
The world is frozen: I built a doomsday fortress

The world has entered an ice age, the Ice Apocalypse has come, and 95% of the human population on the planet has died! In the last life, Zhang Yi was killed by the people he helped because of his kindness. Reborn one month before the Ice Apocalypse, Zhang Yi awakened his space powers and started hoarding supplies crazily! Lack of supplies? He directly emptied a super shopping mall's warehouse worth tens of billions! Are you feeling uncomfortable? He built a super safe house worthy of a doomsday fortress!

MrQiannian · Fantasy
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620 Chs

Best sniper spot

After dispatching a few front-line personnel, Zhang Yi turned around and began to assign tasks to several logistics personnel.

It was something he had repeated many times, and he said it again before he left.

"Kerr is ready to treat the wounded."

"Yang Mi you have a good rest, as much as possible to make power food, restore power for us!"

Yang Mi and Zhou Ke 'er nodded earnestly.

Zhang Yi looks at Yang Xinxin and Lu Combustible.

"Xin Xin, all the fire devices at the front will be left to you to control! We have more fire output points, and ordinary people can't control it at the same time."

"And among those people, there may be our helpers, or at least neutral forces. You need to shoot on my orders!"

Yang Xinxin corners of the mouth, smile has been unable to stop, too excited to let her face appear crimson color.

She covered her red face with her hands and said, "Ah, finally I can kill the enemy with my own hands!" What a wonderful battle! Brother Zhang Yi, Xin Xin will be your best helper!"

As for Lu Combustible, she won't have a mission for a while.

Because her main ability is to debug weapons and equipment for everyone before the war, and to check the entire fire system.

Zhang Yi let her accompany Yang Xinxin's side, if there is a need will be another arrangement for her.

After the assignment, Zhang Yi said to them: "OK, now go back to their respective posts!" The enemy may come at any moment."

"There is no need to be too nervous, this battle may be over quickly, or it may be very long. If the string is too tight, it will cause problems.

After that, Zhang Yi turned and walked up to the second floor of the shelter alone.

As before, the important things on the first and second floors were collected by Zhang Yi.

He was prepared for the shelter's surface to fall, even if the chances were less than 5 percent.

Several women looked at Zhang Yi alone boarded the back, the heart is very eager to be able to follow the past, accompany him to fight together.

But they also know that Zhang Yi does not like others to go against the plan, so everyone returned to their own position, began to wait for the arrival of the enemy.

Zhang Yi came to the second floor, but for the first time climbed the small attic above the second floor.

The space here is not very large, only a little more than 50 square meters, which is the size of a bathroom in the shelter.

The meaning of its existence, perhaps is the study, perhaps is the music room, perhaps just to climb the height and look at the distant scenery.

Zhang Yi came here only because it was the highest point of the shelter and could see far away.

And there are skylights on all sides of the loft, so the view is wide. There is no doubt that this is a great sniper spot for him!

Zhang Yi walked to the window and looked out through the floor-to-ceiling window.

After the battle with the West Mountain base, the front of the whole Yunque Manor was almost flattened.

So the front is very wide open.

Not far away is the long Lujiang River, opposite one after another snow house is located in Xujia town.

Looking east and west, there was a vast white plain.

Once there were buildings or forests.

But after the end of the world, blizzards destroy everything around them, and when they are buried by snow, they create an empty white field.

It's perfect for a charge.

And because it is too open, it is also very suitable for sniping.

Zhang Yi took out a tin box from the different space, and then silently took out a heavy sniper rifle from inside.

He was in no hurry to mount the gun in the window, and took out several boxes of sniper bullets and put them next to it.

Then he brought a chair so that he could snipe without his weak legs affecting his performance.

After all, this could be a long fight, and he needs to rest.

When he was ready, he said, "Little Love, open the window in front of you."

The dimensional door seals the position of the window, eliminating all possibility of shooting from the outside.

And the next Zhang Yi to do, is to wait for the sight of the enemy figure.

Zhang Yi is not a fighter.

Even if he had killed Ling Feng one on one, he also firmly believed that he was not good at close combat.

Even if he has the ability to accelerate, even if he has learned kung fu with Liang Yue for a period of time, he is still instinctively resistant to close combat.

Because that's not his strong suit.

If a person wants to win all the time, one is to bully the weak and choose the right opponent;

The second is to develop strengths and avoid weaknesses, do not touch their shortcomings.

That's why he doesn't go out and fight the enemy.

After swallowing Ling Feng's power, Zhang Yi's power has been greatly improved.

In addition to the ability to gain divine power, other abilities have also improved significantly.

The first is the ability to shoot accurately, so that under the condition of holding a sniper, the effective range can reach 3.5 kilometers, and the maximum range can reach 5 kilometers.

This means that from a distance of 5 kilometers, he can shoot unsuspecting ordinary people.

But within 3.5 kilometers, he can also shoot soldiers wearing ordinary body armor or bulletproof helmets!

Soldiers in special combat uniforms are a little harder to kill.

But within 1500 meters, you can also do a kill!

After all, the combat uniforms of ordinary soldiers and the combat uniforms of captains are not on the same level of defense.

Enemies above the rank of captain, on the other hand, are basically either protected or cannot be killed by firearms.

He would pay no attention.

Those people to Liang Yue and others to deal with.

Otherwise, why give Liang Yue Longming ah!

The second is Zhang Yi's dimensional gate, which now has a larger area and can withstand a higher energy load.

These two aspects are already a very huge improvement, in a sense, it is simply terrifying!

But if I meet Ling Feng again.

Encounter. There's no preconditions.

He still has a more than 50% chance of being killed by Ling Feng!

This is the weakness of ability.

"But as long as I can develop my strengths and avoid my weaknesses, and use my abilities to the maximum, I will become a nightmare for my enemies!"

Zhang Yi narrowed her eyes slowly.

Today, he has only two things to do.

First, try to kill the other side's ordinary soldiers before the battle!

Inhumans are harder to kill. They don't have to be cared for.

And ordinary soldiers he shot one, has the ability to accurately shoot the lock and aim, the bullet will not miss.

Those ordinary soldiers die too much, it must affect the morale of the other side.

Besides, although they are ordinary soldiers, they are also valuable armed forces of all major forces.

Perhaps the other side in the case of too much soldier losses in advance to give up the battle, choose to retreat.

If you can subdue the army without fighting, it is the best result for Zhang Yi.

Second, Zhang Yi must rely on the ability of the dimensional door to maximize the help of Liang Yue, Uncle You several people to defend.

These are the only two things he has to do today.

Once these two tasks are completed, he will decisively abandon the first line of defense and send everyone back to shelter.

No matter what, he won't give anyone a chance to get close to him!

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