
The world is frozen: I built a doomsday fortress

The world has entered an ice age, the Ice Apocalypse has come, and 95% of the human population on the planet has died! In the last life, Zhang Yi was killed by the people he helped because of his kindness. Reborn one month before the Ice Apocalypse, Zhang Yi awakened his space powers and started hoarding supplies crazily! Lack of supplies? He directly emptied a super shopping mall's warehouse worth tens of billions! Are you feeling uncomfortable? He built a super safe house worthy of a doomsday fortress!

MrQiannian · Fantasy
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620 Chs

Chen Lingyu in Building 9

After Zhang Yi and Zhou Keer returned to the room, they took off their cold-proof clothes, sat on the sofa, and cursed fiercely: "This damn crazy woman!"

He lay down on the sofa.

Zhou Keer walked into the bathroom and brought out a basin of hot water after a while.

She knelt down in front of Zhang Yi with a smile, helped him take off the cotton socks from his feet, and then washed his feet with her own hands.

She asked softly: "Did you get a big scare just now?"

Zhang Yi leaned on the sofa and said leisurely: "Actually, it's not bad. Since the end of the world, I'm not too surprised by anything."

"In chaotic times, ridiculous things can happen."

He was wearing a police bulletproof vest. Unless the old woman was an agile killer and could cut his neck accurately, she would not be able to hurt him.

But Zhang Yi is not a piece of wood, so he will naturally hide.

"Did anything happen in the community while I was away?"

"Especially in other unit buildings, is there any movement?"

Zhou Keer nodded slowly when he heard this.

"I was planning to tell you just now."

Zhang Yi sat up slightly, with curiosity and caution in his eyes.

"Oh, what happened?"

Zhou Keer helped Zhang Yi massage the soles of her feet and said calmly: "Over there at #9, the person in charge now is my former patient named Chen Lingyu."

"She contacted me today, hoping that I could help you get through her friend application. Then she said she wanted to talk to you about something."

Zhang Yi frowned slightly, "#9, Chen Lingyu?"

It was a name that was unfamiliar to him.

And although they are all in the same community, Yuelu Community is very large, almost 500 meters from north to south.

No. 25 and No. 9 where he is located are from the beginning of the village to the end of the village, and there is no chance to contact them on weekdays.

"What does she want to talk to me about?"

Zhang Yi asked.

Zhou Keer shook his head, "She just said that she wanted to talk to the building manager of #25 about cooperation. But the specific details must be discussed by you."

Zhang Yi sneered.

"Cooperation? Bullshit cooperation!"

"Now I don't lack anything, but they can only wait for death in the building. How can they cooperate with me?"

Zhou Keer raised his head with a light smile on his lips, "Then I tell her, you don't want to talk to her?"

Zhang Yi waved his hand: "There's no need to be so anxious. Well... tell me what she is like! And the specific situation in their building."

Zhou Keer told Zhang Yi the information he learned.

Chen Lingyu is the owner of a beauty and cosmetics company in Tianhai City with a valuation of 200 million.

It is said to be a beauty and cosmetics company, but it is actually a micro-business enterprise.

Chen Lingyu is 38 years old, has average appearance, strong personality, and is a capable strong woman.

Her acquaintance with Zhou Keer was the result of her previous visit to the First People's Hospital for medical treatment.

The relationship with Zhou Keer is average, at most, they are just acquaintances.

As for her location, #9, is now controlled by her and her men.

According to the information Zhou Keer learned, #9 is currently managing very well, and only 10 people have died until now.

After Zhang Yi heard this, he pinched his fingers, nodded and said: "At this time, a woman can actually manage a building. This Chen Lingyu is really talented!"

Zhou Keer also sighed lightly.

"Yes, after all, I am engaged in micro-business pyramid schemes. Of course I am good at brainwashing others."

Zhang Yi chuckled and said: "This is a ruthless person! If you are really ruthless, you can even deny your relatives, even your parents and relatives. Don't be careless with this kind of woman!"

Zhou Keer nodded.

"I don't have a very good impression of her. I haven't contacted her for a long time. Today she suddenly found me and asked me to help her deliver the news."

Zhang Yi said: "This is not surprising. Now the news that I own a snowmobile and can go out to collect supplies has already spread."

"Who in the whole neighborhood isn't jealous of me? Who doesn't want to get my snowmobile?"

Zhou Keer nodded.

"If that's the case, do you still want to talk to her?"

Zhang Yi put his hand under his chin and thought for a few minutes.

"Let's talk about it!"

"I also want to know what other unit buildings are planning now."

"At the very least, I can't make those people anxious all at once. Otherwise, people in the other 29 buildings will fall out with me, which is not a good thing."

If Zhang Yi just hides in the house and doesn't go out, there is no need to be afraid of them.

But now, Zhang Yi knows that the outside world is a huge treasure, and he will need to go out to collect various survival materials in the future.

Then we can't fall out with everyone in the other 29 buildings for the time being.

So, Zhang Yi opened WeChat on her mobile phone while enjoying Zhou Keer's delicate massage.

The friend requests above were all 99+, but he had been too lazy to look at them. After all, the people who came to him were basically asking for supplies, so he didn't bother to pay attention to them.

Opening the friend application list, the first thing Zhang Yi saw was "A Furong Group President Chen Lingyu".

Women's suits and white shirts, hands folded across the chest to look deep, an exaggerated smile on the face, a standard micro-business avatar.

When Zhang Yi was about to pass his friend, his eyes suddenly noticed a slightly familiar profile picture below.

The WeChat avatars used by business people are basically personal photos.

So Zhang Yi immediately recognized who that person was.

Li Jian, Financial Director of Walmart South China Region.

The reason why I know him is because I saw him on stage during the company's annual meeting before.

Zhang Yi also knew that he and he lived in the same community, but their work had no intersection, so they had no contact.

Zhang Yi took a look at the time for applying as a friend. It was 10:30 this morning.

It was shortly after I left the community.

"It seems that he came to me for the same thing."

Zhang Yi knew something in his heart.

He thought for a moment and simply approved the friend applications of both people at the same time.

Take a look at what each of these two people talked about with him to determine how to deal with the other #29 people.

As soon as his friend application was approved, he responded to the message almost instantly.

"Hello, Mr. Zhang Yi! I am Chen Lingyu from #9, and I am currently in charge of managing #9. I want to chat with you!"

"Hello Mr. Zhang, I am Li Jian from 18#. Thank you for applying as my friend. I would like to talk to you about cooperation on behalf of the residents of 18#."

Zhang Yi first opened Chen Lingyu's chat box.

"Want to talk about something?"

Chen Lingyu immediately replied: "It's not convenient to chat like this. Can I have a voice call?"

"No, it's not convenient for me. Let's just talk."

Zhang Yi said coldly.

He is particularly familiar with women who work in micro-business. His mouth is like a machine gun. If he is given a chance, he can talk endlessly for three days and three nights.

"If you have anything to do, just say it simply and directly. I don't have much patience and I don't like to talk nonsense."

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