
The world of American TV series: Starting with the L.A. Patrol

The stitched world of united American dramas allows us to step into the protagonist's perspective and save those characters who are randomly handed lunch boxes, which reasonably makes up for the nonsense plot created by the screenwriter's blind imagination. Including but not limited to "Rookie", "Jack Reacher", "Hunter", "Person of Interest", "Knight Rider", "Bones", etc. may be added in the future, and there may even be some police games. Gangster movies. Except for the protagonist Goldfinger, there are no extraordinary elements. All cases and plots serve the plot of the novel. There will be some magical changes, so readers are not allowed to take it seriously. [Chapter Schedule: 1or2/Day] This is a translation of the fanfic

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Chapter 38 Learning makes me happy

 Hannah has always paid attention to the fact that antiperspirant lotion and beeswax are the two most consumed items in her daily cosmetics. Of course, she may now add toilet water.

  But now that the relationship between the two has been made clear, Jack naturally cannot favor one over the other. It is Hannah's turn to have the healing skills that both Zoe and Maureen have enjoyed.

  Let her take a shower first, and Jack went upstairs and took out a few bottles of floral essential oil, which is a specialty of the southwestern province of Seris. A small bottle can be purchased online for 60 dollars on Amazon.

  Jack had bought 3 bottles before, planning to use the rose one for the mature and beautiful Zoe, the intellectual girl with glasses to use the jasmine scent, and the last bottle of wild orange and peppermint essential oil was prepared for the sunny and sweet Hannah. of.

  I don't know if someone's massage skills are getting better or if the atmosphere is too ambiguous. In short, when Jack finished performing the treatment, Hannah's cheeks were so red that they could bleed and her resentful eyes were so hard to look at, and he couldn't help but Don't run away.

  After a quick cold shower, Jack lay on the bed and silently recited "Learning makes me happy" several times before calming down and reading "Friends of Dual-Use Talents". He wanted to point out the skills related to house decoration as soon as possible.

  Although the procedures for real estate transactions in Meiliguo are complicated, the system is mature and the complete transaction is very fast. It is expected to be completed within two weeks.

  Jack has limited cash on hand and now has to take on a large loan, so it is impossible to hire a decoration company. He plans to clean up slowly after moving in and buy materials bit by bit to renovate it himself. This is also a common practice among most beautiful Chinese people.

  Thinking about the problem of funds, Jack took an old laptop from the table, opened it and logged into a virtual currency website. Inside was the largest investment he made when he first traveled through time three years ago. He purchased it for 200 knives a piece. 30 Bitcoins.

  Starting in 2017 last year, the price of Bitcoin began to gradually rise. Jack plans to sell all of it in two to three years, that is, around 2021, before the United States imposes taxes on Bitcoin.

  Considering that the world background of the American TV series is not much different from the previous life, it is expected that the price of one Bitcoin will reach about 60,000 dollars by then, which means that he may make a profit of about 1.8 million dollars at most.

  At that time, the system had not yet been activated. Jack used the time traveler's foresight to preset this escape route for himself. It was not that he did not want to make more, but that he was worried that if he made more, he would not be able to maintain his small body.

  Jack, who lived for more than 40 years in his previous life, knew very well that some dreams were destined to be nothing but dreams. No matter which country the dream came from, the wealth he possessed could not match his ability and status, and would only become the source of disaster.

  Closing the notebook, Jack began to truly immerse himself in the joy of learning. Although his mental power could not directly improve his intelligence, being able to enter a state of high concentration at any time was already a cheat that many students dreamed of.

  With the system's attribute gains, Jack now only needs one hour a day to cope with community college courses. At the same time, due to the shortened sleep time, he has a full 5 hours more time every day than ordinary people.

  On the third and last day of leave, Jack drove to Zoe's house with rose essential oil.

  After some tenderness, Zoe, who was radiant again, snuggled into Jack's arms and looked at the ceiling absently, as if her soul was still lingering in heaven.

  "When are you and Maureen going to announce it? Do I have to prepare a wedding gift for you in advance?"

  Jack's smile was very strange. Ever since Maureen learned about their plan, he always felt like he would become a Japanese star. The illusion of yellow-haired supporting characters in comics.

  Zoe, who came to her senses, gave the guy who had taken advantage of him a hard bite, which made him grin with pain.    

  "Has Hannah told you everything about her? Tell me what you think."

  Jack roughly repeated the conversation between him and Hannah, and added: "We'll wait until she comes back from Quantico. Besides, I won't It is recommended that Hannah investigate this case through the FBI's internal system."

  He remembered that in the plot of "Jack Reacher", there was an FBI agent involved. If Hannah's private investigation was discovered, he would be able to alert the snake. Not to mention, her safety would also be threatened. He knew very clearly how vicious the counterfeit banknote group was from some of the R-rated scenes in the play.

  Of course, he had to make up a suitable reason: "Since there are members of Congress behind this criminal group, their tentacles may also have extended into the FBI. Otherwise, the murders of Hannah's parents and the Environmental Protection Agency investigator would have caused the FBI to There can be no reaction."

  As if she thought Jack's speculation was reasonable, Zoe frowned in annoyance.

  "My dad also made inquiries through some connections at the beginning, but was blocked by the higher-ups. Over the years, I also used the resources in the police station to conduct some investigations, but there was no progress."

  Jack stretched out a finger and lightly He gently rubbed her frown away and said in relief.

  "I just helped you get rid of the fine lines on your forehead so you don't have to wrinkle it all the time. Leave this to me."

  Zoe looked at her little man with some confusion. It wasn't that she looked down on Jack, but even her family and her family as a police officer Where did Jack, who had just become an ordinary patrolman, get the confidence to do something that even a middle-level person in the world couldn't do.

  "Looking for hackers, haven't you ever thought about it?"

  Jack answered matter-of-factly, but stopped Zoe in his tracks.

  "You are all thinking about retaliating with tit for tat. Why are you still limiting your thinking to using legal means and directly paying hackers to find out who is the actual controller of Kleiner Industries? Won't the rest of the matter be easier to handle?

  " Jack really doesn't take it for granted. Hackers in the world of American TV series are omnipotent. Detective TV series such as "CSI", "NCIS", "Bones", etc. all have computer masters with powerful abilities as the protagonists. They serve as backup.

  This world is a mess of all kinds of American dramas, and the timeline is very messy. Except for some old dramas with special backgrounds and a long time ago, such as "Hunter", most of the others have either not started yet or have just started.

  For example, NCIS - Naval Criminal Investigative Service, online shows that it was just established five years ago, and the current person in charge is a middle-aged aunt. The Jeffersonian Society in "Bones" does exist, but its forensic science laboratory is still limited to rumor.

  Jack even Googled a certain genius software engineer - Harold Finch. His partner Nathan is a well-known rich man in the United States. Information about him can be easily found online. It is rumored that his company is currently working with the joint investigation Cooperating with the CIA and working on developing a project specifically to deal with terrorist attacks, it can be naturally inferred that Uncle Li, who likes to keep a straight face and pretend to be cool like Tim, is probably still working for the CIA.

  (End of chapter)