
The world of American TV series: Starting with the L.A. Patrol

The stitched world of united American dramas allows us to step into the protagonist's perspective and save those characters who are randomly handed lunch boxes, which reasonably makes up for the nonsense plot created by the screenwriter's blind imagination. Including but not limited to "Rookie", "Jack Reacher", "Hunter", "Person of Interest", "Knight Rider", "Bones", etc. may be added in the future, and there may even be some police games. Gangster movies. Except for the protagonist Goldfinger, there are no extraordinary elements. All cases and plots serve the plot of the novel. There will be some magical changes, so readers are not allowed to take it seriously. [Chapter Schedule: 1or2/Day] This is a translation of the fanfic

azzari · TV
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57 Chs

Chapter 22 Healing

After being reminded by Hannah, Jack quickly asked: "How's Officer Bishop?"

  "Cough!" Zoe, who had an unwavering expression on her face, walked over and coughed lightly, which made Hannah reluctantly let go. Arms wrapped around Jack's neck. She glared at Hannah and then said to Jack: "Dr. House, the best surgical director at the Central Hospital, is operating on her. He said that thanks to your first aid, Officer Bishop's life is not in danger."

  Jack's eyes looked at her. Tim, who was holding his arms aside, asked with concern: "Officer Bradford, how is your wife?"

  Tim's stern old face rarely forced a smile and nodded: "Isabella's The operation was completed in the afternoon, and the doctor said it is very likely that she will wake up." He paused, with a stern expression, and was poked by the smiling Lucy with his arm. Then he seemed to have made up his mind and continued with difficulty. : "You can call me Tim from now on. Thank you again for saving my life today. You are the best rookie I have ever seen."

  Jack grinned happily. It was not easy to get praise from this guy. This time The bullet was not in vain. He then turned to look at Lucy, who had also been shot: "Are you okay?"

  Lucy patted her chest proudly: "The doctor said that if my cup size was smaller, I might have fractures. Now there's nothing wrong except a little bruise."

  Jack glanced at the ladies around him and thought to himself that you are the only B-cup here, so proud as hell, he directly joked: "If it were other people, you might not even have bruises. Yes?"

  Angela slapped him on the shoulder. "If you weren't injured, Lucy and I would beat you up right now."

  Everyone laughed for a while, and Maureen, a girl with gold-rimmed glasses, appeared out of nowhere and took over the handle of Jack's wheelchair. "Okay everyone, this handsome young man still needs to undergo a few tests, so he can only leave it to me first."

  She winked at Zoe and pushed Jack out of the surgery waiting area.

  Through the elevator, Maureen pushed Jack into a doctor's office on the fifth floor, closed the door, and let him lie down on a simple bed.

  "I think I found your problem." She picked up a stack of reports from the table and sat beside Jack's bed and said to him.

  "Uh, was it Zoe who informed you?" Jack swallowed hard.

  The scent of perfume from the girl with glasses had been troubling his nerves since just now. Now she sat down on the edge of the bed. Her white coat was lifted up and her black stockings could be clearly seen through the slits. The edge and the higher garter belt made his fragile will caused by the sequelae even more chaotic.

  Maureen snorted, seemingly dissatisfied with Jack for not notifying her immediately after today's incident. "Yes, Zoe called me before you entered the hospital, so I could include the testing items I need during your pre-operative physical examination."

  Jack's Adam's apple surged, and he desperately tried to remove it. Looking away from the flesh-cutting depression at the base of the stockings, the alluring scent of female perfume seemed to be getting stronger and stronger in the sealed room.

  "So, what exactly is my problem?"

  Maureen didn't seem to notice anything strange about Jack, her eyes never leaving the report in her hand: "The blood test results show that after you were sent to the hospital, the adrenaline level in your body has been at a constant level. At a high level, your body only slightly reduces the secretion of adrenaline after you leave the high-pressure environment, but it is still higher than the daily average level. Your so-called desire to kill actually comes from this." "

  So, it's my body's fault. "?"

  Maureen shook her head: "Aren't you curious why you need a whole-body MRI after being shot in the leg? I've checked and found that there are no tumors or signs of disease in your brain and adrenal glands, so I initially judge that this is your subconscious mind. The problem is, your brain has always defaulted that you are in a dangerous environment. At the same time, it seems that in order to offset the side effects of adrenaline, the three hormones in your body, dopamine, endorphins, and testosterone, are also always at high levels. This is also consistent with when you are fighting. Always able to maintain a calm description."

  "Oh shit, I don't think I'm calm at all now." Jack felt that his sanity was like a steel wire that was about to break. As long as there is more strength.

  "You... Fool, this is a talent given to you by God. You are born to be an excellent warrior. If you were born in ancient times, you must be the strongest knight in the world and the most desired lover of ladies."    

  Maureen closed the test report with a snap and looked at Jack like a female dragon discovering a mountain of gold coins.

  "I'd rather not have this damn talent. Maureen, could you call me Zoe?" Jack felt like he was about to die. What kind of perfume did this woman use? This damn smell was so alluring. He wished he could let her go. He buried his head in her arms and took a deep breath.

  "Hmph, what do you want to do? Let Zoe come to my office to do bad things with you? You are a male beast dominated by hormones, this is my office!" Maureen leaned down and looked at him, rich and profound The ravine can be seen clearly through the open collar, and the words are clearly sarcastic, but the corners of the mouth are raised in a charming arc.

  "Hiss" was like a heavy hammer hitting the steel wire that was about to break. Jack could swear that the girl with glasses was acting this way on purpose.

  "Say no more." Maureen pressed Jack's slender hand on Jack's chest and slowly unbuttoned his hospital gown one by one: "Zoe is responsible now. She just begged me to take good care of you. Patient, do you have a better way to restore calm to your subconscious?"

  "An injured beast is very dangerous." Jack gritted his teeth.

  "It doesn't matter, I locked the door just now, so no one else can be hurt." Maureen's voice became more charming than the Soviet refrigerator that Jack encountered in the game in his previous life.

  She stretched out her hand to lift up a strand of hair hanging down by her ears, stuck out her tongue, licked her pink red lips, and slowly lowered her head.

  "I am a patient, and you are my doctor." That thought in her mind The wire was completely broken, but Jack still wanted to try and struggle.

  Maureen raised her head and rolled her eyes at him angrily, "So just don't move, and the doctor sister will help you treat your illness."

  An hour later, there was a hurried knock on the door.

  "Maureen, are you in there?" It was Zoe's voice.

  "Wait a minute." Maureen, who was lying in Jack's arms, patted the man who was so nervous that his whole body was stiff. She lazily stood up and put on her white coat, opened the door and let Zoe in, and then locked it again.

   I received a text message from the website today saying that this book has been recommended in the first round of new book recommendations. Since the total number of words in the book is less than 50,000, I am both happy and scared.

    Thank you readers for your support and love. As a newcomer with a new book, I am able to gain exposure so quickly. I sincerely thank you all.

    However, I also learned about the PK mechanism of Qidian's new books, and it seems to be quite cruel. The most important data should be the follow-up reading, which is related to whether it can enter the second and third rounds of recommendations, so please try not to buy books in the near future, otherwise It would be funnier to look back and keep it until it dies.

    Thank you all book friends again and bow my thanks.

  (End of chapter)