
The world is frozen: I built a doomsday fortress

The world has entered an ice age, the Ice Apocalypse has come, and 95% of the human population on the planet has died! In the last life, Zhang Yi was killed by the people he helped because of his kindness. Reborn one month before the Ice Apocalypse, Zhang Yi awakened his space powers and started hoarding supplies crazily! Lack of supplies? He directly emptied a super shopping mall's warehouse worth tens of billions! Are you feeling uncomfortable? He built a super safe house worthy of a doomsday fortress!

MrQiannian · Fantasy
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620 Chs

Liang Yue's obsession

At this time Liang Yue heart is very fragile, need someone to give her comfort.

Originally this work is Lu Can run and Yang Xinxin, after all, in the shelter, only they and Liang Yue the closest relationship.

But Yang Xinxin has stopped preparing the past land combustible, leaving this opportunity to Zhang Yi.

Only let Liang Yue completely become Zhang Yi people, she can completely stay in the shelter.

Yang Xinxin do so for Zhang Yi to consider the ingredients, but also for Liang Yue good.

As they think, Zhang Yi comfort at this time, let Liang Yue's mood better.

Although she is a master of Chinese martial arts, she is only a 27-year-old single girl who yearned for a member of the opposite sex to comfort her.

"Zhang Yi, don't you already think I'm a hopeless fool?"

Liang Yue sat on the bed and looked at Zhang Yi with a bitter smile.

Zhang Yi looked at her for a few seconds and suddenly smiled: "Indeed, there is a little bit." "But," he said, "I'm sure you have your reasons."

I'm sorry. I think you're just plain stupid.

But I can't say that about the mouth. You don't hit people in the face!

Liang Yue looked up at the ceiling, eyes gradually some blurred.

"I started practicing martial arts when I was three years old, and although I am a girl, I am not weaker than any man in martial arts!"

"For martial arts people like us, there are usually two ways out in the future. Either to make movies and TV series as stars, or to open a school to teach students."

"But I don't want to be a vase in the entertainment industry, and I don't have the resources to do this." When it comes to opening the museum, being a woman is a big obstacle."

"So later, I chose a path that few martial arts men would take, that is to work as a bodyguard for others."

Liang Yue slowly talked about his life.

When a woman talks to you about her past, it means she trusts you, and it means you have a chance.

Zhang Yi was timely when the joke: "Then you entered that place, when China's most powerful bodyguard?"

Mention that time, Liang Yue's mouth showed a wisp of smile.

"Yes, it was the best time of my life, but it was also the hardest time."

"After doing this for a few years, I was hired by the Azure Academy to be a physical education teacher, teaching self-defense to the noble children of the Azure Academy."

"They offer me a salary of 3 million a year! Do you have any idea what 3 million is?"

Liang Yue looked at Zhang Yi, with a look of pride in her eyes.

It is obvious that she is very proud of getting such a high salary.

Zhang Yi smiled, "There is a concept! My salary for more than twenty years."

The smile on Liang Yue's lips deepened.

"Unfortunately, that's all in the past."

After the end of a memory, Liang Yue's eyes became more and more blank.

She was silent for a long time, then slowly said, "Then the last days came, and we all lost everything."

"Family, friends, status, fame, money."

"There's almost nothing left of me."

"All I have left is the responsibility to protect my students."

"What has sustained me so far is this little sense of purpose."

"I know you must think me terribly silly, in your way of doing things. It's not like I haven't thought about living a little selfishly."

"But if I lose my last faith, I don't know why I'm here."

Liang Yue said, two lines of clear tears along the corner of her eyes fell slowly, dripping on the white floor.

After listening to Liang Yue, Zhang Yi suddenly some understand her.

Since the end of time, he has seen many people who cannot accept the cruel reality and choose to kill themselves.

Perhaps in their eyes, the world has become a hell, and only pain is left to live!

Mental torture is more painful than physical torture.

So Liang Yue is not so much protecting those students as she is protecting the last shred of faith that keeps her alive.

Of course, this does not affect Zhang Yi think she is stupid, and has nothing to do with faith.

Some people are full of food, thinking about the meaning of life every day.

Being alive is the meaning.

People live, just to live.

"Do you put too much pressure on yourself sometimes?"

Zhang Yi said with a look of concern.

"You used to be alone, but it's different now. We are partners, we are family."

"You see, the people in the shelter are adults who can understand you and tolerate you. Not like those unlucky children who don't know any better."

Zhang Yi said, slowly close to Liang Yue, suddenly grabbed her hand.

Liang Yue's body suddenly shivered, some at a loss.

"If you need a faith, let us be your faith from now on."

Liang Yue's little face suddenly turned red.

Although she is 27 years old, she has not been in love or even held hands with the opposite sex because of her work.

What's more, Zhang Yi is quite handsome.

At this time, he looked at Liang Yue so affectionately, holding her hand, so that her brain was overloaded.

"Let you... Become my faith?"

Zhang Yixin said: The exact is "I", but in order not to let you alert, add a "they" word.

Anyway, come be my dog!

"If you don't have faith, build a new one."

"If you don't have social connections, we can all be your ties."

"Don't let yourself live so tired, I will be very distressed."

Liang Yue's whole body of blood is rushing to the brain at this time.

She was running out of brain cells, and it was the first time a man had ever said something so unflattering to her.

But don't say it! Don't say it! It's good!

Liang Yue's blush seemed to be dripping with blood.

Although she did not have that kind of emotion for Zhang Yi, but after this kind of communication similar to the confession, her favorable impression of Zhang Yi was greatly improved.

"Thank you... I'm much better."

Liang Yue shy pull his hand back, low head, eyes shaking, dare not look directly at Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi see the heat is almost, but also enough, otherwise it may have the opposite effect.

Flirting with a girl turns you into a shrimp guy.

When Liang Yue to find other women in the family, to a sentence: Jimei, who understand ah! Speechless dead, there was a shrimp head man...

But will make Zhang Yi depressed.

'Are you feeling better now?

Liang Yue was silent for a moment and nodded gently.

"It did help to have someone to talk to. But I'm still disappointed in them."

Liang Yue think of Wu Chengyu behavior, eyebrows and can not help but wrinkle up.

"Maybe they need to grow up some more!"

Zhang Yi did not comment on the students.

He knew it was unlikely that Ms. Liang would give up those people immediately.

But all he has to do is slowly diminish the importance of those people in Liang Yue's heart.

In this way, if they die one day in the future, Liang Yue's mood will not fluctuate too much.

After a brief chat, Zhang Yi left Liang Yue's room.

When he passed the corridor, he saw Yang Xinxin sitting in the wheelchair, smiling at him.

"Brother, did you take down Teacher Liang?"

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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