
The world is frozen: I built a doomsday fortress

The world has entered an ice age, the Ice Apocalypse has come, and 95% of the human population on the planet has died! In the last life, Zhang Yi was killed by the people he helped because of his kindness. Reborn one month before the Ice Apocalypse, Zhang Yi awakened his space powers and started hoarding supplies crazily! Lack of supplies? He directly emptied a super shopping mall's warehouse worth tens of billions! Are you feeling uncomfortable? He built a super safe house worthy of a doomsday fortress!

MrQiannian · Fantasy
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620 Chs

The person who is wrong is yourself

Zhang Yi now understood the cause and effect.

"Oh, that's it! That's how you understand it."

He nodded.

"But is there any misunderstanding about this matter?"

He looked down at Aunt Lin and met her hateful eyes.

Then Zhang Yi lowered his tone and said quietly: "Actually, I am the most hard-spoken and soft-hearted person."

"How could I bear to watch a child die of pain?"

"So later, I went to your house to deliver medicine."

Aunt Lin's eyes widened, "You're talking nonsense!"

"No, no, no, I'm really not talking nonsense. I've been to your house, think about it carefully. Oh, by the way, you were too focused at the time, maybe you forgot."

There was a hint of regret in Zhang Yi's eyes.

"Because when I passed by, you were busy eating! To be precise, you were gnawing."

"Your grandson Lin Xiaohu was actually not dead at that time. As long as he takes my medicine, he can live well."

"But I don't know why, but when I went over that day, I found that you had chopped him to death alive!"

Zhang Yi's eyes became dark, and his tone became extremely cold.

Aunt Lin's mental state was not normal.

When I heard what Zhang Yi said, my mind became even more confused.

There was a flash of panic in her eyes.

Because she remembered that after Lin Xiaohu died, she had no choice but to take care of him in order to survive.

"No, it's impossible! Xiaohu was already dead at that time, and he was killed by you!"

Zhang Yi laughed, pointed at Zhou Keer and said, "If you don't believe it, you can ask Dr. Zhou! Is Lin Xiaohu still saved?"

Aunt Lin turned her head blankly and looked at Zhou Keer on the steps.

Zhou Keer couldn't help but feel a chill in her heart when she saw Zhang Yi's solemn smile.

No wonder Zhang Yi didn't kill Aunt Lin directly, but instead talked with her for so long.

It turns out that not only did he want Aunt Lin to die, he also wanted to kill someone and make her die in extreme pain.

Zhou Keer looked down at Aunt Lin and nodded slowly.

"Yes, Lin Xiaohu actually has a chance to save his life."

"It was Zhang Yi who I contacted at that time, and he agreed to send the medicine."

"But you didn't wait until he passed, and you mistakenly thought that Lin Xiaohu was dead, so you gave him while he was still alive..."

Zhou Keer didn't say the last few words, and she felt quite disgusted.

After all, Aunt Lin flaunts how much she loves her grandson every day.

But what happened in the end?

In order to survive, she could even bite Lin Xiaohu.

This has exceeded the bottom line of being a human being! Not even as good as a pig or a dog!

Aunt Lin covered her face in despair and wailed in pain.

"No, it's impossible! That's not the case. I didn't know he was still alive. I thought he was dead!"

She waited for a long time, until she couldn't bear it anymore, and then she took the knife.

At first, she told herself, just eat a little bit, just a little bit.

But she became more and more hungry. After eating meat, the satisfaction brought by the feeling of fullness made her appetite even stronger.

Until later, she gnawed every bone of Lin Xiaohu.

Zhang Yi suddenly shouted loudly: "Hahaha, so that's it!"

"This is the good grandma of the Lin family. She ruthlessly chopped her still-living grandson to death just for a bite to eat!"

"How about it? Your grandson tastes good, doesn't he? You really love him!"

"Your son and daughter-in-law entrusted your grandson to you, are you worthy of them?"

Aunt Lin's eyes were distracted, she covered her head and howled in pain.

"No, it's not like that, it's not like that!"

"Yes, yes!"

"It's not like that, it's not like that!"

"Yes, yes! You did it!"

Aunt Lin was wailing in pain and despair.

Zhang Yi was smiling next to her and giving her a touch up.

Zhou Keer felt creepy.

Don't mess with people like Zhang Yi!

It was so terrible how he tortured people!


Aunt Lin suddenly yelled and slammed her head against the wall.

She had completely collapsed and lost all hope of living.

Death is the best relief for her.

But at a critical moment, Zhang Yi became a good guy for once.

He is so kind, how can he bear to watch his neighbor die in front of him?

Zhang Yi shouted: "No!"

Then he kicked Aunt Lin away.


Aunt Lin stood aside, then rolled down the stairs directly to the lower floor.

Zhang Yi said earnestly: "Aunt Lin, as a person you have to look forward. Don't let your mind wander!"

"After all," his smile grew wider, "you sacrificed your grandson to survive! If you die, how will you face your whole family down there?"

Aunt Lin was vomiting blood at this time and could not speak, but her eyes were full of prayers for Zhang Yi.

"Stop talking, please, stop talking!"

At this time, neighbors on several floors nearby heard the noise and rushed over to watch the excitement.

Zhang Yi pointed at Aunt Lin and said loudly: "Everyone, come and see, Aunt Lin is obsessed with committing suicide!"

"In order to survive, she killed her grandson Lin Xiaohu and ate all of her! This is a woman with such a strong desire to live!"

When the neighbors heard this, they had extremely disgusted expressions in their eyes.

Even if some people take action on corpses in order to survive.

However, no one can do such a thing to his closest relatives. That is their last moral bottom line!

Aunt Lin was stared at by these eyes, and her mental breakdown became even more severe. She spit out blood in large mouthfuls, and her eyes were full of struggle and pain.

"She won't live long. She will freeze to death in half an hour at most."

Zhou Keer walked to Zhang Yi and said to him.

Zhang Yi's blows were all so severe that her internal organs were ruptured.

"freeze to death?"

Zhang Yi frowned.

"How can you be so cruel? It's such a cold weather now and she is allowed to freeze to death. I can't stand this kind of thing!"

The neighbors looked at Zhang Yi in surprise.

Could it be that Zhang Yi wants to let Aunt Lin go?

Only Zhou Keer, who knew Zhang Yi, glanced at him helplessly, "What do you want to do?"

Zhang Yiqing sighed.

"Hey, it's not easy for the old lady in her life. Let her stay warm before she dies!"

He put his hand into his clothes and pretended to take something out, but in fact he took out a bottle of alcohol from another dimension.

After unscrewing the cap of the bottle, "Crash!" sprinkled on Aunt Lin's body.

Seeing this scene, the neighbors understood what Zhang Yi wanted to do.

While I was speechless, I felt that this was very reasonable. After all, this person was Zhang Yi!

How often have you seen him show mercy to others?

After pouring a bottle of alcohol, Zhang Yi quickly backed away, lit a cigarette with a lighter, took two puffs, and threw it away.


The flames burst into flames in an instant.

Soon, extremely shrill screams rang out from the stairwell.

Zhang Yi turned around and walked back without even taking a second look.

The other neighbors were so frightened that they hurriedly made way for Zhang Yi, their eyes full of fear.

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