
The world is frozen: I built a doomsday fortress

The world has entered an ice age, the Ice Apocalypse has come, and 95% of the human population on the planet has died! In the last life, Zhang Yi was killed by the people he helped because of his kindness. Reborn one month before the Ice Apocalypse, Zhang Yi awakened his space powers and started hoarding supplies crazily! Lack of supplies? He directly emptied a super shopping mall's warehouse worth tens of billions! Are you feeling uncomfortable? He built a super safe house worthy of a doomsday fortress!

MrQiannian · Fantasy
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620 Chs

Meet Li Jian again

After talking for hours, everyone finally came to an agreement.

So each left the church and went out to lay out his own line of defense.

Zhang Yi's task is relatively easy, as a special task force they need to do is to act on occasion, at any time to support the weak link.

After the meeting, he came to the empty night with a smile.

"There's one more thing I need to trouble you with, Madam."

The original empty night raised his head and Zhang Yi looked at each other, her pupils deep and bright, deep and bottomless but as bright as the night sky, there is a feeling of sinking people.

Although she remained expressionless and rarely spoke even at meetings, it was hard for Zhang Yi not to notice the figurehead of snow worship.

Especially considering her special abilities.

Zhang Yi's side, Yang Mi is using her ice and got the power.

This is a thing in Zhang Yi's heart that can not be ignored.

He was full of curiosity about the empty night.

Not waiting for the original empty night opening, Zheng Yixian quickly blocked in the middle of the two people.

He calmly looked at Zhang Yi, the corners of his mouth with a touch of programmed smile.

"Mr. Zhang Yi, I don't know what you want? Say it, and I'll do it for you."

"My father is dedicated to serving God and will not be distracted from other chores."

Zhang Yi picked his eyebrows, this Zheng Yixian on the original empty night of protection is too strong?

There's got to be something going on between these two.

Maybe it's a couple!

Zhang Yi heart belly slander unceasingly, but other people's private life he does not care.

"Well," he said, "one of the people I have brought with me is a very skilled doctor."

Zhang Yi paused and seriously said to Zheng Yixian, "She is my girlfriend." But she's not inhuman, and she doesn't have much fighting power. So I'd like her to stay with your lady Godmother. How about that?"

When Cheng heard the word "Miss Bishop", her brow visibly frowned.

"Mr. Zhang Yi, please be careful how you address our Master."

"Oh, sorry, sorry. I thought that people who serve the gods should not care about the formalities of the world!"

Zhang Yi was grinning, with innuendo in her words.

Ms. Cheng did not want a confrontation with Ms. Zhang.

Among the major forces in Tianhai City, what he fears most is not the other three that have a large armed team, but the mysterious Zhang Yi.

After all, Zhang Yi killed the West Mountain base, but also beat back several other allied forces.

Even now, Cheng Yixian can not judge Zhang Yi's background.

At this time, on the contrary, the original empty night came forward and slowly opened his mouth:

"Of course. At this time, Mr. Zhang can also let his girlfriend come to the battlefield, which shows that you attach importance to this battle. I was even willing to put my girlfriend at risk."

"Also, doctors are very important support personnel. Let her come to the church and stay with us!"

Zhang Yi looked at the original empty night, smiling and said: "Look, or the master of reason!" Well, that's settled."

"And she's here, and I'll do everything I can to keep the church safe." It's a good thing for everyone!"

With that, Zhang Yi turned and left the church.

Original empty night and Zheng Yixian staring at Zhang Yi's back, eyes mean difficult to see.

Especially Zheng Yixian, looking at Zhang Yi's eyes with a trace of fear.

"He is really the biggest destabilizing factor in Tianhai City!"

It is no wonder that Zheng Yixian is particularly concerned about Zhang Yi.

Because his rise to the top is so bizarre, and everything he does is extremely surprising.

From the beginning, as a warehouse manager to make a fortune, the beginning in Tianhai City is just a small person who no one pays attention to.

But later, take Wang Siming shelter, fight with the west mountain base, and finally annihilate it in one fell swath!

The battle of the five armies was brilliant, and almost knocked out most of the fighting force of the two major bases of Chaoyu and Yangsheng by themselves!

And that battle, everyone did not see his figure from beginning to end, only tasted his bullets.

And then, the wave of corpses hit, and all the forces were in trouble.

Only Zhang Yi solved the corpse tide early, rest easy.

What's an experience like that if it's not a legend?

"Let's hope he doesn't become our enemy."

Ms. Cheng muttered.

Zhang Yi left the church, is going to go back to Zhou Ke and others, tell them the results of the meeting.

Just then he caught a familiar figure out of the corner of his eye.

Zhang Yi subconscious looked past, that person also looked back over.

Eyes in the air a staggered, Zhang Yi suddenly picked up eyebrows, a little surprised.

Li Sword?

He saw a skinny middle-aged man with black-rimmed glasses and a tired look passing by the church.

This is his good neighbor, the former Wal-Mart Group financial director of Tianhai City - Li Jian.

After so long, Zhang Yi also thought that they had been eaten by zombies in Yuelu community.

I can't believe he showed up at Snow Worship.

After Li Jian saw Zhang Yi, the depths of his eyes flashed with surprise.

But soon he turned his head and walked away as if he did not know Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi immediately reacted.

Tianhai City five forces ambiguous relationship, each have a fight between each other.

Now that Li Jian has joined the Cult of Snow Worship, as an inhuman, he must also be a manager.

If you show the appearance of acquainting with Zhang Yi, it is easy to be suspected by others who worship snow.

Zhang Yi did not care too much, anyway, he and Li Jian is not very familiar.

He was not in the mood to say hello when others shunned him.

Zhang Yi came to the place where they parked their snowmobiles.

Liang Yue held Tang Dao in her arms, and several other people had a chat without a match.

We look at the current situation of the life of the snow worshippers, but also sigh and sigh.

People can always feel happiness through comparison.

Look at the state of snow worship today, it's a super-sized slum.

Most of them were so skinny and hungry that they could barely eat.

As for heating, they basically rely on huddling and shivering, and even firewood is relatively scarce.

What's better than them?

In the warm and comfortable luxury villa, every day to enjoy food, blowing heat.

Even the clothes, they are clearly different from the rest of the people.

Their combat uniforms are designed to protect them from the cold and have built-in batteries to heat them up.

Although it does not look very thick, it is extremely warm and does not look bloated when moving.

And all this, all rely on Zhang Yi to create superior living conditions for them.

Zhang Yi went to a few people and told them about the content of the meeting.

After everyone listened, it was not too surprising.

After all, when they came, they also guessed that it would be such a result.

They just didn't think they might be here for a while.

Naturally, there will be some inconvenience.

For example -- to go to the bathroom.

In this environment, taking off your pants and exposing your lower body is almost fatal!

Small possible problem is not big, if it is big, you can directly choose to amputate, that is the best result.

Of course there's a toilet here at Snow Worship.

But their toilets are built underground, and they are also temporary dug out of the dry toilets.

Although the underground temperature is not so cold, but in the closed space, the taste is really not ordinary people can bear.

In particular, they lack resources, but also have to leave the manure as fuel or make a biogas pond to generate electricity.

People who worship snow can stand it, and Zhang Yi they live a superior life, but it is unbearable to be convenient in that kind of environment.

"Make do with it for now! I'll get two separate cars for the toilet. One for each man and one for each woman!"

"We don't need the resources to work too hard."

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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