
The world of American TV series: Starting with the L.A. Patrol

The stitched world of united American dramas allows us to step into the protagonist's perspective and save those characters who are randomly handed lunch boxes, which reasonably makes up for the nonsense plot created by the screenwriter's blind imagination. Including but not limited to "Rookie", "Jack Reacher", "Hunter", "Person of Interest", "Knight Rider", "Bones", etc. may be added in the future, and there may even be some police games. Gangster movies. Except for the protagonist Goldfinger, there are no extraordinary elements. All cases and plots serve the plot of the novel. There will be some magical changes, so readers are not allowed to take it seriously. [Chapter Schedule: 1or2/Day] This is a translation of the fanfic

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Chapter 17 Prime Minister’s First Aid

 John's voice came from the phone: "I may have seen him."

  Just as Jack rushed across the road with the Glock, two gunshots fired almost simultaneously came from the house. , Jack's heart tightened, and he called 911 again while shouting John's name.

  John's voice came from the house: "I'm fine, I was shot in the shoulder. There was only one person on the other side. He was shot and fell to the ground by the swimming pool."

  Jack shouted into the phone: "I'm Officer Jack Tavole. , this is No. 5439 Chautauqua District. Officer John Nolan was attacked and injured at home. The suspect has fallen to the ground and an ambulance is urgently needed." After

  hanging up the phone, Jack continued to shout loudly: "John, please pay attention that I am entering now. "House, are you okay?"

  John in the room let out a painful groan. Jack walked to the pool first. Glock kept facing the intruder on the ground. He saw a gunshot wound on the other's chest, and he kept breathing. The blood was gushing out. He must have been shot in the lungs, and he was probably dead.

  Just in case, he took out the handcuffs he had with him and cuffed the other person, left him there to bleed slowly, then turned around and went into the house to check on John's condition.

  John's condition was not good either. A bullet hit his right shoulder. The pain caused him to fall behind the sofa and groan. There was no exit in the pipa bone behind his back, so the bullet was probably stuck inside.

  Jack supported him, found a towel to block the wound, and started a little healing to slow down the bleeding. He didn't dare to continue, otherwise he wouldn't be able to explain it when the emergency personnel came.

  After letting John lie down on the sofa, Jack asked: "Do you know who the other party is?"

  John gasped and replied: "He just claimed to be Kyle Montgomery, the Ari who was shot to death by me two days ago. "Kekes's brother, I met him before when he made a complaint at the police station. Don't worry about me. His injuries should be more serious. You should go take a look." "You are

  such a good person. I will suggest that the Vatican canonize you." "I complained to him angrily, and Jack grabbed a towel and walked to the side of the swimming pool. This guy on the ground was now breathing more out than in.

  He also used a towel to block the wound, but this time Jack didn't use any healing techniques. He performed cardiopulmonary resuscitation perfunctorily. Anyway, the former prime minister was shot in the chest in his last life, and his bodyguards did the same thing. No one should take it. Let's talk about this.

  Jack is not opposed to blood revenge, but when his positions are different, he can only support eradication. After all, the butt determines the head, so who makes John his friend?

  In less than 5 minutes, a police car from the night shift patrol arrived first. Jack hurriedly identified himself loudly. The quality of the police in the United States varies greatly, especially those who work the night shift. Their spirits are tense for a long time. Who knows if they will collapse on one of their own? , and then two ambulances arrived one after another and took away John and the body on the ground.

  20 minutes later, police cars from the Wilshire Police Department also arrived one after another. Their own police officers were attacked. Superintendent Gray and Zoe both arrived at the scene. Jack had just finished writing notes for the night shift patrolman when he saw the two of them saying hello and briefly explaining the situation.

  Superintendent Gray had a dark face and nodded after listening. It was barely a compliment. Zoe patted Jack on the shoulder and said don't mind: "Tim's wife Isabella exposed her identity tonight when she was meeting a drug dealer. At present, The whereabouts are unknown, Tim and the DEA people are still conducting search work, and Superintendent Gray and I were waiting for news at the police station."    

  Jack nodded to express his understanding and asked: "Do you need me to work overtime? I didn't shoot today and can perform tasks at any time."

  Zoe shook her head and said no: "We have mobilized sufficient police force. You can go home and have a good rest later. If the DEA finds new clues tomorrow, they may arrange a raid."

  Jack understood, and was about to wash the blood on his hands and drive home to sleep when a male Internal Affairs agent came out of nowhere and stopped him.

  "Are you Constable Jack Tavole? What is your relationship with John Nolan? Why did you show up at his home today? Do you know the suspect?"

  These three consecutive questions directly confused Jack. Okay, is this the virtue of the LAPD's internal affairs department? It seems different from the American TV series. Are you directly treating your own police officers as criminals?

  "John and I are colleagues and friends. I sent him home today and found a suspicious vehicle across the street from his house. I notified 911 in advance and warned John that the police center should have recordings of my two phone calls. I don't I understand what your question is implying. I'm very tired now and plan to go home and rest."

  Jack's anger also rose a little. He felt that his response today was impeccable. If this Internal Affairs agent planned to entangle In his words, he wouldn't mind causing trouble for the other party through the union lawyer. Of course, his current methods are only this. As a low-level patrol officer, if you want to rely on system plug-ins to climb up, a clean resume is absolutely necessary. Now is not the time to go to the gray area.

  Fortunately, Jack's recent performance has been really good. Excellent talents will naturally be protected by their superiors. Zoe didn't need to step in. Superintendent Gray, who had always been dark-faced next to him, stepped forward directly.

  "You, stay away from my police officer. Although Jack is still a rookie in the internship period, I can say that he knows how to be a LAPD better than you. There is nothing wrong with his behavior today. Let me see it again. If you harass him, I don't mind submitting a complaint to your boss, Chief West."

  This old black boss can handle it, and Jack's impression of him has improved a lot for a while, thinking that his attitude towards John has also improved recently. A lot. It seems that this character is indeed the same as the character in the original plot. He is a good old-fashioned and rigorous man. In my memory, Superintendent Gray suffered a serious shooting later on. I will definitely find a way to save him again when the time comes.

  After roughly cleaning up the blood stains on his hands and body in John's bathroom, Jack opened the system and took a look. The last shootout in the parking lot gave him a lot of experience. Although he didn't fire a gun today, he also played a role in the whole incident. The main effect was the addition of the two and some small experience given during previous patrols. He got another gold coin and the experience bar dropped to 15.

  Zoe saw Jack coming out, said hello to Superintendent Gray, excused herself to go back to the police station first, and walked out of John's house with Jack. Seeing that no one was paying attention to them, she asked softly: "Are you sure you're okay?"

  Jack He was stunned for a moment, then realized what she meant, and shook his head: "I'm fine. It was John who took action today. I didn't get into a state of excitement."

  Now that the house is surrounded by police colleagues, it is not suitable to tease a female boss. The two of them Without much communication, they each got into their own cars.

  (End of chapter)