
The world is frozen: I built a doomsday fortress

The world has entered an ice age, the Ice Apocalypse has come, and 95% of the human population on the planet has died! In the last life, Zhang Yi was killed by the people he helped because of his kindness. Reborn one month before the Ice Apocalypse, Zhang Yi awakened his space powers and started hoarding supplies crazily! Lack of supplies? He directly emptied a super shopping mall's warehouse worth tens of billions! Are you feeling uncomfortable? He built a super safe house worthy of a doomsday fortress!

MrQiannian · Fantasy
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620 Chs

The secret of snow worship

Zhang Yi said to look at Zhou Ke.

"As for Keer, you sleep with Liang Yue in the car first." When the battle has begun, I will take you into the church."

"The leaders of Snow Worship are there, and they will fight to keep it safe."

"If we need treatment, we'll come to you."

Zhou Ke 'er nodded, "OK, no problem!"

Participating in such a large-scale war for the first time, Zhou Ke 'er was both a little nervous and a little excited.

She can finally exert her abilities and prove her worth!

In the future, they may face more crises, go to the battlefield a day earlier, adapt to this environment, she can help Zhang Yi more.

"And there are a few other things I want to tell you."

Zhang Yi's tone became a little low, and her face became serious.

Zhou Keer blinked his eyes, quickly stood up straight and listened to Zhang Yi's words.

Others were also curious, wondering what Zhang Yi had planned.

Zhang Yi looked around to confirm that no one was nearby, and he pulled several people onto the car.

After closing the door, he said to Zhou Ke Er: ωωw... net

"That empty night was no ordinary person. She can help people awaken their powers, but I'm not sure about her abilities."

"First of all, remember that if she offers to help you wake up, you must refuse! Do you understand?"

Zhou Ke 'er's eyes dropped, meditated for two seconds, and then nodded slowly.

Zhang Yi knew that Zhou Keer was a little lost.

She also hopes that she can become an inhuman, so that she can help Zhang Yi more.

Instead of just like in the past, each time can only silently pray for Zhang Yi's safe return at home.

But since Zhang Yi said so, she will honestly listen to Zhang Yi's instructions.

Zhang Yi touched her face, stared into her eyes and reminded her carefully:

"There is no free lunch in this world. All the gifts of fate are implicitly priced."

"So don't be greedy for small things, or you will suffer big losses sooner or later."

Zhou Ke smiled sweetly: "I remember it!" Look at you, are you that worried about me?"

Zhang Yi smiled, "not worried about you, but too concerned about you."

Zhang Yi and Zhou Ke 'er knew each other first in the end times.

The two have been together for almost six months.

At the beginning, Zhang Yi just took Zhou Keer as a tool person, can help him cure when he is sick, can give him warmth when he is lonely and cold.

But over time, it is impossible to say that there is no emotion.

So Zhang Yi dont want Zhou Ke to have an accident.

If, he meant if, the ice spirit of the original empty night had the power to control the human heart and let Zhou Ke 'er endanger his life.

So what does Zhang Yi do?

Zhang Yi had the standard answer in mind.

And he doesn't want that to happen, so he's shutting down all possibilities.

And others see Zhang Yi two people scattered dog food appearance, all a face of joking.

Uncle you smile, Xu fat can not bear to look directly at, as a single dog with hurt feelings, he can not see this, really want to buckle his eyes.

Even Liang Yue, who has always looked indifferent, could not help but turn his head and look strange.

"There's one more thing you need to do besides that."

"Keep an eye on someone for me, the original empty night!"

Zhang Yi said to Zhou Ke 'er.

Zhou Ke 'er tilted her head, "Do you think she has any problems?"

Zhang Yi thought for a moment and said, "Her existence is a big problem in itself." Anyway, you secretly keep an eye on everything she does. Just tell me when the time comes."

The power of the original empty night [Blessing] is too abnormal.

If she can recruit enough followers, she can create a massive army of Inhumans.

No one would be afraid of such a person.

Zhang Yi also could not say why she felt different.

It may just be out of a sense of caution, to keep a watchful eye on all possible strong enemies.

'Yes, I know!

This task is not a big problem for Zhou Ke 'er.

Several people were chatting when someone knocked on the door.

Zhang Yi turned his head to look, it was the old classmate of torture day.

Zhang Yi opened the window, "Why?"

Punishment day Youyou said: "Everyone is busy arranging the defense line, the body swarm does not know when it will come." Get familiar with the environment, too!"

Zhang Yi smiled and said, "You are quite thoughtful!"

'That's not true!

Punishment day looked to the distance, his team is responsible for the line of defense.

"I've brought all my old knowledge with me! This is a fight we cannot afford to lose."

At this point, he suddenly became clenched teeth: "Damn, I hope that old boy border Jun Wu won't play with us!"

Zhang Yi breathed deeply through her nose and patted him on the shoulder.

"Do well! There seems to be nothing better to do now than to trust them."

He also took a few people out of the car and began to familiarize himself with the surrounding environment of the whole snow worship church.

As a task force, you need to support the weak link at any time, so you have to know everything.

Then use your abilities according to the environment of the battlefield.

He found the best defensive position in the first place.

It's the abandoned commercial building next to St. John's Cathedral.

It's over 100 meters high and at the heart of snow worship.

Once there, he'll be able to defend all areas within a 3.5 kilometer radius with his power from a commanding position.

In order to deal with the zombies, he had Lu Combustible build a new type of bullet specially for him.

The bullet's penetration is reduced, but it can explode after hitting a zombie's body, shattering it.

After all, the body defenses of ordinary zombies are not high, about the same level as frozen pork.

Well, this is real zombie meat.

It's a lot easier to take them out one shot at a time with a high-caliber sniper and a blaster.

In order to deal with the bronze body, it is specially equipped with a number of large caliber armor-piercing bullets for counter-equipment.

On the other hand, Zhang Yi's high position also made it convenient for him to command Liang Yue's several men.

This battle can win the best, not win, they also need to grasp the trend of the battlefield in time, convenient escape.

So Zhang Yi came to the abandoned building, going to the top floor to decorate.

However, several inhumans who worship snow are very careful to stop Zhang Yi's way and not allow him to enter the building.

"This is our forbidden place to worship snow, please leave!"

In front of Zhang Yi, one of the inhumans who worship snow said with a serious expression.

"Forbidden land?"

Zhang Yi's face showed a playful smile, the term made him feel a little funny.

"Have you read too many martial arts novels?"

The Church of Snow Worship has only been around for a few months, and this commercial building had nothing to do with them before, so now it's off limits?

"That is not something we can explain to you. Mr. Zhang, please don't make it difficult for us."

The inhuman said with a cold face.

Zhang Yi several people suddenly noticed that there is something fishy in this building.

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