
The world is frozen: I built a doomsday fortress

The world has entered an ice age, the Ice Apocalypse has come, and 95% of the human population on the planet has died! In the last life, Zhang Yi was killed by the people he helped because of his kindness. Reborn one month before the Ice Apocalypse, Zhang Yi awakened his space powers and started hoarding supplies crazily! Lack of supplies? He directly emptied a super shopping mall's warehouse worth tens of billions! Are you feeling uncomfortable? He built a super safe house worthy of a doomsday fortress!

MrQiannian · Fantasy
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620 Chs

Xiaomiaoshan Metro Station

Zhang Yi determined the number of people who went to the Blizzard city, then gave each other a reply to the past three words.


This is considered basic courtesy, after all, it is easy to read back and give people the impression of arrogance.

Soon, another email came from the other side.

The content is very simple.

Please wait at Xiaomiaoshan Subway Station in Lujiang District at 2:30 p.m. on April 7. Someone will be here to pick you up.

Zhang Yi some accident, he thought to drive to themselves, did not expect people also arranged a special car.

But a careful thought is also right, if everyone is driving in the past, when there are many people and cars, it is not easy to manage.

Zhang Yi thought of here, he told the people at home to pick up things.

That's two days before April 7.

Then he opened the conference call directly and brought in Xing Tian, Xiao Honglian and Chen Jingguan.

Three people dare not neglect, immediately appeared in front of the camera.

"I have replied to the email from Jiangnan District and they said they would arrange someone to come and take care of me," Zhang said. How's it going over there?"

The three men all said the same thing, and each said the time and address the other had given them.

No suspense, just like the one for Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi nodded, while the heart can not help but a moment of fear.

If you are negligent and do not reply to that email, it may cause the other party to misunderstand.

"Is there anything to say about Xiaomiaoshan subway Station? Can't we just take the subway?"

Zhang Yi asked three humane.

Xiao Honglian and punishment day a face at a loss.

Only Chen Jingguan calmly said, "There are two kinds of traffic lines in China. One is civilian and one is military."

"There are some transportation lines, including railways and subways, that are not open to the public. It was also built in secret, out of reach of ordinary people."

"I remember there was a special train passing by there."

Chen Jingguan had a lot of status before the end times, being the son of a senior military official, so he knew something about this.

Zhang Yi could not help nodding, "So it is. Since it is a dedicated line, will it be able to operate normally in the last days? That's impressive."

After feeling for a while, Zhang Yi reminded them that they should not take too many people when they go, only need to take a few elite inhuman attendants.

But it was a bit hurtful to say.

There are now very few Inhumans left in the three bases, and most of them died in those battles.

All three bases would be a dozen inhumans right now.

Not as many inhumans as there were on one base.

The good news is, those who survived were the best of the best, but they were barely able to hold out.

They listened to Zhang Yi's words naturally and were ready to go.



Two days later, at noon on April 7, Zhang Yi set out with a group of people.

As a space inhuman, the biggest advantage is that you do not need to consider what to bring when you travel.

I'll take it all with me anyway.

Zhang Yi carefully checked the weapons and equipment on the body, whether the combat uniform was complete, and whether the dagger was in the convenient position.

Firearms placed in different Spaces should also be opened to ensure that they can be taken out at any time for shooting.

Everything is ready, they six people a cat left the shelter, and Yang Xinxin several people said goodbye to the small temple Hill subway station rushed to.

Xiaomiaoshan subway station is just over 30 kilometers away from the shelter, less than an hour's drive away.

Zhang Yi after they arrived, found their three forces of the car was waiting here early.

Although Zhang Yi repeatedly asked them not to bring too many people, but it seems that each family with no less than ten people, are fully armed elite soldiers or inhumans.

Zhang Yi got off the car, punishment days several people far away to see, hurried over to say hello.

"Zhang Yi, you have arrived!"

Zhang Yi smiled and looked at them, "According to your number, if all the forces sent a lot of people there, wouldn't it be tens of thousands?"

Xiao Honglian sighed and said, "We are indeed a little afraid now. It's better to take more people. It's safe."

Zhang Yi understand Xiao Honglian's concerns.

Since the end of time, Tianhai City has been in constant war, until the original few people have almost died.

Now to go to a strange place, to see so many large and small forces, it is inevitable that the heart has no confidence.

"Careful, too."

Zhang Yi light said, did not do more evaluation.

All to Zhang Yi headed to the small temple mountain subway station, see Zhang Yi use space powers, put the snowmobile up.

So Xiao Honglian came over first and smiled: "Zhang Yi, why don't you help us take the car?" Otherwise, if you stay here for a long time, it will be easily damaged."

This sentence also shows the trust of Zhang Yi.

After all, their snowmobiles are an important strategic resource.

Xing Tian and Chen Jingguan also hurriedly said: "Yes yes ah, Zhang Yi, your ability is so convenient, just help us a favor!"

Zhang Yi smiled and nodded: "If you trust me, then I will help you this small favor."

"Nature is to be trusted!" said all in unison.

Zhang Yi walked over and with a simple wave of his hand, the snowmobiles they opened were all collected by him in different Spaces.

Xiao Honglian and others see, eyes full of envy color.

Space systems are really practical.

Both offensive and defensive, but also very perfect in terms of supporting role.

After they came to Xiaomiaoshan subway station, it had already been buried by heavy snow.

Fatty Xu walked over and stirred the snow on the ground.

His hands toward the ground five fingers open, [blowing snow] ability to launch, immediately the deep snow on the ground as if blown by a hurricane, from the center of a circle began to fly out around.

After a while, the entrance of the subway station more than ten meters underground was exposed.

Zhang Yi and others went in, as expected to see the subway platform is different from other places.

When you reach out to touch it, you can feel that its walls are wider and thicker, and the material used is also a higher grade concrete.

This material, it can withstand severe impact.

After all, it is a military railway line, and the level of construction is naturally different from that of civilian railways.

Uncle You turned on the lamp and the light below was as bright as day.

The crowd followed the path to the station.

It was cold, dry and dark, and it was hard to believe there was a train going by.

The crowd was afraid to step on the dot, so there was still an hour before 2:30 in the afternoon.

The big guys chatted for a while and exchanged their views on the headquarters of the Jiangnan region.

Punishment day and Xiao Honglian just chat, they two people have no understanding of the Jiangnan region.

But who knows, Zhang Yi actually really got some useful news from Chen Jingguan's mouth.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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