. Only the front engine and thick wheels could block full-power rifle bullets. .

  Time seemed to become extremely long, and almost all the car alarms in the parking lot rang. Jack took out the Python revolver from the holster under his arm and counted silently in his mind. The sound of gunfire seemed to never stop, and was still there. continued.

  Soon John's pickup truck was riddled with holes, the fuel tank was also cracked, and he smelled the dangerous smell of gasoline. When Jack became impatient and wanted to risk a counterattack, the gunfire finally stopped.

  Worried that the other party was cheating, Jack made a fake gesture of sticking his head out. When he found that there was no response from the other party, he leaned out half of his body to prepare for a counterattack, but he only saw two red car taillights.

  "Fake." Jack yelled. The hail of bullets just now didn't make him burst with adrenaline, but his anger level was obviously high.

  John was still squatting on the side of the front of the car, with cold sweat on his face. He had never experienced a fierce gun battle like the [Bronson Building]. The sudden attack just now clearly scared him.

  Jack stretched out his hand to pull him up from the ground and asked him to call the police. He took out his cell phone and dialed Hannah.

  Although the attack was most likely aimed at John, just in case, he roughly explained the situation on the phone and asked Hannah to wake Angela up and return as soon as possible to prevent them from being attacked too.

  Now Jack roughly understands where the sense of immediacy came from when he saw the cousin threatening John. If he remembers correctly, Zoe died to protect John in the follow-up to this plot.

  There was a burst of irritation in his heart, and he secretly reminded himself to be calm and not to get confused because of concern. He only knew that Zoe died because of this incident, but he still couldn't recall the specific details. Now was not the time to regret that he didn't watch the show carefully. , we can only take one step at a time and see what happens.

  In less than 5 minutes, Hannah's Mustang pickup truck drove into the parking lot at high speed. She jumped out of the car and nervously checked Jack's whole body. She breathed a sigh of relief after confirming that he was unharmed.

  Angela, who was forced to wash her face with a bottle of cold mineral water before she woke up, looked at the mess on the ground, her eyes were still a little dull, as if she was still thinking about what she had just missed.

  Ten minutes later, a large number of police cars arrived with sirens, and soon after, Tim, Lucy, Nila and others in civilian clothes also came from home after receiving the news.

  Tim's eyes widened when he saw John being turned into scrap. He looked in disbelief: "Who did you two offend?"

  Jack pointed at John: "You are going to ask John, it should be for He came, and the opponent was obviously a guy with heavy firepower. As soon as we walked to the car, he used an assault rifle with a modified drum to shoot hundreds of rounds at us."

  "When I was about to counterattack, the opponent was already on the move. The car ran away, only two tail lights were seen, and the license plate could not even be seen clearly. He should be an experienced professional."

  John, who was still a little shaken, shook his head, looking confused.    

  Lucy and Nila, who had finished understanding the situation with the night patrol policemen, came over.

  "Colleagues on the night shift asked around, but no one saw the gunman."

  "Or no one wanted to admit that they saw the gunman." Nila added.

  "They found the car used by the shooter. It was reported stolen this afternoon."

  At this time, Zoe and Superintendent Gray came from behind everyone.

  Zoe opened her mouth and told the truth: "According to intelligence, you have been issued a kill order by the [Southern Front]."

  Tim seemed a little unhappy: "Since the old rookie was one step ahead of me and was offered a bounty on your head by the gang? It seems that I want to Come on, this is incredible."

  Well, that was very Tim.

  Angela, who has completely sobered up, obviously has a different view: "This should have nothing to do with John's police status, but a personal grudge, otherwise there is no reason why he would be targeted by a white supremacist group like the [Southern Front]."

  John added Confused: "Excuse me, white supremacist gang? Fatwa? What's going on?"

  Superintendent Gray explained: "Generally speaking, gangs will not target the police, which will bring them great consequences." Unless the police insult a certain gang member, they will issue a fatwa."

  John opened his mouth slightly and looked at everyone in confusion, as if he didn't understand what everyone was talking about.

  Jack sighed: "I think it was the cousin you arrested today. You forgot the threat she issued to you."

  "She tore her skirt in public and insisted that I made her embarrassed in public." John A sudden realization.

  Zoe nodded: "Astrid Hesse, the woman of the leader of the [Southern Front] gang, this is one of the most violent gangs in California."

  "Because of that woman's pillow style, now the [Southern Front] gang The leader has instructed all gang members to hunt you down," Superintendent Gray added.

  "What about me? I'm the woman arrested together with John." Nila looked eager to try. Like Tim, she seemed to regard being chased by gangs as an honor.

  The black-faced superintendent looked helpless, and he didn't know whether to feel relieved or angry at his subordinate's optimistic attitude.

  "It was John who reached out to handcuff him, so the fatwa is only for John."

  Nila's expression was still a bit unwilling, and she glared at Tim opposite who seemed to be relieved. This senior undercover police detective The retired African-American policewoman was obviously a bold leader.

  (End of chapter)