
The world is frozen: I built a doomsday fortress

The world has entered an ice age, the Ice Apocalypse has come, and 95% of the human population on the planet has died! In the last life, Zhang Yi was killed by the people he helped because of his kindness. Reborn one month before the Ice Apocalypse, Zhang Yi awakened his space powers and started hoarding supplies crazily! Lack of supplies? He directly emptied a super shopping mall's warehouse worth tens of billions! Are you feeling uncomfortable? He built a super safe house worthy of a doomsday fortress!

MrQiannian · Fantasy
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620 Chs

To decide who will go to Blizzard City

Zhang Yi said to Torture Day: "Of course you want to go. Let's go together then! In this way, the large number of people can also deter others, so that some people will not see the trouble."

Zhang Yi's team is an elite line, the number of people is relatively small.

Why don't we bring in the other three forces, and when something happens, they can take the knife? Perfect.

Punishment day at this time iron heart follow Zhang Yi, naturally happy promised down.

"Well, tell me when we're going!"

"Well, that's settled, then."

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Yi said the same thing again with the other two.

Sure enough, they also received the news of the Jiangnan region, and said they were willing to go to the blizzard city with Zhang Yi.

After the phone call, everyone has arrived.

The big guy listened to Yangmi talk about things, can not help but talk in the living room, everyone's face is full of curiosity and anxiety.

They don't know much about the Jiangnan area.

But they also know that the place holds great power.

Naturally, all kinds of modern weapons need not be said much, just talk about the inhumans who came out of them, all of them are powerful!

At the beginning of the border army led by the black robe team, it left an extremely deep impression on everyone in Tianhai City.

"Well, everyone's here. Let me just say something about calling you here!"

Zhang Yi sat up straight and looked at the crowd and said.

The headquarters in Gangnam issued a call to all forces in all regions. We must arrive at Jinling Blizzard City before April 8!"

"There is basically no room for maneuver in this matter, let alone refusal. We have to get there. So just so you know, be prepared."

This matter is not negotiable, they will not be stupid enough to antagonize Jiangnan Region.

Yes, of course.

Zhang Yi simply informed them.

Hearing this, the crowd began to talk.

Fat Xu worried and said, "Why did the district suddenly call us there? Could there be some sort of conspiracy?"

"Probably not," said Uncle You. "It may just be a general mobilization similar to a military parade."

Fat Xu asked again, "Is there going to be a war?"

Uncle You said, "That's hard to say! But maybe not!"

He laughed: "Although we are in the last days, but the six regions are guarding the country of China, who dares to invade?"

Zhang Yi listened to the voices of the people, they put themselves from the hundred miles of Changqing there to hear the news to tell you.

"You don't have to worry too much. I've already communicated with my friends over there."

This should be a meeting of the Gangnam district headquarters to establish authority and unify the large and small forces in the entire region.

"I wouldn't say we should be recruited and let us leave Tianhai and go there."

Zhang Yi showed his hand: "After all, if we leave, Tianhai city really became a dead city." Maybe someone else will remember you."

"I don't believe Gangnam will make that kind of decision."

"Well, then we're going to decide who's going there."

Zhang Yi eyes scanned a circle of people, light said: "or the same old, I, Uncle you, Xu fatty, Liang Yue and flower to the blizzard city." The others stay."

However, some people have made comments.

Zhou Keer looked at Zhang Yi with longing, "Zhang Yi, it is rare for this whole Jiangnan inhuman assembly, I also want to see the past." Maybe it can help!"

Zhang Yi smiled: "You are a doctor, we are not in the past war, what are you going to do?"

'I don't know!

Zhou Keer hugged Zhang Yi's arm and said, "You also said that there will be a mix of fish and dragons." What if you get into a fight with someone? Don't you feel relieved to have a personal doctor around?"

Zhang Yi smiled: "Blizzard city can not even have a doctor?"

Zhou Ke 'er raised her eyebrows and said meaningfully, "Do you trust their doctors to treat you?"

There was something unusual in Zhou Ke's eyes.

Zhang Yi frowned and thought for a moment, immediately aware of the problem.

"Are you saying that if I had been treated by them, I might have divulged information about myself?"

The Gangnam region has extremely advanced science and technology, and there is a special organization to rate inhumans.

That is to say, Zhang Yi was so inspected by them, the level of their own strength, and even the specific situation of the power may be checked by them thoroughly!

"I'm worried they'll get your genetic sample and use it to make weapons against you," Zhou said earnestly.

Zhang Yi's eyes became deeper and deeper.

He could not help thinking of the origin bomb.

It's a weapon that was specifically developed to fight inhumans.

If one s genetic data is obtained by others, it is also possible to develop weapons specifically aimed at one s own body.

It was not only Zhang Yi who felt the danger, but also others who felt a chill in their backs.

"Is it so complicated?"

"So even in the past we must be careful not to leave our own information carelessly."

Especially fat Xu, face solemn, thinking about his daily hobbies, decided to bring some pepper water to the past, resolutely not to leave any dna there.

Zhou Ke's words successfully convinced Zhang Yi.

He thought doctors would be more comfortable with their own people.

Zhang Yi nodded and said to Zhou Keer: "Well, you follow us to the past!"


Zhou Ke 'er smiled happily.

It was a rare opportunity to go far away, and she certainly did not want to miss it.

At this time, Lu Kagan cast envious eyes on Zhou Ke Er, and also volunteered to say: "Brother, take me with you!"

Zhang Yi saw the eye land combustible, couldn't help rubbing his head: "Don't make trouble, if you all follow the past, where do we take care of ah?"

Lu Combustible gave Zhang Yi a reason that he could not resist.

"Brother, the Jiangnan region has so many advanced weapons, in addition to the origin of the bomb must have others." Don't you want it?"

With her hand on her chest, she confidently said, "Just give me a chance to touch them and I will be able to analyze their construction and material composition." There is a high probability that it can be reproduced!"

Zhang Yi patted his thigh: "Go, must go!" No one goes without my combustible sister!"

So the choice to go to Blizzard City is such a happy decision.

As for the others, they have no intention of following through.

Yangmi and Zhou Haimei like to stay at home, quiet to enjoy the years quiet good.

And Yang Xinxin is to stay at home, on the one hand to provide information technology support for Zhang Yi, on the other hand, the various systems at home are only familiar to her and Zhang Yi.

When Zhang Yi left home, the safety of the shelter depended on her to maintain it.

Therefore, the decision to go to the Blizzard City is a total of six people and a cat.

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