
The world is frozen: I built a doomsday fortress

The world has entered an ice age, the Ice Apocalypse has come, and 95% of the human population on the planet has died! In the last life, Zhang Yi was killed by the people he helped because of his kindness. Reborn one month before the Ice Apocalypse, Zhang Yi awakened his space powers and started hoarding supplies crazily! Lack of supplies? He directly emptied a super shopping mall's warehouse worth tens of billions! Are you feeling uncomfortable? He built a super safe house worthy of a doomsday fortress!

MrQiannian · Fantasy
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620 Chs


On the shelter side, a group of people had been waiting for the arrival of the enemy since the morning, and dared not neglect for a moment.

Eat energy bars when you're hungry.

The power food Yang Mi prepared for them will only be eaten after the war, which is an important strategic material to supplement the power.

Finally, around 1 p.m., Zhang Yi's tactical eyepiece picked up a movement on the snow field.

"Attention, everybody! The enemy has appeared."

Zhang Yi said inside the communication equipment.

Each man's eyes burst with caution, then quickly prepared for battle.

Especially Liang Yue, the war intention is almost unbearable!

But Zhang Yi's next sentence was: "The distance is still 5 kilometers."

Big Guy: "..."

Although some speechless, but we also dare not slack off, had to wait for the other side's attack.

And this time, is Zhang Yi a person's battle link.

Zhang Yi here, the battle is about to start.

The first people to arrive were from the Rain base.

They have fewer scruples than other forces.

After all, the most important materials of the Choyu base are the harbor and the ship.

And these things are completely beyond the grasp of the untrained layman.

So they came early with their teams, in order to seize the best position to attack.

The four families fought for themselves, and no one could command the others.

But Wei Dinghai or Xiao Hong practice or, almost all assured that their advantage is too big, simply rely on strength can crush Zhang Yi.

Therefore, there is no need to deliberately pay attention to what cooperation and strategy when facing a small shelter.

The caravan came slowly across the snowy plains.

The same is a dozen modified cars, each car is filled with armed soldiers of the rain base.

Their bodies are white combat uniforms with the wave logo on their chests.

The cars are also painted with white paint, and it is difficult to find their traces without careful observation.

When they came to Yunque Manor not far away, they saw the heavy snow and ice barrier up to 20 meters at a glance!

"The others don't seem to have arrived yet," Wei said. Stop right here! Take advantage of the terrain first. So that our guns can hit the front of the shelter!"

Deputy Chen Jingguan took a telescope, through the window to observe some ice and snow barriers, could not help but let out a hiss.

"Using ice for fortifications is a little clever, but it is very embarrassing! How can this thing stand up to artillery fire?"

"And the presence of such a thing turns into an environmental advantage for you!" They would never have thought of that."

But Wei Dinghai did not smile.

Instead, he said calmly, "First you have to understand one thing. With so few men, they were able to erect such a magnificent barrier. There are powerful inhumans among them!"

Chen Jingguan laughed, "But no matter how powerful the inhumans are, they can't stop the joint attack of our four families!"

Wei Dinghai easily hook the corners of his mouth.

He twisted his thick wrist and smiled: "This is a quest without suspense, not even a war."

"But I was very interested in the people in that shelter. If they're not dead by then, I might consider making them work for me."

Chen Jingguan complimented: "That will be their greatest honor!"

Distance from the location of Yunque Manor is still far away, can only see a little shadow.

The convoy slowed down and instead of choosing to keep going, it stopped a few kilometers away.

The vehicles carry artillery, and they are ready to launch an attack from a long range, blowing through the heavy ice line!

The vehicles stopped, and the soldiers prepared to point their guns in the direction of the line.

But all of a sudden, the windshield of the car at the front of the convoy broke open.

Along with the driver's head.

Not through, but smashed like a watermelon - boom! It just went off!

"Enemy attack!!"

The soldier in the co-pilot lowered his head for the first time and then communicated to everyone through the communication device.

But just a second later, a bullet went through the front of the car in front of him and opened a huge hole in his chest!

The soldiers were still preparing to adjust the artillery when they were taken aback by the sudden attack!

A car in the middle of the team, the car of Wei Dinghai and Chen Jingguan are still chatting, after the news of the enemy attack is also a little surprised.

It is clear that there is a large expanse of snow around, and there is no hiding place. Where did the enemy come from?

And according to Intel, there are fewer than 10 people in that shelter.

Now they dare to ambush an elite unit on a base?

What's the difference between that and death?

Although not very understand the current situation, Wei Dinghai issued the order for the first time.

"Everybody be on alert and find the enemy!"

The soldiers at the Choyu base are also professionally trained.

Although it is not as good as the professional soldiers in the West Mountain base, there are many mercenaries, professional bodyguards and thugs.

Given the order, they quickly loaded their guns, then relied on the body of the car for cover, while discreetly looking for the enemy in the shadows.


A soldier next to the car was shot in the head, for real!

Zhang Yi was using an anti-equipment sniper that could be used to knock out armored vehicles.

And when it hits a person, even if it just grazes, it will explode!

Many of the soldiers were now out of their vehicles, preparing for an artillery attack on the line, not against the enemy coming from three kilometers away.

So for a moment, they were sitting ducks on top of the snow!

Dodge is not timely, all were killed by Zhang Yi one by one!

"Bang! "Bang! "Bang!

Three soldiers did not have time to transfer, people are still standing in place, the upper half of the body into the sky of blood fog!

The large caliber anti-materiel sniper rifle is so violent!

Human flesh is more fragile than soil!

The soldiers at the Choyu base are not professional soldiers, most of them are temporary people who have been trained for a period of time.

In the face of this horrible death, he was so pale with fear that he even forgot to escape!

And waiting for their ending, naturally is one cold bullet after another!

Soon there was a mist of blood on the white snow.

This kind of death is very bloody, but there is a strange beauty!

The death of a number of soldiers, let the rain base side of the unprepared, completely unprepared!

Although dead men are a regular occurrence in battle.

But after all, they are not professional soldiers, and they did not expect to encounter the enemy's long-range sniper attack in the wilderness!

It is because of the insufficient information on Zhang Yi's ability, the rain base side fell into a panic.

They didn't realize what they were up against, they just thought there were snipers.

"There's a sniper! Find him and kill him!"

There's an officer Shouting to everyone over the communicator.

At the same time, the rain base also has a sniper holding a sniper gun, the muzzle of the sniper gun aimed at the direction of Zhang Yi.

As veterans, they have been able to confirm Zhang Yi's location through those shots.

However, their scope could not see the scene more than 3.5 kilometers away.

As far as the eye can see, there is nothing but white snow.

They were momentarily lost.

"Where did this bullet come from?"

A sniper said to himself in confusion.

The next moment, his head and neck also made a colorful farewell.

Every shot, without exception, will take a life!

And that's when they're guarding against it!

This finally let the rain base all feel wrong.

"What's going on? Why can't we find the sniper?"

"Look at the power is definitely a sniper, he can shoot continuously, must be inhumans!"

Yes, Zhang Yi can counteract the recoil of the sniper through spatial powers.

Otherwise, three shots from one of these guns would hurt the average person's shoulder.

Zhang Yi said nothing and continued to shoot silently.

Range, not a problem.

Accuracy, again, is not an issue.

If those soldiers show any part of themselves, he'll pull the trigger!

The head is showing. The head.

The foot's showing. Kick it.

At this temperature, a scratch is a dead man!

In the ice and snow, the gunfire, it never stopped.

One soldier after another fell, dying in a tragic manner.

There were even people hiding behind the car, and even people and carriages were pierced!

And they never even found the enemy!

Faced with this situation, Wei Dinghai finally could not sit still.

"Using my people as targets, you arrogant fellow!"

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