
The world is frozen: I built a doomsday fortress

The world has entered an ice age, the Ice Apocalypse has come, and 95% of the human population on the planet has died! In the last life, Zhang Yi was killed by the people he helped because of his kindness. Reborn one month before the Ice Apocalypse, Zhang Yi awakened his space powers and started hoarding supplies crazily! Lack of supplies? He directly emptied a super shopping mall's warehouse worth tens of billions! Are you feeling uncomfortable? He built a super safe house worthy of a doomsday fortress!

MrQiannian · Fantasy
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620 Chs

Herds of tigers and leopards

After an hour and a half in the dark, the train suddenly stopped in the middle.

But the door did not open, Zhang Yi they can faintly see the cold light outside through the window.

They leaned over the window to look out and saw a group of people crowding into another car.

On their bodies, they are wearing completely different clothes from Zhang Yi and others, but they should also have special clothes with advanced cold protection ability.

Because the light of the subway was very dark, Zhang Yi did not see their faces clearly, but in the shadows, she could feel the killing in the air.

Obviously, this group is another city of the last days of the masters, they are also from the dead in the sea of blood to kill the ruthless role!

"Sure enough, this time to Blizzard City are cruel people ah!"

Zhang Yi could not help feeling a sentence.

But hear Zhang Yi say this kind of words, punishment day, Xiao Honglian and Chen Jingguan and others look at his eyes are extremely strange.

A cruel person?

You're talking about them?

If they're bad people, then you're Satan!

Although Zhang Yi repeatedly reminded them not to disclose any information about him to the outside world, especially the strength.

But the people of Tianhai City who do not know that the original empty night was killed by Zhang Yi in the realm of Ipsilon!

And absorbed the original empty night source of Zhang Yi, now the strength of how terrible, it is unimaginable.

In fact, Zhang Yi always forgets how strong she is.

He thought he was just an ordinary man, and often reminded himself of it.

Only in this way will he not be complacent and make mistakes like the original empty night.

Yes, if the original empty night changed to Zhang Yi at this time, the ending will definitely be completely different.

The original empty night will lose, a big part of it is that she believes in her own strength too much.

Zhang Yi folded her arms and silently observed everything in the outside world.

Soon the train was moving again.

It went on for nine more times.

Zhang Yi does not know which batch of passengers he is on the train, but according to the geographical location, it should not be too late.

Through this, we can judge how many cities in the Jiangnan region there are large-scale inhuman forces.

Small forces do not need to be summoned by Gangnam.

For example, Zhang Yi and their city of Tianhai.

Although after the snow Worship War, only four major forces remain.

But Tianhai is a large area, with villages and prefecture-level cities around it, and there must still be some small human groups.

The Jiangnan region does not need to have long arms to govern them, but only needs to manage the head forces in each region, and the forces below will naturally be governed by the head forces.



After a long journey, the train finally stopped at a brightly lit platform.

When the train pulled into the platform, Zhang Yi and they knew that it must be Jinling.

Because only the Blizzard city of Jinling has the ability to maintain the normal operation of subway traffic today, there will be lights.

Zhang Yi glanced at the satellite phone, which showed the time a little after 6 p.m.

The trip took them more than three hours, which was reasonable given the detour to other cities.

At this time, the robot conductor suddenly twisted his neck and looked at Zhang Yi and others.

She smiled and said, "Everyone, the terminal Blizzard City has arrived! Please pack your carry-on belongings and get off the bus as soon as possible."

"Everyone, theterminalstationBlizzardCityhasarrived! Pleasepackyourluggageandbelongingsandgetoffthecarassoonaspossible..."

Zhang Yi rose slowly, faintly said: "Let's go!"

The other people's eyes are a little nervous, they can not help but stand up, and then wait for Zhang Yi to take the lead out.

Zhou Ke and Lu can be more careful, a step does not leave Zhang Yi around.

Zhang Yi stepped out of the subway to the outside, and saw the doors of more than a dozen carriages open, and out of the inside came groups of soldiers dressed in combat uniforms and armed to the teeth.

Each was like an ancient armored warrior, wrapped in heavy combat clothing.

People next to each other, shoulder to shoulder, looking at each other with fear and cold eyes.

In this group of people, there are also many people who dress uniquely, even wearing only thin clothes.

There were even giants who were four or five metres tall and had to crawl out on their knees.

All kinds of people, all kinds of people, make the whole subway platform look like a world's fair.

A deadly, eerie atmosphere pervaded the place.

Zhou Keer and Lu Combustible small face pale pale, they can not bear some of the pervasives of murder here.

Not all these fighters are deliberately unleashing their murderous energy to intimidate others.

Because killing itself is a kind of breath that will naturally appear after killing too much.

The nose can not smell, the eye can not see, but the body's instinct can detect.

It is like a dog that is paralyzed when it sees a butcher who kills a dog.

Of course, it is not ruled out that some people, in order to show their strength at the rally, deliberately show their aura.

But Zhang Yi was apparently not among them.

Although many people died at his hands, he was not a homicidal man.

In essence, he only plays defense and counterattacks, taking shots at those who attack him.

Coupled with a long time of cultivation of the mind (Dao), so his murderous spirit can be well masked.

Even to those who do not know him, at first glance he seems somewhat harmless.

Zhang Yi silently slowed down the pace, did not let himself go in front.

Because the leader is the easiest person to target.

While hiding himself, he's also secretly watching these inhumans nearby.

Not only Zhang Yi, but almost all the inhumans who came here chose the same approach.

They are wary of the powerful in the surrounding cities.

In the last days, no one is truly friend or foe.

At any time, we may cooperate because of common interests, and naturally, there may be wars over resources.

Nowadays, the power of most cities is stable, and if there is any dispute, it will only be between cities.

Some of these inhumans are so arrogant that they want everyone to know they're powerful.

Some are introverted, shrouded in a black robe and unable to see their faces.

Some take it easy, look at everyone, and let others look at them.

At this time, Zhang Yi suddenly felt a few bad eyes next to him, looking at them.

He looked over unconsciously.

The teams in the compartment next to them were staring at them.

Not only Zhang Yi, but also others slowly found that this group of people are not good.

Chen Jingguan frowned and reminded Zhang Yi, "They are people from Daze City!" Did you see that bald guy? His name is Sun Jianming, and he also controls a fleet of ships. There was friction with us at sea before!"

"Ozawa City?"

Zhang Yi is very familiar with this city, because it is in the southwest of Tianhai City, next to Tianhai City.

He often visited the city in the past.

After feeling their poor eyes, Zhang Yi could not help but look at Chen Jingguan.

"Did they come for you?"

As soon as these words came out, others also looked at Chen Jingguan.

If it is Chen Jingguan's own personal contradictions, others do not want to cause trouble for him.

Chen Jingguan was a little anxious and hastened to say: "Although there were some conflicts between us and Sun Jianming in the past, they are definitely not just hostile to our rain base at the moment."

"As I said before, we think that the forces of Tianhai City are weak, and there are many people who have ideas about us!"

Needless to say, Zhang Yi has felt many eyes around them looking at them.

Zhang Yi calmly said: "Don't pay attention to them first, deal with the matter here again."

This is Blizzard City. No one's gonna do anything here.

What's more, if these people really do not know whether to live or die, Zhang Yi is not afraid of them.

Several forces of people heard Zhang Yi's words, the heart a little settled.

Now the stability of Tianhai City, all pinned on Zhang Yi their team.

Daze city inhuman forces there, see Zhang Yi and others did not react, think that this is a cowardly performance.

Sun Jianming sneered, held his arms and said: "It seems that Tianhai City has really been beaten up!" They used to be so arrogant!"

"I heard that Wei Dinghai is dead, where can a mere Chen Jingguan support a team!"

In the past, when Tianhai City was strong, every force had a strong army.

Sun Jianming's forces in the sea and the rain base collision, but every time have to avoid.

Now the forces of Tianhai city have fallen, he can just get back to the field.

You might even consider going to Tianhai City to plunder its resources.

Not far from Sun Jianming, a woman with big waves and fiery red lips smiled sweetly:

"Look at their team, there are only so many people here. Looks like the rumors are true. Huge Tianhai city, once how prosperous, but at this time the number of people withered. What a -- waste!"

This woman is Gu Hongdie, the leader of another force in Osawa City.

In addition to the two of them, there is also a force leader Chen Liangyu here.

He was all wrapped up, with a blue scarf wrapped around his neck.

Looking at Zhang Yi, their eyes were somewhat insidious, but they did not say a word.

But from his eyes, it is not difficult to see that he also has ideas for the people of Tianhai City.

Not only them.

There are several other organizations in the surrounding cities of Tianhai City, and they are also looking at Zhang Yi and others with the eyes of examining prey.

In the last days, the law of the jungle is universal.

If you don't have enough power, but you have a lot of resources, you are bound to be coveted by others.

But now, of course, they have all kinds of ideas for Zhang Yi and others, but after all, this is a blizzard city, they did not forget their purpose to come, and they did not dare to be bold here.

But what happens after Blizzard City, I don't know.

After all Judging from the number of people who came to Tianhai City on this trip, they did show a weak state.

When everyone got off the train, there was a sudden sound of heavy footsteps ahead.

After listening to the sound, they saw a group of soldiers wrapped in black combat uniforms and armed with black rifles appearing in front of the platform.

Their clothes were very strange, pure black, as if even the light would be absorbed.

Zhang Yi frowned at the first sight of their costumes.

Because the feeling of these combat uniforms is similar to the combat uniforms of the border army and other investigation teams.

But compared with them, the combat uniforms of the border army and others are not so standardized, and should be privately customized.

The soldiers wore black helmets and black leather gloves, with not a trace of skin showing.

But they stood there, as majestic as a tower, motionless, as if they were on the ground.

They didn't do anything, they just stood there, and the power of the Inhumans in the 12 cities in front of them was stunned!

Blizzard City Defense Force -- Yanyun, the elite of the elite in the Jiangnan region!

Special forces of special forces!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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