
The world of American TV series: Starting with the L.A. Patrol

The stitched world of united American dramas allows us to step into the protagonist's perspective and save those characters who are randomly handed lunch boxes, which reasonably makes up for the nonsense plot created by the screenwriter's blind imagination. Including but not limited to "Rookie", "Jack Reacher", "Hunter", "Person of Interest", "Knight Rider", "Bones", etc. may be added in the future, and there may even be some police games. Gangster movies. Except for the protagonist Goldfinger, there are no extraordinary elements. All cases and plots serve the plot of the novel. There will be some magical changes, so readers are not allowed to take it seriously. [Chapter Schedule: 1or2/Day] This is a translation of the fanfic

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Chapter 23 Follow-up

"What are you doing?" Zoe smelled a familiar smell in the room as soon as she entered the door. Her eyes immediately fell on Jack on the bed, and she was stunned by the scene in front of her.

  "Damn you." Before she could finish her words, Maureen pushed her against the wall and kissed her.

  "This is the smell of your boy."

  Zoe's eyes widened and she looked at her best friend in front of her in disbelief.



  "Good night, my lovely knight." Maureen made a mischievous face before closing the door to the ward. Jack sneered in his heart, hehe, knight, you and Zoe are the two female knights, I am just a poor lame horse.

  Opening the system in his mind to check the notification, today's unlucky search operation gave him a large amount of experience as expected. Not only did the gold coins increase to 2, but there was still 50 points left in the experience bar after consuming 100. This was the first time in his history. The largest experience income since.

  Worried about being noticed by others, Jack did not dare to break through the physical level of 20 in the hospital. He turned off the system, touched his old waist that was a little sore, used a healing technique to relieve his fatigue, and then fell asleep.

  At noon the next day, Hannah came to pick Jack up from the hospital. Everyone who shot in the Bronson Building was given a week-long administrative leave. Counting John and Bishop who were shot in the hospital, the Wilshire Police Department The number of patrol officers on the day shift suddenly decreased by one-fifth, and Zoe had to temporarily second several patrol officers from police stations in other districts.

  Jack also learned from Hannah what happened that day. In order to get rid of the prosecutor's prosecution, Tim's wife Isabella reached an undercover agreement with the DEA to dig out a newly emerged drug trafficking force, and this gang The leader of the drug dealers is Vance Marcus.

  Originally, the DEA's original strategy was to fish for law enforcement, hoping to catch someone through the transaction between Isabella and Vance Marcus. However, during the transaction, Isabella, who could not control her addiction, revealed a flaw and was caught by the cunning Vance. ·Marcus discovered that he was wearing a bug.

  Vance Marcus hijacked Isabella's car at gunpoint to escape from the DEA siege, and then murdered her and left her with a gunshot wound in the head in an uninhabited alley and fled.

  The next day, yesterday, the furious DEA secured an accomplice of Marcus through a plea bargain. The accomplice revealed the warehouse of the trafficking organization and the hiding place of Marcus's surrogate girlfriend, Sesia Olivo. The location is the Bronson Building, but he concealed an important fact. The Bronson Building

  is actually the stronghold of Marcus and his associates.

  Thesia Olivo was expecting to give birth in her apartment on the third floor, and the cunning Marcus was actually hiding in an apartment on the second floor. After receiving the news that the DEA had raided his warehouse, Marcus gathered The accomplice went out with a gun, intending to take Thesia Olivo to escape the limelight temporarily, but he bumped into Hannah and Bishop who were knocking on the door on the second floor. The rest of the story is Jack's personal experience.

  "So, what does surrogate girlfriend mean?" Jack didn't understand it when he heard this for the first time.

  Hannah explained patiently: "Marcus once had a son who died due to illness. He always wanted to have another son, so he spent money to find a woman to have another child for him. They were neither a husband nor a couple, they were purely Money transactions."

  Jack learned a lot, and it turns out that carrying on the family line is not a concept unique to the Seris people.

  "So, is the baby that Lucy helped Seseia Olivo deliver is a boy?"

  "It's a baby girl."


  Compared with the previous subway theft of stolen goods case, he was very concerned about this case. Satisfied, evil will be punished, and you should die.

  Three days later, Hannah drove Jack to the hospital to change the dressing and stopped by Bishop's ward. Her operation was successful and there was no abdominal infection. I heard from Hannah that the ATF (Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives) was asking Zoe for someone, hoping to transfer her there.

  In this case, it's good news for Angela. The two of them had some troubles before because they were competing for the qualifications of police detectives at the same time, but now they can be good sisters again.

  Picking up John, who had just been discharged from the hospital, the three of them walked to the hospital parking lot.

  "So, what does that beautiful female doctor who pushed your wheelchair that day have to do with you?" Hannah asked John gossiping.    

  "Ah, that's my college classmate Jia Lisi. We haven't seen each other for twenty years. I didn't expect to meet again in Los Angeles. She is now the director of the emergency department of the Central Hospital."

  Jack vaguely remembered this plot, as if John also renewed his relationship with her and gossiped with Hannah: "So it's just as simple as being an old classmate?"

  John didn't shy away from it, and confessed very frankly: "My ex-wife Sarah and I have been together since high school. We were together, and then for a while, we broke up because of some conflicts." "Then

  Jia Lisi appeared in my life. We were only friends for a few months at first, but we had such a tacit understanding with each other. A line seems to be able to collide and turn into sparks."

  Jack made a gesture of explosion knowingly: "So when there are more sparks, the thunder from the sky will stir up the fire on the ground, and there will be a bang."

  "Hey, you are just in front of me at that time. Given your age, you should know this very well." John seemed to be recognized, and he was a little excited.

  "I don't have any experience in college campus life. I just went to community college and just went to class and walked away after class. I can't even call a few of my classmates by name."

  Jack shrugged.

  Hannah kicked Jack for interrupting, and while opening the car door to let the two wounded people get into the car, she continued to ask: "Then what? Since you called like this, why did you marry Sarah later?"

  John looked intoxicated. In the beautiful memories, he continued: "Then we stayed together for two full weeks, and our heartbeat soared from 0 to 180, and then..." "

  Then what?"

  "Then Sarah appeared at the door of my dormitory with two children. Many months pregnant." John looked sad.

  "HOHOHO, damn it."

  Jack smiled very gloatingly: "Then you did what you thought was right?"

  John smiled self-deprecatingly: "I have no choice, I still love Sarah, and besides, that's me So I dropped out of school, packed my bags, moved back to Foxborough. I got married within a month and became a father six months later." "

  Then I started working as a building contractor. It took me a long time to get my diploma back, and my life changed forever, but I never regret it."

  "Never?" Hannah's voice rose slightly, expressing doubt.

  "Okay, actually it has happened."

  "This reminds me of a certain movie, played by Nicolas Cage, about" Jack, who was talking, suddenly took a picture of Hannah, indicating that the two of them were looking away. There, Tim was slumped on the ground, leaning weakly on his car, holding a document in his hand.

  As a result of conditioned reflex, Hannah braked and made a braking sound. Tim, who heard the sound, looked towards the three people's car.

  (End of chapter)