
The world of American TV series: Starting with the L.A. Patrol

The stitched world of united American dramas allows us to step into the protagonist's perspective and save those characters who are randomly handed lunch boxes, which reasonably makes up for the nonsense plot created by the screenwriter's blind imagination. Including but not limited to "Rookie", "Jack Reacher", "Hunter", "Person of Interest", "Knight Rider", "Bones", etc. may be added in the future, and there may even be some police games. Gangster movies. Except for the protagonist Goldfinger, there are no extraordinary elements. All cases and plots serve the plot of the novel. There will be some magical changes, so readers are not allowed to take it seriously. [Chapter Schedule: 1or2/Day] This is a translation of the fanfic

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Chapter 18 The eve of the fierce battle

watching Zoe drive away, Jack did not rush to start the car and hit the road. Instead, he took out his mobile phone and called Lucy to tell her what had just happened. He repeatedly emphasized that John's life was not in danger, and finally calmed down Lucy, who wanted to visit the hospital. He also promised that he would go with her after get off work tomorrow, and then hung up the phone.

  As he drove home, Jack couldn't help but shake his head in his mind, thinking that this was all nonsense. He, a 21-year-old future police elite, had been transformed into an intimate uncle, worrying about some bullshit emotional nonsense every day. Although eating melons is fun, it is not as fun as falling in love with Sister Zoe or being given benefits by Hanna. Oh, I almost forgot about Maureen, the girl with glasses.

  When they got home, it was almost 12 o'clock in the morning. The blood stains on Jack's clothes shocked Hannah. After briefly explaining what happened, he went upstairs to take a bath in his bathroom and came out to cook some wontons. Late night snack, chatting with Hannah while eating.

  "Why do you deal with this situation calmly every time? You don't look like a rookie at all. Even if I'm here, I can't guarantee that you will handle it more properly than you." Hannah said that in order to be able to play games at home tonight, she did not play games with Jack. We went out drinking together to express regret.

  "Go to bed early and don't play too late. There may be a big action tomorrow." After Jack finished washing the dishes, he saw Hannah's pink lips that were slightly red and swollen due to the chili oil in the dish. He was moved in his heart and bent down involuntarily. Kissed.

  Seeing the other party's big watery eyes gradually becoming foggy, Jack secretly thought something was wrong. Although he didn't shoot today, there still seemed to be some side effects. Now, the scumbag man with two legs couldn't escape.

  "If you can't eat spicy food, just eat less next time." He

  forcibly took back his right hand, which was about to reach the peak at some point. Jack was so embarrassed that he dropped an incomprehensible explanation and ran away in a hurry.

  Hannah's face was flushed, she crossed her arms and was in a daze for a long time, then she fell down on the sofa, giggled, buried her head in the pillow and let out a kitten-like whimper.

  The next day, Jack drove to the police station. As soon as he approached the briefing conference room, he saw Zoe and Superintendent Gray with red eyes through the glass, doing a collective roll call inside.

  "What happened?" Jack grabbed Lucy who was about to enter the conference room.

  "Tim's wife Isabella was found in an alley two hours ago, shot in the head, and is still in the operating room." "

  The DEA has locked down the murderer's hiding place, and the police department is preparing to arrest him. Catch this guy." Lucy spoke very quickly, and after speaking, the two of them entered the briefing meeting together.

  Within a few minutes, everyone arrived, and Superintendent Gray began to explain the situation: "The suspect's name is Vance Marcus, and he is most likely hiding in a storage facility in the South Gate District. Wolfe and Westley from the DEA The police detective and the patrol officers in the area will go to search."

  Then he looked at Jack and the others: "You guys are going to the Bronson Building. The tip said that Vance's girlfriend Theseia Olivo lives in the building, but The house number is not exact, which means that you have to go door to door."

  Zoe added on the side: "You should pay attention to the fact that the interrogation process is extremely risky. Vance is a big tycoon, and the criminal group is fully armed. He surrendered to the police easily, so everyone should look after each other and pay attention to personal safety during the mission." "

  In addition, I just called the hospital. John's bullet has been removed and he is expected to recover in about two weeks. There will be no sequelae. However, due to the In his absence, Hannah temporarily took his place and teamed up with Bishop. Lucy and Jack still followed their respective instructors. There are many residents in the building. It is not recommended to bring a rifle, but each of you can bring two more magazines. And prepare your own spare guns."

  Everyone took the order and set off. After Jack received the equipment from the gun store, Hannah, who was waiting at the door, handed over an armpit holster: "In the past two days, I used the best calfskin from my farm to make it. I got one, and I'll give you the python to try."

  Jack's heart trembled, as it is said that it is the hardest to accept the kindness of a beauty. Yesterday, he was such a scumbag, and on the other hand, she was so kind to him. It was really embarrassing, but on this occasion It was inappropriate to say anything, so I could only whisper to pay attention to safety, and quickly caught up with Angela.    

  Angela was driving today, and Jack, who was sitting in the passenger seat, started to pack up his equipment, put bulletproof plates on his body armor, put on his armpit holster, and adjusted it. There is no need to mention Hannah's craftsmanship. The python sent by Hunter was inserted just right without affecting daily movements at all.

  Angela on the side didn't pay attention to the exquisitely crafted armpit holster, her attention was completely attracted by his python. This female man, who was more manly than most men, directly cursed.

  "Fuck, where did you get such a great thing?"

  Since Jack showed off his proficiency in pistol shooting in the parking lot, Angela hasn't been shooting with him again. Of course, this guy is still thick. She shamelessly asked him to take charge of lunch, saying that Jack's excellent performance that day was thanks to her special tutoring in those days. In order not to appear ostentatious, Jack never showed off this handicraft revolver in front of others except for secretly shooting a few rounds at the shooting range.

  "Rick Hunter was an old friend of my parents. I visited him some time ago. He said that I needed a spare gun, so he gave it to me." "

  It's incredible that you actually know that legendary old policeman. , this kind of customized high-end goods has long been priced out of the market." Angela's big eyes almost turned into heart-like shapes.

  "Uncle Hunter said that the custom-made price at that time was more than 2,500 knives. The price now has more than doubled."

  As he said that, he handed the python to Angela, who was almost drooling. Jack took out a box of Point 3 57 Magnum bullets, fill all 5 revolvers, and then stuff them into the bullet bag on the belt one by one.

  "Are you preparing to go to war?" Angela glanced sideways at him. Each of them brought 4 spare magazines. In addition to the original ones on the gun, each of them had 75 rounds of Glock 22 .40 bullets alone. , Jack also prepared 30 extra rounds of powerful Magnum bullets for his backup gun, which is a bit exaggerated.

  "No matter how many bullets I have against the criminal, I don't think it's enough." He was somewhat impressed by today's scene, and he couldn't go on administrative leave for at least three days after it ended.

  "You seem to have never taken out your spare gun. What model is it?" Jack was a little curious.

  Angela reluctantly handed the python back to him and patted her trembling chest: "Beretta 950, a coming-of-age gift I gave to myself when I was 16."

  She noticed that Jack looked at her with a slightly strange look. Instead, she chuckled: "The BRA I use is a special one. It's just right to put this gun down."

   Thank you very much for the recommendation. I really don't know how to thank him. His favorite big sword doesn't seem to be suitable. Treat him to a treat. If you have time to go to Shanghai next door, treat him to a meal. Everyone, feel free to read it. There are still manuscripts saved. I am also working hard to update.

    In addition, friends who still have investment opportunities, don't forget to click and invest. It will definitely be no problem to save the article until it is put on the shelves. If the free investment opportunities have been used up, remember to click on it at the beginning of next month. Don't miss the opportunity to get some money. .

  (End of chapter)