
The world of American TV series: Starting with the L.A. Patrol

The stitched world of united American dramas allows us to step into the protagonist's perspective and save those characters who are randomly handed lunch boxes, which reasonably makes up for the nonsense plot created by the screenwriter's blind imagination. Including but not limited to "Rookie", "Jack Reacher", "Hunter", "Person of Interest", "Knight Rider", "Bones", etc. may be added in the future, and there may even be some police games. Gangster movies. Except for the protagonist Goldfinger, there are no extraordinary elements. All cases and plots serve the plot of the novel. There will be some magical changes, so readers are not allowed to take it seriously. [Chapter Schedule: 1or2/Day] This is a translation of the fanfic

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Chapter 45 The lovelorn Angela

According to the survey Most people have voted for quantity Therefore, after this, we will continue with the same process, and between two and five chapters will be updated every day, unless I have a personal problem.


was not sure whether the old Americans had the concept of housewarming. Anyway, Jack was very happy and prepared a sumptuous table of delicious food. He invited familiar colleagues from the Wilshire branch and some new friends to start a party. Had a small party.

  Among them are Dr. Scarlett from the Central Hospital, and Kara, a beautiful girl who has recovered from health and looks very cheerful. The latter now often visits the Wilshire branch and regards Hannah as her idol and vows her future aspirations. Just become an LAPD.

  Detective Hunter and his wife also arrived, which made the black-faced Superintendent Gray seem a bit reserved. Obviously, it was not just ordinary police officers such as Hannah, Tim and Angela who regarded these two as their idols.

  In the middle of the party, two ladies in formal dresses, Zoe and Maureen, appeared on stage, stunning everyone present. Fortunately, the old American police officers, and of course, it may only be limited to Wilshire In the branch, there is no distinction between superiors and subordinates in our daily lives. In the end, both the host and the guest are happy.

  The day has finally come when Hannah is about to leave the LAPD. Today is her last day at the Wilshire Division. Of course, because she is going to Quantico, everyone is reluctant to leave but wishes this Texas girl more.

  As one of the good-looking officers of the branch, Inspector Anderson may not be so approachable, but Hannah is everyone's favorite sweet girl. Although she has some minor problems with men's fear, as long as she does not have physical contact with the opposite sex all the time, she has a cheerful personality and good looks. She is sweet and has many friends of the opposite sex.

  Hannah, who had received a lot of gifts, glanced at Jack, who could only obediently present the gift he had prepared long ago - a big-headed doll ornament carved from sandalwood.

  In order to get this gadget on the market last night, Jack reluctantly spent a system gold coin to upgrade his carpentry skills to proficient. Of course, part of the reason was because he found that entry-level carpentry skills did not seem to be enough to support him in completing the construction of his new home. Transformation.

  After wasting a lot of materials, someone who was currently short of money had no choice but to forcibly upgrade his skills to the first level.

  Looking at the cartoon doll that was 60% similar to her own, Hannah couldn't put it down and carefully put it away. Then she and Jack went to the gun store to pick up the equipment and started the last day of patrol work.

  Fortunately, it was another ordinary day, no gunfights, no murders, just a few traffic tickets. The city today was not like Los Santos.

  Back at the police station in the evening, nothing happened to the other groups. Only the group of John and Nila arrested a sexy and scantily clad girl.

  Seeing the hot girl still posing in a sexy and provocative pose while taking photos and recording the files, Jack patted John on the shoulder in a funny way.

  "What did you do to her? That sexy girl's dress straps were all broken."

  John, who was filling in the report, was speechless: "I caught this psychopath at the valet parking lot of a five-star hotel. She was just because of the car. After being slightly scratched, she tried to attack the waiter with a knife."

  "When I handcuffed her, she struggled desperately, and ended up tearing her skirt and leaving it naked."

  Tsk, Jack shook his head, fortunately this is a beautiful country. , in his previous life, he had seen many crazy women on Station B who took off their underwear and threw them at the police in order to resist law enforcement.

  "Thank you for your hard work, ma'am, this way." John finished filling out the report and stepped forward to thank his colleagues who assisted in recording.

  As he walked, he sincerely explained to the hot girl: "Please believe me, I didn't mean to expose you like that."

  "I have asked the passerby who was watching and taking photos to delete all the photos."

  As he said this, , John put her into a temporary detention cell.

  The hot girl had a rebellious look on her face and her tone was arrogant: "You don't even know who I am, do you?"

  John replied in a matter-of-fact manner: "Your name is Astrid Hesse. You have no criminal record and no outstanding illegal record."

  The hot girl snorted coldly, pointed her nostrils at him, and asked in a condescending manner: "What's your name?"    

  John has experienced a lot of this kind of thing in the past few months. He pointed to his name tag and said: "My name is John Nolan, police number 25253. If you want to submit a complaint, this is your right." "

  Oh, believe me , something will be 'delivered' to you soon." Astrid Hesse seemed to have something in her words.

  John closed the cell door with a nonchalant look on his face and made no further response. Jack, who had witnessed the whole scene from the side, frowned. He always felt that this scene had an inexplicable sense of immediacy.

  At this time, Angela, who looked frustrated, came over with Hannah in her arms: "Are you two gentlemen free now? Come with me to drink. I want to get myself drunk today."

  Jack hesitated and did not speak. Since he decided not to After getting central air conditioning, he consciously controlled his attitude in front of other members of the opposite sex.

  The good old John obviously didn't realize this, so he asked with concern.

  "What's wrong with you Angela?"

  "She checked Wesley's phone number and thought he was cheating on her." Hannah explained for her.

  "Then you were discovered?" His interest in eating melons was instantly aroused, and Jack interrupted unconsciously.

  Angela's big eyes stared at this guy fiercely, making him tremble.

  "I apologized to him, but he didn't forgive me. I think it's over between us."

  Seeing her depressed look, Hannah warmly comforted her bestie: "If he really loves you, he will figure it out. , maybe you just need a little time."

  After saying that, he took Angela and the four of them went to the small bar they often frequented.

  In order to comfort her lovelorn bestie, Hannah took the initiative to treat her today and ordered a bottle of valuable whiskey.

  It was obvious that Angela really liked Wesley. After a few glasses of wine, she started crying about her unfortunate childhood.

  In her words, the reason why she was so worried about this relationship was because her father ran away from home when she was young, leaving behind her mother and five children in the family. Her old mother struggled to support her. and her four brothers.

  So although she had disguised herself as a tomboy since she was a child, she longed for someone to rely on. She decided that Wesley was her one, so she did such an irrational thing.

  John and Jack on the side were sweating profusely and started whispering.

  "Do you think she would pull out a gun and kill us when she's sober?" Jack felt guilty.

  John seemed a little worried: "I'm probably okay, but you are definitely dead. You were the one who used your words to trick her just now."

  Jack was also a little worried. It wasn't because his psychology skills had always been at the entry level. I was so itchy that I couldn't help but give it a try. I didn't know that this eldest sister who usually looked a bit manly would open up her heart so easily.

  (End of chapter)