
The world is frozen: I built a doomsday fortress

The world has entered an ice age, the Ice Apocalypse has come, and 95% of the human population on the planet has died! In the last life, Zhang Yi was killed by the people he helped because of his kindness. Reborn one month before the Ice Apocalypse, Zhang Yi awakened his space powers and started hoarding supplies crazily! Lack of supplies? He directly emptied a super shopping mall's warehouse worth tens of billions! Are you feeling uncomfortable? He built a super safe house worthy of a doomsday fortress!

MrQiannian · Fantasy
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620 Chs

Yanyun troops

Yanyun troops appeared in front of everyone for the first time.

They are all pure soldiers, and after the end times, it is not too much to call them pure killing machines.

Even if the entire Blizzard City garrison is 300,000, the number of such elites is only 5,000!

Except they're not like regular defense forces.

They're just the best that exist to deal with mutated creatures.

People like border Jun Wu and Baili Changqing are strong men who go out from this army.

A few 20 Yanyun players, is the formidable Jiangnan area of twelve cities, thousands of strong heart tremor.

Even though they have come out of blood and fire, the gap between them is still obvious when it comes to this killing machine.

Among the crowd, a beautiful woman with a towering hair bun and dyed fiery red lips looked at the Yanyun players and couldn't help licking her lips, her eyes were full of hot color.

"How mighty and mighty it is! I want to taste them."

In the other direction, a veteran carrying a black violin case and looking solemn narrowed his eyes, which seemed to have a secret sense of competition.

Inside the platform, although everyone was intimidated by the momentum of Yanyun troops, but they were not afraid.

On the contrary, some people are calculating the strength of Yanyun in their hearts, silently measuring the strength of the Jiangnan region at what level.

At this time, Yanyun players slowly walked out behind a tall figure.

A pair of black leather boots tread heavily on the floor, causing noise so that Zhang Yi can not help but frown.

The voice seemed to be a deterrent and impolite.

The people saw the owner of the black leather boots.

It was a tall, thin middle-aged man, dressed in a green military uniform, and the golden star on his shoulder stood out.

He wore a broad green robe over his uniform, and half of his face was hidden in his collar.

Can let people see only a towering nose bridge, and a pair of sharp eyes like eagles.

But this pair of eyes swept in the place of someone, actually let everyone have a knife from the body across the feeling, the spine chill!

"So strong!"

Zhang Yi's heart immediately appeared such a feeling.

Just a look, let him feel the smell of danger, such a thing for him rarely now.

Only the use of the dead border army, and the newly promoted Ipsilon's original empty night had given him such a feeling.

In Zhang Yi's mind, the border army Wu said to him.

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, Jiangnan District, there are six investigation leaders like him.

And the people in front of a look is the leader of Yanyun troops, strength is not weak than the border army!

Even more powerful than the border army!

After all, when Zhang Yi saw the border army, he was already terminally ill and not in the most perfect state.

"The headquarters of the Jiangnan region, sure enough, can not be underestimated! There are so many good people here, I have to keep a low profile."

Zhang Yi heart immediately so remind themselves.

He retreated quietly behind them.

This is true of Zhang Yi, not to mention others.

There were even a few inhumans who deliberately released momentum and showed their strength, and after being looked at by the general, they broke out in a cold sweat, and even their legs went weak and nearly fell to the ground.

At this time, the man slowly opened his mouth, and his voice was gloomy like coming out of the gun chamber.

"Welcome to Blizzard City, everyone! I am Tu Yunlie, Director of the Operations Department of Gangnam, and I am here to receive you on behalf of the Gangnam region."

'he said, slowly raising a finger.

"Here, I want to tell you about the rules of Blizzard City!"

"Remember, this is important to you. Because in Blizzard City, the rules are absolute! Anyone who disobeys will face severe punishment!"

"This is your first time here, and maybe you're used to being outside." But here, get your individuality!"

Tu Yunlie's words are very blunt, without leaving any emotion, and he will set rules for everyone from the beginning.

This statement made many people frown and have a feeling of unhappiness in their hearts.

But Zhang Yi understand that this move is just a Mawei, to let these outsiders dare not to come to the blizzard city.

After all, for half a year since the end of the world, they have ruled in their respective spheres of influence, and this process is bound to be accompanied by all kinds of bloody violence.

There are even various acts against humanity.

For example, the original empty night, because of the extreme hate of men, even can not see the love between men and women, always want to kill the family's lychee.

If the Jiangnan region does not strongly deter them, I am afraid that there will be restless guys in this group, disturbing the security of the Blizzard city.

Fortunately, these people are not fools, although some dissatisfaction with Tu Yunlie's statement, but no one dare to stand up at this time when the head bird.

Tu Yunlie continued, "I will arrange a place for you to rest tonight, and tomorrow the commander-in-chief will personally hold a general meeting. Everyone must attend on time."

Finally, he stressed in a very stern tone, "Remember, don't make trouble here!" Restrain your habits in the outside world!"

After Tu Yunlie said these words, ignoring the crowd's reaction, he turned and left the subway platform.

To tell the truth, he was a little disappointed.

Because just if someone stood up to challenge him, he could just take the opportunity to kill him, in order to deter everyone.

Surprisingly, these inhumans from 12 cities are so restrained.

"That's just as well, because they're honest and obedient, and there's a lot less trouble."

Tu Yunlie left, next to someone immediately came, smiling to guide the people to rest place.

Zhang Yi and their guide is a black and white uniform of female service personnel.

She came over with a big smile and bowed down, "Everyone, please follow me! While you're in Blizzard City, I'll be hosting you. You can ask me anything you don't understand."

"In addition, I will send the Blizzard City code to your communication devices, please read it carefully." Blizzard City is military-style and there are many rules, so please be careful not to break them."

Zhang Yi nodded and smiled: "Thank you!"

They were led out of the subway station by a waitress.

When you get outside, you can see the full picture of Blizzard City.

Located to the east of Jinling, this city is a city within a city, with an area of only about one-fifth of the entire Jinling.

The whole city is surrounded by thick walls tens of meters high.

As for the interior, the city architecture is not much different from anywhere else.

But the streets are full of soldiers patrolling the streets, armed with guns, looking warily at these new inhumans.

This makes Zhang Yi feel the taste of the so-called military management of the city.

After getting out of the subway, the temperature dropped sharply, and everyone came here in combat uniforms, but they were not afraid of cold temperatures.

And the waitress turned on her special cold suit.

Under her uniform, she was protected from the cold and shielded from the wind by a transparent helmet that did not interfere with the view of her delicate face.

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